The AP Studio Art Portfolios are designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art. Taking the AP Studio Art course requires a commitment and an energy level which goes far beyond lower level art course assignments. If you wish to be successful in this course, you must put in extra time to improve your skills and develop ideas.

A portfolio of drawings done over the summer is required. This portfolio is due the first day of class in August and will determine most of your first quarter grade. We will have a class critique the first week back to discuss your summer work.

All of the following assignments must be at least 11” x 14”

1. Magnify a metallic object. Zero in on a section of a metallic object, such as a close-up part of a bike or motorcycle, or spoons, or an eggbeater. Make use of hard-edge metal reflections and cast shadows. Use pencil to develop values and create a strong contrast of light and dark.

2. Create a drawing that has a distinct foreground, middle ground, and background from observation. It can be a view from a window, landscape, a drawing of a building, an interior scene. Use your choice of medium.

3. Pick a number (for example, eleven) and transform the number into an illustration as a personal expression of yourself. Use numerals, letters, metaphors, symbolism, or any other approach you find appropriate. Use your choice of medium. See attached paper for examples.

4. Complete a drawing of your interpretation of a song. Include operational techniques. Use mixed media. Consider the psychology of color- using color to convey mood or emotions. See attached paper for more information.

5. Using only typography (letters, numbers), create a design inspired by one of the following: Scale, Congestion, Tension, or Playful. Focus on creating contrast and utilizing positive/negative space. Other techniques and principles to consider when creating your design: overlapping, cropping, repetition, contrast of direction, size, or shape. Use your choice of medium. See attached paper for examples.

You have a total of 5 drawings to do. Do not wait until the last minute to do these assignments. Enjoy, relax, and create. Have fun while doing these assignments. Go to some museums, art galleries and gallery crawls for inspiration.

Grading is based on the following criteria: quality craftsmanship, understanding of techniques, thoughtful use of design elements/principles and drawing techniques, and innovative visual solutions (avoid clichés).

If you have any questions, email me at or

I look forward to seeing you in August!