June 16, 2015
Behavioral Health Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Sean Waldron, Michele Osmond, Mark Gunning, Fran Lands, Lennart Nivegard, Bear Lake Commissioner, Bill Slave, Matt Wadsworth, Commissioner Howard Manwaring
On the phone: Bobbie Matkin, Central Office-Rosie, Optum
Visitors were present
Excused: JoAnn Martinez, Patti Allen
Approval of Minutes
Mark Gunning: Moved to approve the minutes for March and April 2015, which was seconded by Fran Lands and approved by the board.
Children’s Mental Health Sub Committee Discussion
Mark Gunning provided a brief update that the committee wants to look at regional training/workshops. He can provide more information on the ramifications of the Jeff D lawsuit if requested.
Sean Waldron stated there was an article released on the Jeff D lawsuit and he will make sure a copy gets sent to the board members.
Fran Lands brought up the suicide rate in Bannock County and the impact of trauma. It was also stated that the highest rate of suicide is among Native young men.
Rosie with Central Office stated that other areas are using Adolescent Peer Support Services and Deon will follow up with Optum on Peer Support Services for adolescents.
School District 25 is part of Idaho Drug Free Youth and they have a strong peer support model.
Idaho Federation of Families has a strong support group for youth every Friday that meets in Bannock County at the Juvenile Justice Building. A number will be provided since the time changes depending on the activity for that particular week.
Recovery Support Services Sub Committee Discussion
Betty Moore provided an update on the Needs Assessment that was conducted and that it was sent to Optum for review. The committee is also analyzing the results and they will provide more information at a later date. The committee is discussing the need to have a conference.
Deon shared that under optumidaho.com under the provider tab there is some information regarding training.
Additional Updates/Business
E-mails went out last month since a qurom was not present at the meeting regarding using the extra money for misc. items with the board’s logo and to buy a recorder for the secretary—both of which were approved by the board through the e-mail vote. (Lennart Nivegard voted yes today)
Linda Cantrell retired from Health and Welfare and her position will need to be filled on the board. Michele Osmond will have a name to be considered.
Commissioner: Moved to approve Matt Wadsworth’s position on the board to also represent the Tribe, which was seconded by Commissioner Manwaring and approved by the board.
The board had some discussion around adding members to the board and their role, specifically regarding voting. Sean Waldron will look at past minutes to see what was decided on the Power County Representative, Connie Shepard and the Caribou County Representative, Dave Dougal and them being added to the board and what steps need to occur next.
Discussion around whether we need to have an Executive Committee to be a liason in gathering information between the Behavioral Health Board and the Public Health Board. This will not be necessary if the Behavioral Health Board merges with the Public Health Board. Central Office-Rosie will help with any details if the board decides to go in this direction.
Discussion around Bi-Laws and that the board will need to work on them after a decision is made on the direction that board wants to go.
Janae Anderson will add a focus statement on the website regarding the Children’s Mental Health Sub Committee and the Recovery Support Service Sub Committee.
Discussion on whether we need a Sub Committee on Gaps and Needs and if providers would be interested.
Discussion on billing for Recovery Coach services.
Commissioner Manwaring will take the lead on setting up a Legislative Meeting to discuss the Behavioral Health Board’s goals, looking at possibly in October. Mark Gunning motioned that Commissioner Manwaring take the lead and Sean Waldron seconded.
The next Public Health Board Meeting will be on July 23, 2015, and Michele Osmond, Kathy Skippenand Sean Waldron will attend and provide a report at the next Behavioral Health Board Meeting August 18, 2015.
Discussion on the flyer and the process for the Crisis Center in Idaho Falls, Janae Anderson will make some revisions and bring to the next meeting in July.
Meeting was moved to be adjourned by Mark Gunning and seconded by Michele Osmond and approved by the board.