Pre meeting
1. You will embark Addis Ababa 7:45 am Thursday June 2nd??? June 1st??
2. Proceed to the gate to obtain your visa
a. If you are planning to stay less than a month in Ethiopia, get the 20 USD visa
b. If you are planning to stay more than a month, you will have to obtain your visa through the embassy
3. Proceed to the bank window, exchange your money. I recommend that you exchange an amount of 150.00 initially
4. Get your luggage and proceed to the outside gate. You will be met by Mengistu (our long time driver in Addis).
Mengistu contact information is copied below
Plan B if for any reason Mengistu is not there, is to proceed to the taxi terminal and get the blue Taxi.
Your destination is Selam Guest house in Bola neighborhood, about 5 minutes from the airport
Have your reservation at the Selam guest house made prior your departure to Ethiopia.
The contact information is Dr. Ashenafi (the owner of the guest house) His email is "Ashenafi Haile" <>
I have stayed there for several years and it cost around 20 USD per night back in 2009
5. You will stay overnight and the next morning, Mengistu will give you a ride to the bus terminal.
6. Purchase the ticket through either Skybus or Selam bus to Jimma. The cost last year was 120 Ethiopian Birr
7. The drive is around 8 hours, very beautiful drive. You will stop on the way for lunch.
8. If you prefer to have your own van, we can arrange with Mengistu to see the cost. The benefit of small van per student’s comments in the past is that it is less hustle and allows you to see the country at your own pace and stop at your own convenience.
9. Once you reach the bus terminal in Jimma, get your luggage and look for someone to carry the luggage. The SYF hotel is just across the street.
10. At SYF hotel the night stay is around 10-12 USD per night, will be cheaper of you share the room, but the rooms are small though the beds are large.
11. The next morning call Belete Habte your preceptor (contact information below) and call tamiru (community outreach coordinator)
12. Go over your clinical schedule, make sure you know how to get to JU and where will be your first meeting. Arrange with Belete the scholar work in the outpatient clinic, arrange for the OMM sessions. Arrange with Tamiru the dates of your community outreach in Assendabo, preferably during the weekends.
13. There is also an opportunity for volunteer at the Missionaries of Christ, a nonprofit where there is much need to students to work in the clinic for wound dressing. The facility has a very high number of patients with HIV and TB. It is very well run. You can contact the Missionary, preferably prior to your departure. They usually need gloves donations.
Scholarly work
The two topics suggested by the local preceptor are
1. Glycemic control among DM patient at Diabetic referral clinic of JU 2. Dislipedmia among adult attending at medical outpatient department .
We will request an appointment with Dr. Jean Marc Schwartz for suggestions and recommendations to carry out this study.
Mengsitu 00251 0911-88 66 65
Driver 00251 0913 35 54 26
00251 0910 1992 66
Belete Habte 09 11 34 0588
PreceptorBelete Habte [
Fessayehu Almasaged 0251 91 381634
General coordinator of Touro program (MPH and clinical)
Selam travel office in Addis Ababa 011 663 2887
For any questions regarding your airline ticket
Missionary 251 0471 110939
My telephone number in Addis 0910305074