Summer camp has been scheduled for the week of June 22-28, 2008 at Camp Old Indian.

We have to provide information on how many boys and adults will attend and whether they are interested in high adventure activities. The cost of attendance at Camp Old Indian is $195 per scout for boys in the basic merit badge program or $225 per scout for boys enrolled in a high adventure program. Enclosed is information of each of the programs and a list of the merit badges that are presently scheduled for 2008.

I strongly encourage all Scouts to attend summer camp! Older Scouts are encouraged to take the Adventure to Eagle Program or other high adventure program.


DUE March 10:

SCOUT’S NAME: ______

Indicate Program(s) of interest:



List those meritbadges of interest on the Meritbadge Sheet.

DEPOSIT (DUE March 10):$50 (non-refundable) for Merit Badge Program.

$100 (non-refundable) for High-Adventure Programs.

Merit Badge Program:

Camp Old Indian offers Scouts excellent opportunities to work on those merit badges that are sometimes difficult to earn at home because of special equipment and skills. In the merit badge program, the Scout attends daily classes, works hands-on with an instructor, and consults the merit badge pamphlet when needed.

Requirements: Open to boys of all ranks and ages (check listings; some merit badges are more appropriate for older scouts).

Adventure to Eagle Program:

Adventure to Eagle (ATE) is an all-day program designed for Scouts who are in their third or fourth year of attendance at summer camp. The program will encourage Scouts to attain Eagle, provide leadership training, offer Merit Badge instruction, and introduce Scouts to High Adventure. ATE crew members will select three or four Eagle-required merit badges to work on during the week. These may be those offered at camp or any other required badge. Depending

on the badge, all requirements may not be completed at camp. Instruction will be provided by the ATE staff in an open, block format at an accelerated pace. MB work will be done in the ATE program, not in regularly scheduled MB classes.

Adventurers will discuss the benefits of earning the Eagle Scout rank, possible Eagle service projects, and steps for project approval and completion. Participants will practice teamwork and leadership through initiative games, low-COPE type challenges, and leadership discussion groups. The ATE crew will learn to rappel on the camp tower and will enjoy a day of rafting on the Nantahala or French Broad River as a highlight of their week.

Requirements: All Scouts must preregister to participate in the Adventure to Eagle program. Participants should be Star rank or above, 13 years old, third- or fourth-year campers, and have completed most camp merit badges. Adventurers should have leadership potential or be current troop junior leaders. The Adventure to Eagle Crew is limited to 15 persons. First come, first served. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Old Indian Rangers:

Rangers will enjoy a week of exciting events such as rappelling on Glassy Mountain, canoeing on the Green River, and whitewater rafting on the French Broad or Nantahala Rivers. Although participants will stay with their troops during the week, they should be prepared to spend one night camping out.

Requirements: Youth or adults who preregister may participate in the Camp Old Indian Rangers. For the fun and safety of all involved, participants must be 14 years old (or have completed the eighth grade); crew size is limited to twenty persons. First come first served. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Foothills Trek:

The Foothills Trek offers Scouts or leaders the opportunity to backpack on the scenic Foothills Trail in western South Carolina. The trek crew will leave camp Sunday night and will return Friday for the closing campfire after covering 54 miles of easy to strenuous terrain. The Trek is offered on demand any week of the summer. In order to outfit a Trek, at least four participants are required and units must supply one twenty-one year + adult.

Requirements to Participate: All Scouts and leaders must preregister to participate in the Foothills Trek. For the fun and safety of all involved, participants must be 14 years old (or have completed the eighth grade); crew size is limited to ten persons. First come first served. NO EXCEPTIONS.


COI Parent Information and Medical Forms (pages 3 and 4)

2008 Merit Badge Schedule

Merit Badge Notes

Free Time Programs