1. The Fine Arts Coordinator shall have the general qualifications of a teacher as prescribed by the State Department of Education.
  2. The Fine Arts Coordinator shall hold a certification in a performing arts field.
  3. The Fine Arts Coordinator shall have had at least three (3) years of successful teaching in music, administrative and/or supervisory experience.

REPORTS TO: Principal

SUPERVISES: Fine Arts Programs

JOB GOAL: To ensure that all students have exposure to visual and performing arts at Providence Creek Academy Charter School and to oversee the growth and development of the Fine Arts Programs.


1. Fine Arts Department Management

  1. Focuses all staff members on the importance of student achievement.
  2. Provides leadership in improving the visual and performing arts instructional program in the school.
  3. Acts in consultative and advisory capacity to teachers.
  4. Communicates school policy and guidelines to teachers and staff.
  5. Plans, implements and conducts school staff development.
  6. Assists in improvement of the instructional program through observation, visitation, demonstration and teacher training.
  7. Supervises the writing, editing, and revising of curriculum materials to support the visual and performing arts instructional program.

2. School Climate

  1. Fosters collegiality and team-building among appropriate personnel, encouragingactive involvement in decision-making.
  2. Communicates effectively with campus level staff, the community and parents and/orstudents when appropriate.
  3. Recognizes efforts and achievements of the administrative staff, teachers, andstudents.
  4. Works harmoniously with all administrative and teaching personnel.
  5. Demonstrates high expectation of students and visual and performing arts staff.

3. School Improvement

  1. Works collaboratively with others in developing PCA’s school mission, goals, and articulating a vision for the school’s program.
  2. Monitors visual and performing instructional program activities.

4. Personnel Management

  1. Works with the principals and human resources department in recruiting, screening,selecting, assigning, and retaining visual and performing arts teachers.
  2. Assists in orientation of new teachers during staff development and throughout theyear.
  3. Secures consultants, specialists and appropriate community resources for performing arts staff to assist in attaining stated objectives.
  4. Acts as a consultant to administrators and visual andperforming arts staff as it speaks to the Delaware Standards for Visual and Performing Arts.
  5. Works with teachers to improve their performance.
  6. Communicates regularly with the visual and performing arts staff to determineinstructional needs.

5. Administrative and Fiscal/Facilities Management

  1. Demonstrates responsible fiscal control over assigned program budgets.
  2. Works to keep PCA in compliance with state law and DOE standards.
  3. Analyzes facility and equipment needs for optimum teaching and learning; utilizesinformation to make recommended changes or adjustments; and works with allteachers and administrators in developing budgets for the following year.

6. Student Management

  1. Assists teachers in developing positive classroom management plans.
  2. Encourages plans for improved student behavior that reflect enhanced opportunities for learning.

7. School/Community Relations

  1. Communicates school visual and performing arts curriculum, instructional practices,school accomplishments, goals and new ideas to parents and the community.
  2. Projects a positive image to the community.

8. Professional Growth and Development

  1. Uses information through assessment instruments to improve professional skills andknowledge.
  2. Participates in appropriate conferences and staff development sessions for improvedjob performance.
  3. Actively seeks and utilizes evaluative feedback from appropriate administrative staff,subordinates and immediate supervisor regarding job performance.
  4. Participates in professional organizations and disseminates ideas and information toperforming arts staff and administrators.
  5. Provides leadership in identifying trends and opportunities in the profession, as wellas solving problems facing the profession.
  6. Maintains active involvement in local, state and national professional organizations.
  7. Conducts oneself in a professional, ethical, and responsible manner.

9. Other

  1. Performs other duties as assigned.

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Salary and work year to be determined by the Board of Directors.