RossHigh School, Well Wynd, Tranent, East Lothian EH33 2EQ
Meeting of Tuesday 11thJanuary 2011
Present:K Martin (Chair), P Cunningham (Vice Chair), T McAvoy (Mins), N Nicholls (Mins), D Bartholomew, R Currie, M Collins, B Esamal, L Morrison.
Apologies:K McLeod, R Powell, A Turnbull, S Donaldson, D Grant, J Gillies, J Belton.
Minutes / Action By1. Introductions and Apologies
KM passed on the PC’s appreciation of the hard work and dedication of the Head Teacher and school staff during the recent bad weather.
Apologies as above.
2. Minutes and Matters Arising from Meeting held in October 2010
The minutes of the last meeting were approved by TM and seconded by BE.
Clerk to PC
KM expressed thanks to Val McIntyre for arranging the appointment of NN as clerk to the PC.
Cold Drinks Machine
DB advised that PPP had agreed to the installation of 3 cold drinks fountains in the school which would be cheap to run and environmentally sustainable. Dates for implementation to be finalised.
Alterations to Agenda
As HeatherWilliams was not present, this would be carried forward to the next meeting.
Archive Evening
This had been suggested by HW as an opportunity to invite the wider community into the school. DB was unsure how much archive material would be available as some had been lost during the refurbishment of the school building. As HW was not present, it was agreed that this item would be carried forward to the next meeting.
PC Logo
At thelast meeting VM had suggesteda competition for pupils to design a logo for the PC, which would help to raise its profile among pupils and parents. There would be prizes for separate age categories and for an overall winner. DB advised that the school was running a similar competition for pupils to design 1st year house logos as part of a technology project. The winning designs would eventually be printed onto P.E. T-shirts. MC suggested that a letter could be sent home to parents/pupils and that she would try to find out what other schools had done when organising similar competions.
3. Tranent High Street
DB said that pupils’ behaviour in the High Street was being addressed constructively as part of overall health and well-being education within the school. There was now a Principal Teacher managing P.E. and Guidance who was also responsible for health and well-being and a cross-curricular group which included senior pupils. Some pupils were conducting a study on the use of the High Street and were looking into working with some of the fast food outlets to be clearer on the nutritional value of their food. DB was also consulting the Student Council on ways to make the school a more attractive place for pupils to stay at lunch time and more seats and benches had recently been installed in the social area (also see item 7 below). Parents were being asked to encourage pupils to remain in school during break times and school prefects were helping to encourage responsible behaviour among pupils.
4. Head Teacher’s Update
[Details will be added to the minutes of the next PC meeting.]
RC and KM congratulated DB and all the staff at Ross High for achieving such excellent results in last year’s exams.
The school web-site was looking good, especially the “splash page” which had useful hyperlinks to other parts of the site.
DB had assured pupils that events such as the Senior Dance, which had to be cancelled due to bad weather, would go ahead in the New Year. DB said that she would provide the PC with relevant dates.
The school was being inspected by HMIe next week. KM and PC would be interviewed on behalf of the PC.
5. Treasurer’s Report
As SD was not present, it was agreed that this item should be carried forward to the next meeting.
6. Parents’ Queries
PC queried why some Maths and English prelims. were being held on the same day. DB and LM said that this was due to re-scheduling caused by the recent bad weather.
MC said that Jupiter Play and Leisure had invited the PC to be involved in the consultation on the new Polson Park play area. It was agreed that this was was a generous invitation but that the PC should at present, concentrate its efforts within the school community. KM said that he would write a letter of thanks to the company but decline their offer.
7. Funding Requests
It was ageed to provide funding of £500 towards the cost of additional tables and benches in the social area and £150 to an international education group set up within the school as part of the Curriculum for Excellence. This was needed to help cover the cost of photocopying, posters and displays. SD would be asked to arrange this.
The Music Department had also requested funding for robust music stands which cost about £16 each if bought in bulk (25 or 30). It was not felt that enough information had been provided in the request and it was ageed that TM would ask for more information about this request.
8. Communications Update
KM reported that more parents’ details had been obtained from the recent Parents Evenings and added to the PC’s circulation list on Edubuzz. There had been 2 queries from parents regarding the provision of bike stands and the cancellation of school transport during the bad weather, which TM replied to on behalf of the PC.
It was agreed that the general question of publicising the PC through a notice board, suggestion box and use of the new TV in reception would be discussed at the next meeting. KM and TM would speak to Margaret Cleat about including an item about the PC in the Easter school newsletter.
9. Fundraising
£528.70 had been raised by the recent bag packing at the Co-Op in Tranent. KM thanked all pupils and parents who had taken part and the Co-Op who had been extremely helpful. DB said that she would write a letter of thanks to the manager of the store.
10 Community Partnerships; Curriculum for Excellence; Tranent Cluster Meeting.
These items were carried forward to the next meeting as they were due to be discussed at the Cluster Meeting tomorrow.
11. AOCB
KM reported that he and DB had been unable to accept an invitation to the Tranent and Elphinstone Community Council Achievement Awards due to the forthcoming HMIe inspection and personal commitments. Other PC members had been asked if they would like to attend, however, unfortunately, nobody was able to go along.
Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 25th January 2011 at 7.00pm. / HW