Name ______
Summer Reading Study Guide
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
2008 St. Edward High School Summer Reading
Chapter 1
- Describe Hafid:
- Who was Erasmus?
- Who was Lisha?
- What were Hafid's emporium managers to receive?
- What was Erasmus to receive?
Chapter 2
- What was the sole item in the secret room where Hafid brought Erasmus?
- What was contained in the chest when Hafid opened it?
Chapter 3
- What was young Hafid's job when he worked for Pathos?
- What job did young Hafid want?
- What was young Hafid's ultimate goal?
- According to Pathos where is "true wealth" really located?
- According to Pathos what is the worst part of the job of being a salesman?
- What does young Hafid receive from Silvio before he leaves the caravan station to begin his new career?
Chapter 4
- This chapter opens with Hafid eating in what city?
- What did Hafid find in the cold cave in Bethlehem?
Chapter 5
- Chapter 5 begins with Hafid returning home, regretting his "foolish act." What "foolish act" had Hafid committed in Bethlehem?
- What followed Hafid as he returned to Jerusalem from Bethlehem?
- Why couldn't Pathos sleep the night Hafid returned from Bethlehem?
Chapter 6
- What awaits Pathos "like a hungry dog at our kitchen door?"
- Why did Pathos choose Hafid to receive the chest and the scrolls?
- What is Hafid directed to do with half the money he earns as a salesman?
Chapter 7
- Upon leaving Pathos what major city did Hafid travel to?
- Who was Antoine?
- Upon awakening one morning what did Hafid find perched on a chest in his room?
Chapter 8
- What is the difference between an olive tree and an onion plant?
- According to the book, what is the definition of "failure?"
- For how many days will Hamid read each of the scrolls?
Chapter 9
- The lesson of this chapter is simple. It is important to "greet the day" with what?
Chapter 10
- According to the story, how are young bulls tested for their bravery?
- The lesson of this chapter is simple. It is important to "persist" until a person is able to do what?
Chapter 11
- Man is nature's "greatest" what?
- While all men are brothers, every man is also what?
- To be successful the market place needs to be separate from what?
Chapter 12
- The lesson of this chapter is easy. Do not worry about yesterday or today, but rather live today how?
- How should one treat the new day's sunrise?
Chapter 13
- To be successful what must be mastered and controlled?
- According to the story "nature is a ______of moods..."
- What does a weak person do?
Chapter 14
- According to Chapter 14 man is the only creature on Earth who is able to do what?
- "All worldly things" eventually do what?
Chapter 15
- In this chapter the author uses examples of a mulberry leaf, a field of clay and a cyprus tree to explain what lesson?
- How is man different from a grain of wheat?
Chapter 16
- Why are dreams, plans and goals of no value?
Chapter 17
- According to this chapter we should never pray for material things. Rather, man should use prayer to seek what?
Chapter 18
- What is Hafid waiting for at the start of Chapter 18?
- Who comes to visit Hafid?
- What is the story of St. Stephen?
- What did Paul carry in his sack?
- Why do you think Paul should receive the chest and scrolls from Hamid?