13 November 2014
Marriott-Slaterville City Offices
1570 W. 400 N.
Ogden UT 84404
Meeting began @ 7:00 pm
Mark Ross, President, Presided
Members present: Chris Roby, Bob Wallis, Joel Thompson, Paul Rochell, Cory Thomson, Dariel Rochell/Secretary, and Lorie Ross/Treasurer.
Excused: JD Casperson, Doug Stuart
Old Business: Dariel Rochell read the minutes from the August 14, 2014 General Meeting.
Kent Whitman motioned to approve, Dave casperson 2nd.
New Business:
Mark thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.
Mark stated that a board member has resigned for personal reasons. Doug Stuart has resigned as of Tuesday. This leaves 2 openings for board members and 1 opening for treasurer. We only have 1 nomination at this time and would like more nominations to get a few more people on the board. Mark asked if we have any nominations here tonight? Lorie Ross nominated Candice Baird as a board member. Bob Wallace nominated Mike Dean as a board member. Mark asked if there were any others? Mark also noted that we still need a treasurer. Leesa Valdez asked how much time it takes? Lorie gave more detail about the position. George Valdez nominated Leesa Valdez for treasurer. Mike Dean nominated Dave Casperson as a board member-Dave declined. Mark asked if there were any more nominations and noted that they will win by default. There were no other nominations and Mark welcomed our new Board members. Bob Wallis asked if we need to send it out for a vote. Mark said because there were no other nominations that they win by default.
Mark said that the board has decided to wait until next year to re-key the gate. Candice asked how many keys are allowed per member. Mark stated that the current bylaws allow 4 keys max per members. It was asked if the bylaws were changing? Mark stated that we are currently working on re-writing some of the bylaws. Over the next few months the board will be reviewing the bylaws and proposing changes that will be sent out in a draft for the association to review. Mark asked that the members mark what they like or don’t like about the changes and send that feedback back to the board so they can be consolidated into the document. Monte Matue asked if these bylaws would be brought to the association to bring to a vote. Mark mentioned that it is very important that all the members have a say in the bylaws being proposed. We are here as a board to make recommendations not rules. Not everyone will be pleased but everyone will have a say.
Mark said that it has become a problem with businesses potentially being operated within scare canyon. Just a reminder that is against the bylaws.
Gating of secondary roads has become an issue. Some letters have been sent asking those people to remove them to keep it equal for everyone. Exhibit A was used as an example of what is and isn’t a secondary road. Monte Matue mentioned that that map isn’t necessarily correct in the interpretation of what is a secondary road. Some of those gates have been up for years it was stated that the gates are ok as long as they are not locked. Mark is still concerned with gates popping up all over and everyone needs to cross someone’s property to access their property. The point is to limit the gates and allow everyone the same access. Andrew Costa is concerned that the agreement on Spruce Lane wasn’t even done yet and it already has a gate. Mark agreed that the agreement would not be signed until all of the property owners are happy. There was discussion of some more needed road improvements before we should finalize the agreement. Mark read the letter that was sent out to the people who had gates on the secondary roads. Tom Whitaker felt that this issue could have been resolved in a better way. Monte Matue also felt that it could have been approached without threatening legal action. Mark apologized if the letter came across threatening and requested to speak with Tom about it later.
Mark noted that there were also some issues with security this year. Hide out security was found in scare canyon and asked them to go back into the hideout and decided not to press charges but had a discussion with John Lewis about it. One of our own board members was also found on Hideout property the law was called but again no charges were filed. Also a board member and member of scare canyon security had a conflict with a guest of a hideout member. The situation escalated the guest was asked to leave and was followed to the gate. It was later discovered that the guest felt very threatened and the law was contacted with a complaint. It has become clear that both sides need to evaluate how we provide security going forward. Mark read the newly drafted security protocols that the board has adopted.
Chris provided an update on the water. We are in the process of proof of beneficial use. He placed a meter to assist us in this effort to supply the information needed for approval of our request. We have until 12/31/14 to complete proof. A map has been created to outline all of water sources. We have GPS’d the locations where hydrants are located and location of main water sources.
Mark mentioned the water is off for the year.
Mark opened the floor to other comments. Kent Whitman stated that he liked the graded roads. He expressed his gratitude and reminded everyone how hard the board is working for the association.
Mark thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.
Lorie Ross motioned to adjourn the meeting and Nona Ellis 2nd.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Dariel Rochell/ Secretary.