Summer Assignment APES
Due Date: September 7th, 2015
Before the First day of school the students have the following assignments:
Part 1: Students may choose one of these novels to read and complete a reflection journal over that book. The journal must consist of 8 entries (dated) and each of the entries must include a quotation from the novel, the page number where the quotation can be found in the novel, and then a personal reflection on that quote. (How does it affect your perception on the Environment and our place within it?). Please find quotes that you personally find significant.
Silent Spring –Rachael Carson
Garbage Land –Elizabeth Royte
Origin of Species –Charles Darwin
Part 2:
This part of the assignment consists of vocabulary from the first three chapters, it does not have to be done during the summer, but it might be in your best interest to do so. The first three chapters of the textbook will be covered very quickly and briefly in class. You will be expected to know all of the vocabulary for a test on the first Friday of classes. These terms can easily be found on the internet or from resources at the library.
Chapter 1 - Environmental Issues, Their Causes, and Sustainability
Define the words in the space below.
Word / DefinitionExponential Growth
Natural Resources
Linear growth
Exponential Growth
Doubling Time
Developed Countries
Developing Countries
Ecological Footprint
Input pollution control
Output pollution control
Rule of 70
Gross National Product (GNP)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Renewable Resource
Nonrenewable Resource
Sustainable Yield
Nonpoint Source
Point Source
Chapter 2 – Environmental History: An Overview
Define the words in the space below.
Word / DefinitionAgricultural Revolution
Slash & Burn Cultivation
Industrial Revolution
Sustainable Cultivation
John Muir
U.S. Forest Service
OPEC Oil Embargo
Aldo Leopold
Rachel Carson
Gifford Pinchot
Antiquities Act
Civilian Conservation Corp
Wilderness Act
Forest Reserve Act of 1891
Chapter 3 – Science, Systems, Matter, and Energy
Define the words in the space below.
Word / DefinitionModel
Inductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning
Environmental science
Feedback loop
Organic compounds
Genetic damage
Somatic damage
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s)
Law of Cons of Matter
1st law of thermodynamics
2nd law of thermodynamics
Scoring Rubric for Part 2: Reflection Journal (40 points from definitions)
Criteria/Level / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / ScoreContent
Each summary and the editorial will be assessed separately for content / Summary/ editorial reflects an insightful and unique understanding of all of the aspects of the issue or event, dates present / Summary/ editorial reflects a thorough understanding of all of the aspects of the issue or event, some dates missing / Summary/ editorial reflects a general understanding of all of the aspects of the issue or event, no dates present / Summary/ editorial reflects a general understanding of most of the aspects of the issue or event, no dates present / Summary/ editorial reflects an incomplete understanding of the issue or event, no dates present / 5 points possible per article x 8 articles =
Relevance / Content is highly relevant to environmental issues. / Most of the selections demonstrate a connection to environmental issues / A portion of the articles are clearly connected to relevant issues / Errors are apparent - no clear connection between the content and the environment / No true relevance is shown or interpreted. / ______/10
Formatting / text are assembled in a highly attractive manner that effectively communicates the key points of the stories /editorial / text are assembled in an attractive manner that communicates the key points of the stories/editorial / text are assembled in a clear, concise manner that communicates the key points of the stories/editorial / text are assembled in a generally logical manner / text are incomplete or assembled in an illogical manner / ______/5
Creativity / Original thought is apparent and link between quote to thought is present / Some original thought was shown and reflection shows that a generally creative approach was used / reflection shows that some creativity was used / reflection shows that minimal creativity was used / Reflection shows no creativity / ______/5
TOTAL / ______/60