Name ______

Summer Reading Study Guide

The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino

2008 St. Edward High School Summer Reading

Chapter 1

  1. Describe Hafid:
  1. Who was Erasmus?
  1. Who was Lisha?
  1. What were Hafid's emporium managers to receive?
  1. What was Erasmus to receive?

Chapter 2

  1. What was the sole item in the secret room where Hafid brought Erasmus?
  1. What was contained in the chest when Hafid opened it?

Chapter 3

  1. What was young Hafid's job when he worked for Pathos?
  1. What job did young Hafid want?
  2. What was young Hafid's ultimate goal?
  1. According to Pathos where is "true wealth" really located?
  1. According to Pathos what is the worst part of the job of being a salesman?
  1. What does young Hafid receive from Silvio before he leaves the caravan station to begin his new career?

Chapter 4

  1. This chapter opens with Hafid eating in what city?
  1. What did Hafid find in the cold cave in Bethlehem?

Chapter 5

  1. Chapter 5 begins with Hafid returning home, regretting his "foolish act." What "foolish act" had Hafid committed in Bethlehem?
  1. What followed Hafid as he returned to Jerusalem from Bethlehem?
  1. Why couldn't Pathos sleep the night Hafid returned from Bethlehem?

Chapter 6

  1. What awaits Pathos "like a hungry dog at our kitchen door?"
  1. Why did Pathos choose Hafid to receive the chest and the scrolls?
  1. What is Hafid directed to do with half the money he earns as a salesman?

Chapter 7

  1. Upon leaving Pathos what major city did Hafid travel to?
  1. Who was Antoine?
  1. Upon awakening one morning what did Hafid find perched on a chest in his room?

Chapter 8

  1. What is the difference between an olive tree and an onion plant?
  1. According to the book, what is the definition of "failure?"
  1. For how many days will Hamid read each of the scrolls?

Chapter 9

  1. The lesson of this chapter is simple. It is important to "greet the day" with what?

Chapter 10

  1. According to the story, how are young bulls tested for their bravery?
  1. The lesson of this chapter is simple. It is important to "persist" until a person is able to do what?

Chapter 11

  1. Man is nature's "greatest" what?
  1. While all men are brothers, every man is also what?
  1. To be successful the market place needs to be separate from what?

Chapter 12

  1. The lesson of this chapter is easy. Do not worry about yesterday or today, but rather live today how?
  1. How should one treat the new day's sunrise?

Chapter 13

  1. To be successful what must be mastered and controlled?
  1. According to the story "nature is a ______of moods..."
  1. What does a weak person do?

Chapter 14

  1. According to Chapter 14 man is the only creature on Earth who is able to do what?
  1. "All worldly things" eventually do what?

Chapter 15

  1. In this chapter the author uses examples of a mulberry leaf, a field of clay and a cyprus tree to explain what lesson?
  1. How is man different from a grain of wheat?

Chapter 16

  1. Why are dreams, plans and goals of no value?

Chapter 17

  1. According to this chapter we should never pray for material things. Rather, man should use prayer to seek what?

Chapter 18

  1. What is Hafid waiting for at the start of Chapter 18?
  1. Who comes to visit Hafid?
  1. What is the story of St. Stephen?
  1. What did Paul carry in his sack?
  1. Why do you think Paul should receive the chest and scrolls from Hamid?