Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
No. 82 of 2012
table of provisions
Part 1—Preliminary
Part 2—Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011
4Obligation on staff employed or engaged under section29 not
to make public comment
5Unauthorised disclosures
6Disclosure of information by the IBAC
7Disclosure subject to confidentiality notice
8Notice of dismissal, investigation or referral of complaint or notification
9Conducting investigations about corrupt conduct
10Referral of complaint or notification for investigation by
another person or body
11Notice of withdrawal of referral
12Return of things seized from police personnel premises
13Heading to section 82E amended
14Witness summons and content and form of witness summons
15Witness already held in custody
16Legal representation of witnesses and other persons
17Specific provisions relating to witnesses
18Actions to be taken before questioning of a witness or requiring production of a document or other thing
19Bail pending court appearance for contempt
20Advice to a complainant and other person
21Outcome of investigation
22New sections 101A and 101B inserted
101ADisclosure of transferred restricted matter
101BOffence to disclose certain information received from
the IBAC
23Exemption from Freedom of Information Act 1982
24New sections 112 and 113 inserted
112Regulations dealing with transitional matters
25Schedule of savings and transitional provisions inserted
SCHEDULE—Savings and Transitional Provisions
2General transitional provisions
3Office of Police Integrity and office of Director abolished
4IBAC succeeds Office of Police Integrity
5Superseded references to Director
6Transfer of records, information and documents
7Transferred protected information
9Annual reports and other reports
11Own motion investigations
12Chief Commissioner of Police to respond to the IBAC
13Direction to require answers etc. of police
14Witness summonses and related matters
16Legal assistance for witnesses
17Witness already held in custody
18Confidentiality notices
19Legal professional privilege
20Arrest of recalcitrant witness
21Powers of entry, search and seizure
22Protection of persons, documents and other things
23Investigations completed but proceedings not commenced
24Contempt of Director
25Exemption from Freedom of Information Act 1982 under section 51 of the PIA
Part 3—Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011
27Objects of Act
28Functions of the Victorian Inspectorate
30Section 27 substituted
27Obligation on persons employed or engaged under section24 or engaged under section25
31Disclosure and provision of information
32New section 28BA inserted
28BASpecial provisions applying in respect of functions
under section9(2)(g) and(h) and Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act2004
33Victorian Inspectorate may provide or disclose information
for specified purposes
34Restrictions on compelling production or disclosure
35Confidentiality notice
36Coercive questioning
38Investigation of complaint
39Own motion investigation
40Conduct of investigation
41Requirement to provide assistance
42Conduct of inquiry
43Witness summons
44Content and form of witness summons
45Legal representation of witnesses and other persons
46Specific provisions relating to witnesses
47Actions to be taken before questioning of a witness or
requiring production of a document or other thing
48Powers of entry, inspection and seizure
49Offence for summoned witness to fail to produce document
or other thing
50Privileges and secrecy generally
51Privilege against self-incrimination abrogated—witness summons
52Contempt of the Victorian Inspectorate
53Bail pending court appearance for contempt
54New sections 35E and 35F inserted
35ERecommendation to the Chief Examiner
35FRecommendation for further action
55Special reports
56Advice to a complainant
57Outcome of investigation
58New section 37A inserted
37APowers of Victorian Inspectorate after investigation
59Matters to be included in annual report
60Exemption from FOI Act
61New sections 42A and 42B inserted
42ARegulations dealing with transitional matters
62Schedule of savings and transitional provisions inserted
SCHEDULE—Savings and Transitional Provisions
2General transitional provisions
3SIM and office of SIM abolished
4Victorian Inspectorate succeeds SIM
5Superseded references to SIM
6Transfer of records, information and documents
7Reports to the Victorian Inspectorate
8Complaints to the Victorian Inspectorate—PIA
9Complaints and investigations about administrative action taken in the OPI
10Other powers of the Victorian Inspectorate
11Annual report
Part 4—Consequential and Other Amendments
Division 1—Telecommunications (Interception) (State Provisions) Act1988
65Documents to be given to the Minister
66Documents to be given by State Police Minister to Commonwealth Minister
67Functions of the Office of Police Integrity
68Heading to Part 3 amended
70Section 11 substituted
11Regular inspections of records of Police Force
72Section 13 amended
73Division 3 of Part 3 substituted
Division 3—Inspection of records of the IBAC
14Regular inspections of records of the IBAC
16Victorian Inspectorate may report on contraventions
74Definitions for Division 4 of Part 3
75Section 18 amended
76Power to obtain relevant information
77Headings to sections 20 and 20B amended
78Section 20C substituted
20CDelegation by Victorian Inspectorate
79Copies of reports for Commonwealth Minister
80Offences relating to inspections under Part 3
81New sections 25 and 26 inserted
25Transitional provisions—Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act2011
26Transitional provisions—Victorian Inspectorate Act2011
Division 2—Crimes (Assumed Identities) Act 2004
83Determination of applications
84Delegation of chief officer's functions
85New section 37 inserted
37Transitional provisions—Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Investigative Functions) Act2012
Division 3—Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act 2004
87Unauthorised disclosure of information
88Chief officers' reports
89Annual report by Special Investigations Monitor
90Inspection of records by Special Investigations Monitor
91Delegations within the Office of Police Integrity
92New section 48 inserted
48Savings provision
93New section 60 inserted
60Transitional provisions—Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Investigative Functions) Act2012
Division 4—Firearms Act 1996
95Persons from whom and to whom a dealer can acquire and dispose of firearms
96Offence to acquire a firearm without a permit
97Offence to carry or use a firearm in certain places
98Offence to possess, carry or use a firearm on private property without consent
99Non-prohibited Persons who are Exempt from Requirement
to hold a Licence under Part2
Division 5—Fisheries Act 1995
100Definitions for Part 7A
101Unauthorised disclosure of information
102Secretary's reports
103Section 131T amended
104Section 131W amended
105New section 163E inserted
163ETransitional provision—Integrity and
Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
Division 6—Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004
107Preliminary requirements
108Restriction on publication of evidence
109Heading to Part 5 amended
110Section 51 substituted
51Functions of the Victorian Inspectorate under this Part
111Section 52 amended
112Section 53 amended
113Section 54 substituted
54Complaint to Victorian Inspectorate
114Section 55 repealed
115Section 56 repealed
116Recommendations by Special Investigations Monitor
117Section 58 substituted
58Requirement to provide assistance
118Powers of entry and access
119Requirement to answer questions and produce documents
120Section 61 amended
121Report on operation of this Part
122Crown privilege or secrecy does not apply
125Obligations of Chief Commissioner
127Exemption from Freedom of Information Act 1982
128New sections 71 and 72 inserted
71Transitional provision—Complaints to the SIM
72Transitional provision—First annual report
Division 7—Sex Offenders Registration Act 2004
129Purpose and objects
131Appeal against order
132When order takes effect
133Sections 66A and 66B amended
134Powers in relation to monitoring
135Reports on monitoring compliance
136Exclusion of liability
137New section 73D inserted
73DTransitional provision—Integrity and
Accountability Legislation Amendment Act2012
Division 8—Surveillance Devices Act 1999
139Permitted use of local protected information
140Sections 30P and 30Q amended
141New sections 43 and 44 inserted
43Transitional provisions—Integrity and
Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
44Transitional provisions—Public Interest Monitor
and repeal of Police Integrity Act2008
Division 9—Wildlife Act 1975
142Definitions for Part IX
143Unauthorised disclosure of information
144Secretary's reports
145Sections 74P and 74S amended
146New section 97 inserted
97Transitional provision—Integrity and
Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
Part 5—Repeal and Further Consequential Amendments
Division 1—Repeal
147Major Crime (Special Investigations Monitor) Act 2004 repealed
Division 2—Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption
Commission Amendment (Investigative Functions) Act 2012
148Delegation powers and other amendments to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Investigative Functions) Act2012
149Section 14 amended
150Section 15 amended
9GADocuments to be given to Minister
9GBDocuments to be given by State Minister to Commonwealth Minister
Division 3—Amendments to Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Examinations) Act 2012
and Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011
151Statute law revision and other amendments
152Delegation powers and repeal of spent amending provisions
Division 4—Other amendments
153Freedom of Information Amendment (Freedom of Information Commissioner) Act 2012
154Evidence Amendment (Journalist Privilege) Act2012
Division 5—Further consequential amendments
155Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security
Act 2005
156Confiscation Act 1997—Application for monitoring order
157Confiscation Act 1997—New section 187 inserted
187Transitional—Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011
158Control of Weapons Act 1990
159Crimes Act 1958
160Criminal Procedure Act 2009
161Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981
162Information Privacy Act 2000
163Legal Aid Act 1978—Functions and powers
164Police Regulation Act 1958
165Public Administration Act 2004
166Public Interest Monitor Act 2011
167Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003
168Witness Protection Act 1991
169New section 27 inserted—Witness Protection Act1991
27Transitional provisions—Integrity and
Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
Division 6—Amendment of other Acts relating to notifications
and other matters
170Accident Compensation Act 1985—Definitions
171New Division 1 of Part VIII and Division 2 heading inserted
Division 1—The Authority and the IBAC
236CMandatory notification of corrupt conduct to IBAC
236DConsultation prior to notification
236ECommunication of information to the IBAC
236FAuthority not to prejudice investigations of the IBAC
Division 2—General
172Electoral Act 2002—Definitions
173New sections 19A to 19D inserted
19AMandatory notification of corrupt conduct to IBAC
19BConsultation prior to notifcation
19CCommunication of information to the IBAC
19DElectoral Commissioner not to prejudice
investigations of the IBAC
174Environment Protection Act 1970—Definitions
175New Division 1A of Part X inserted
Division 1A—The Authority and the IBAC
54CMandatory notification of corrupt conduct to IBAC
54DConsultation prior to notification
54ECommunication of information to the IBAC
54FAuthority not to prejudice investigations of the IBAC
176Disclosure of information an offence
177Public Administration Act 2004—Definitions
178New Division 4 of Part 4 inserted—Public Administration Act2004
Division 4—The Authority and the IBAC
74AMandatory notification of corrupt conduct to IBAC
74BConsultation prior to notification
74CCommunication of information to the IBAC
74DAuthority not to prejudice investigations of the IBAC
179Prohibition on disclosure of certain information—Public Administration Act 2004
180Racing Act 1958—Definitions
181Functions of the Racing Integrity Commissioner
182Disclosure of information—Racing Act 1958
183New sections 37G to 37J inserted—Racing Act 1958
37GMandatory notification of corrupt conduct to IBAC
37HConsultation prior to referral or notification
37ICommunication of information to the IBAC
37JRacing Integrity Commissioner not to prejudice investigations of the IBAC
Part 6—Audit Act 1994 and Related Amendments
Division 1—Amendments to Audit Act 1994
185Annual reporting and delegation
186Power to call for persons and documents
187New sections 11A to 11G inserted
11AAuditor-General to report to Victorian Inspectorate
on calling for persons or documents
11BRequirement given to person under 16years
11CLegal advice and representation
11DAdvance notice of performance audits
11EFurther provisions relating to appearances
11FAudio or video recording of compulsory appearances
11GProtection of legal practitioners and witnesses at compulsory appearances
188Access to information
189Reports to Parliament
190Audits in relation to financial benefits given by the State or authorities
191Other financial audits
192Independent auditor to audit Victorian Auditor-General's
193Performance audit of Auditor-General and Victorian Auditor-General's Office
194New Part 4A inserted
Part 4A—Notifications and Information Sharing
19AMandatory notification of corrupt conduct to IBAC
19BMandatory notification to Victorian Inspectorate
19CCommunication of information to specified persons
or bodies
195New section 20 inserted
20Content of reports
196New section 29 inserted
"29Transitional provisions—Integrity and
Accountability Legislation Amendment Act2012
Division 2—Amendments to Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011
199Objects of Act
200New section 5A inserted
5AInvestigation of conduct occurring before the commencement of this section
201Functions of the Victorian Inspectorate
203New Part 2B inserted
Part 2B—Matters to be Reported to the Victorian Inspectorate by the Auditor-General
28HCoercive questioning
205Investigation of complaint
206Own motion investigation
207Conduct of investigation
208Requirement to provide assistance
209Conduct of inquiry
210Content and form of witness summons
211Legal representation of witnesses and other persons
212Powers of entry, inspection and seizure
213Privileges and secrecy generally
214Privilege against self-incrimination
215Recommendation for further action
216New sections 35A and 35B inserted
35ARecommendation to the Auditor-General
35BRecommendation for further action in respect of
VAGO officers
217Advice to a complainant
218Outcome of investigation
219Matters to be included in annual report
220Exemption from FOI Act
Division 3—Amendments to Parliamentary Committees Act2003
222IBAC Committee
223Public Accounts and Estimates Committee
Part 7—Ombudsman Act 1973 and Related Amendments
Division 1—Amendments to Ombudsman Act 1973
225Oath or affirmation
226New section 12 substituted
12Restriction on other employment
227Section 13 substituted and sections 13AA and 13AB inserted
13Principal function of Ombudsman
13AAOther functions of Ombudsman
13ABOmbudsman not to prejudice legal proceedings or investigations
228Conducting of enquiries
229Division 1 of Part IV substituted
Division 1—Complaints generally
14Making a complaint
15Ombudsman must refuse to deal with certain
15AOmbudsman may refuse to deal with certain
15BInvestigation of complaints
230Investigations referred by Parliament
231New Divisions 2A to 2E inserted in Part IV
Division 2A—Own motion investigations
16AOmbudsman may conduct own motion investigation
Division 2B—Referred complaints and matters
16BWhat are referred complaints and referred matters?
16CDealing with referred complaints
16DDealing with referred matters
Division 2C—Mandatory notifications by the Ombudsman
16ENotification to IBAC
16FNotification to Victorian Inspectorate
16GNotification to Freedom of Information
Division 2D—Referrals by the Ombudsman
16HApplication of Division
16IOmbudsman may refer complaints
16JNotice of referral
16KConsultation prior to referral
Division 2E—Information sharing
16LDisclosure of information by the Ombudsman
232Procedure relating to investigations
233Investigation powers
234New sections 18A to 18G inserted
18AOmbudsman to report to Victorian Inspectorate
on issue of witness summons
18BWitness summons directed to person under 16years
18CLegal advice and representation
18DAdvance notice for voluntary appearances
18EFurther provisions relating to appearances
18FAudio or video recording of compulsory appearances
18GProtection of legal practitioners and witnesses at compulsory appearances
236Communication of information
237Entry of premises
238Investigations under Melbourne City Link Act 1995
239Procedure on completion of investigation
240Complainant to be informed of result of investigation
241Transmission of reports to Parliament
242New section 25AB inserted
25ABTransmission of section 16 reports
243New section 25A substituted and section 25B inserted
25AContent of reports
25BPersons who receive proposed or draft reports or information in them
244New Part VA inserted
Part VA—Confidentiality
Division 1—Confidentiality requirements for Ombudsman officers
26AUnauthorised disclosure
26BTaking advantage of information
Division 2—Confidentiality notices
26CConfidentiality notice
26DExtension of confidentiality notice
26EOmbudsman to provide Victorian Inspectorate with copies
26FDisclosure subject to confidentiality notice
245New Part VB inserted
Part VB—Oversight of the Ombudsman
26GOversight by Victorian Inspectorate
26HOversight by Accountability and Oversight
26IPowers and procedures of Accountability and
Oversight Committee
246Letters by persons in custody etc.
247Exemption from Freedom of Information Act 1982
248New section 29B inserted
250New section 35 inserted
35Transitional provisions—Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
251New Schedules 1, 2 and 3 substituted for the Schedule
SCHEDULE 1—Specified Entities
SCHEDULE 2—Exempt Persons and Bodies
SCHEDULE 3—Persons and Bodies to whom or which the Ombudsman may refer complaints
Division 2—Consequential amendment of Freedom of Information Act1982
252Section 61M substituted
61MComplaints notified or referred by other bodies
Division 3—Consequential amendments to Independent Broad-
based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011
254Functions of the IBAC
255Referral of complaint or notification for investigation by
another person or body
256Provision to the IBAC of information about referred complaint
or notification
257Withdrawal of referred complaint or notification
258New Part 6A inserted
Part 6A—Monitoring and Review
89CMonitoring compliance with Division 3 of Part 4 of Melbourne City Link Act 1995
89DPowers in relation to monitoring compliance with Division 3 of Part 4 of Melbourne City Link
Act 1995
89EPolice must provide reasonable assistance
Division 4—Consequential amendments to Parliamentary Committees Act 2003
260Accountability and Oversight Committee
Division 5—Consequential amendments to Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011
262Objects of Act
263Investigation of conduct occurring before the commencement of this section
264Functions of the Victorian Inspectorate
266New Part 2C inserted
Part 2C—Matters to be Reported to the Victorian Inspectorate By The Ombudsman
28ICoercive questioning
268Investigation of complaint
269Own motion investigation
270Conduct of investigation
271Requirement to provide assistance
272Conduct of inquiry and examination must be held in private
273Content and form of witness summons
274Legal representation of witnesses and other persons
275Powers of entry, inspection and seizure
276Privileges and secrecy generally
277Privilege against self-incrimination
278New sections 35C and 35D inserted
35CRecommendation to the Ombudsman
35DRecommendation for further action in respect of Ombudsman officers
279Advice to a complainant
280Outcome of investigation
281Matters to be included in annual report
282Exemption from FOI Act
Division 6—Consequential amendment of other Acts
283Accident Compensation Act 1985
284Children, Youth and Families Act 2005
285Corrections Act 1986
286Court Security Act 1980
287Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority
Act 2004
288Firearms Act 1996
289Health Records Act 2001
290Health Services Act 1988
291Information Privacy Act 2000
292Juries Act 2000
293Magistrates' Court Act 1989
294Melbourne City Link Act 1995
295Plant Biosecurity Act 2010
296Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008
297Transport (Compliance and Miscellaneous) Act1983
Part 8—Renumbering of Independent Broad-
based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 and Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011
Division 1—Renumbering of Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011
298Renumbering of sections of the Independent Broad-based Anticorruption Commission Act 2011
299Renumbering of other provisions of the Independent Broadbased Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011
300References in other Acts and documents to renumbered provisions
Division 2—Renumbering of Victorian Inspectorate Act2011
301Renumbering of sections of the Victorian Inspectorate Act2011
302Renumbering of other provisions of the Victorian
Inspectorate Act2011
303References in other Acts and documents to renumbered provisions
Division 3—Renumbering of references in other Acts
304Accident Compensation Act 1985
305Audit Act 1994
306Crimes (Assumed Identities) Act 2004
307Electoral Act 2002
308Environment Protection Act 1970
309Firearms Act 1996
310Legal Aid Act 1978
311Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004
312Melbourne City Link Act 1995
313Ombudsman Act 1973
314Police Regulation Act 1958
315Protected Disclosure Act 2012
316Protected Disclosure Act 2012—Schedule 1
317Public Administration Act 2004
318Racing Act 1958
319Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003
320Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011
321Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011—Schedule
Part 9—Repeal of amending Act
322Repeal of amending Act
Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012[†]
No. 82 of 2012
[Assented to 18 December 2012]
Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
No. 82 of 2012
Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
No. 82 of 2012
The Parliament of Victoriaenacts:
Part 9—Repeal of amending Act
Integrity and Accountability Legislation Amendment Act 2012
No. 82 of 2012
Part 1—Preliminary
The main purposes of this Act are—
(a)to amend the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011and the Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011to provide for matters of a transitional and savings nature and make other amendments;
(b) to amend the Telecommunications (Interception) (State Provisions) Act 1988 to make provision for the IBAC to use powers under the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 of the Commonwealth and to make other amendments;
(c)to amend the Audit Act 1994, the Ombudsman Act 1973and related Actsas a consequence of the establishment of the IBAC and the Victorian Inspectorate and for related purposes;
s. 1
(d)to amend the Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011 to confer functions on the Victorian Inspectorate in relation to the Auditor-General, the Ombudsman and the offices of Chief Examiner and Examiner under the Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004;
(e) to amend the Ombudsman Act 1973 and theParliamentary Committees Act 2003to confer functions on—
(i)the Accountability and Oversight Committee of Parliament in relation to the Ombudsman and the Victorian Inspectorate;
(ii) the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee of Parliament in relation to the Victorian Inspectorate;
(f) to repeal the Major Crime (Special Investigations Monitor) Act 2004;
(g) to make consequential and other amendments to other Acts.
s. 2
(1)This Partand Divisions 2 and3of Part 5come into operation on the day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
(2)Section 153 is taken to have come into operation on 6 March 2012.
(3)Section 154 is taken to have come into operation on 18 September 2012.
(4) The remaining provisions of this Act, other than Part 8,come into operation on a day or days to be proclaimed.
(5)Part 8 comes into operation on the day after the day on which the last provision of this Act (other than Part 8) comes into operation.
Part 2—Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011
s. 3
Act No.
and amending
Act Nos
66/2011, 70/2011, 13/2012, 28/2012and 52/2012.
In section 3(1) of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011—
(a)in the definition of notification to the IBAC, after paragraph (b) insert—
"(c)a notification under section 236C of the Accident Compensation Act 1985;
(d) a notification under section 19A of the Audit Act 1994;
(e) a notification under section 19A of the Electoral Act 2002;
(f) a notification under section 54C of the Environment Protection Act 1970;
(g) a notification under section 16E of the Ombudsman Act 1973;
(h) a notification under section 74A of the Public Administration Act 2004;
(i) a notification under section 37G of the Racing Act 1958;";
(b)in the definition of vessel for "Marine Act 1988" substitute "Marine Safety Act 2010".
4Obligation on staff employed or engaged under section29 not to make public comment
(1)In the heading to section 32 of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 after "29" insert "or persons engaged under section 30".
(2)In section 32 of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 after "section 29" insert "or engaged under section 30".
5Unauthorised disclosures
s. 5
(1)In the heading to section 33A of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 after "disclosures" insert "or provision of information".
(2)In section 33A(b) of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 for "instituted" substitute "brought".
6Disclosure of information by the IBAC
In the heading to section 33B of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 after "Disclosure" insert "or provision".
7Disclosure subject to confidentiality notice
(1)In section 33E(2)(b)(iii) of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 omit "cognitive,".
(2)In section 33E(2)(d) of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011after "duty of disclosure"insert "or a professional obligation".
8Notice of dismissal, investigation or referral of complaint or notification