English 10

Mrs. Vasey

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to my sophomore English class. This course will focus on reading comprehension, literary response and analysis, listening and speaking skills, and writing. These guidelines will help you to enjoy a successful year in this course.

Reading List:

Short stories from the 10th grade literature book

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

A Dog’s Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron

Night by Elie Weisel

Class Expectations:

a.  Students will come to class on time and be seated when the bell rings.

b.  Students will be prepared for class with paper, pens, pencils, textbook, or novel.

c.  Students will actively participate in all classroom discussions and activities.

d.  Students will treat each other and the instructor with respect and courtesy at all times.

e.  Students will maintain cleanliness of the classroom.

f.  There will be no use of electronic devices or makeup in my classroom. If it is out, I will confiscate it until the end of the day.

g.  Students will be given 5 hall passes at the beginning of the semester. Use them sparingly because you will not be given extras. You may not leave class without a hall pass.

h.  No hats or hoods on in my classroom.

Grading Policy:

This course will be graded on a straight points/percentage scale. Due to the wide range of skills taught and practiced in the language arts curriculum, a wide range of assessments will be used.

In accordance with the English Department policy, the following grade scale will be in effect:

100–93% A 77.99-73% C

92.99-90% A- 72.99-70% C-

89.99-88% B+ 69.99-68% D+

87.99-83% B 67.99-63% D

82.99-80% B- 62.99-60% D-

79.99-78% C+ 59.99-0% F

Fractions of percentages will NOT be rounded.

Participation points will be about 10% of your grade. Class participation is based on attendance, active participation in all class discussions and activities, as well as attitude and behavior.

Late Work: Assignments must be turned in on time for full credit. I will only accept an assignment one day after it is due and it will be given half credit. Students with a valid excuse for an all day absence will be given one day, per day of absence, to turn in make up work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for the work that was missed.

Cell Phone Policy:

Cell phones will be turned off during instructional time.

1st offense: Confiscate phone until end of period, referral, and lunch detention.

2nd offense: Confiscate phone until end of day, referral, and after school detention.

3rd offense: Confiscate phone until end of week, referral, and Saturday school.

All further offenses will repeat #3

Tardy Policy:

Tardy #1,2,3: Warning

Tardy #4: Lunch detention, participation points affected

Tardy #5: After school detention, participation points affected

Tardy #6: Saturday school, participation points affected

Any further tardy problem and parents will be contacted for a meeting.


It is your responsibility to complete your work and meet the requirements of this class. Furthermore, I expect that you be honest in your dealings with me. Cheating will not be tolerated in class. Anytime a student is caught cheating, all papers involved will receive a “zero” and a referral will be sent to the office. In collaboration with campus policy, a second incident of academic dishonesty will result in removal from the class with a failing grade.

Students or parents who wish to contact me may do so through the school’s phone system at (626) 965-3448 xt 3265 from 10:30-11:20am. On late start Mondays, you can contact me from 11:10-11:50am. You may also choose to contact me via my email address: . I am available before school or at lunch, upon request, for those students who may be struggling in my class. I would also suggest using Homelink to check your student’s grades regularly.

Raider Goals:

Successful students will be…

Thinkers Contributors Communicators

*Ask questions *Work collaboratively *Read for understanding

*Set goals *Act responsibly *Write with clarity

*Solve problems *Behave appropriately *Speak with confidence

*Utilize technology *See globally *Listen with care