Equivalent Courses in Banner
Course equivalence information can be entered in Banner in the Catalog module on form SCADETL. One or more courses can be made equivalent to a particular course.For example, it is on this form that each legacy course number is entered as equivalent to its Banner course number. This is a very powerful tool as course equivalencies in SCADETL are considered in repeat processing and apply to all students. Degree evaluation also considers course equivalencies in its processes.
Faculty Rules and Repeated and Equivalent Courses
As such functionality did not exist in the legacy (IMS) system, a number of faculties have always maintained faculty-specific lists of courses considered equivalent. Reportsare provided to these faculties to identify students who appear to be repeating a course based on specific faculty rules. Students identified in these reports are then dealt with on an individual, manual basis. For example, the SAO may changethe registration status for a course considered equivalent so that the student will not be granted credit twice. The term “equivalent courses” in these faculty listings may incorporate more complex rules such as “A student may not take course B if they have completed course A, but they may take course A if they have taken course B.” The Banner course equivalence table does not process this type of rule.
Repeat Processing and Equivalent Courses in Banner
Repeat checking occurs when courses roll into academic history. At that time the repeat checking process looks for courses that are the same course number and for any courses that have been entered as equivalent in Banner on the SCADETL form. Where these repeated or equivalent courses are identified bothinstances of the course will be counted in the student’s GPA but only the course with the higher grade will count for credit.
The use of the course equivalence table in Banner is restricted to two-way equivalences (if course A = course B than course B = course A) that are applicable across all faculties. Equivalencies entered in Banner apply to all students. That is to say, if course A is equivalent to course B in Banner thenfor any student in any faculty who has taken course A and who then takes course B the repeat checking process will treat the equivalent course as a repeated course.Course equivalencies apply to all students in all faculties equally.
Degree Evaluation and Equivalent Courses
The biggest benefit to entering courses as equivalent is for Degree Evaluation. As part of the Banner go-live in the Fall of 200209 a batch process was run to enter each legacy course number as equivalent to its Banner course number on the SCADETL form.
As a result of this, if MATH 222 is listed as a required course in a given CAPP area and a student took 189-222A in a pre-Banner term, this legacy course will be used by the degree evaluation process to fulfill the MATH 222 requirement. By entering equivalent courses on SCADETL individual student adjustments in Degree Evaluation are reduced. This reduction in workload gains a new significance as we are opening up Degree Evaluation to a majority of newly admitted undergraduate students
Policy for New Course Equivalencies Entered in Banner
The following guidelines are being implemented to maintain the course equivalency table in Banner (SCADETL).
Changes to a Course Number
The University Class Schedule Unit will automatically enter two courses as equivalent when the only change to a course is that it has been assigned a new number.
For example, ABEN 330 changed number to ABEN 430 effective 200409.
The following entry is in SCADETL:
ABEN 430 Start Term: 200409 (when number change comes into effect)
End Term: 999999.
Equivalent course:
ABEN 330 Start Term: 200209 (when Banner course number was created)
End Term: 200405 (last term in which this course existed)
Other Potential Candidates
Double prefix courses (pending SCTP approval)
Any other course equivalence suggestions may be submitted to the University Class Schedule Unit (attention: Martha Hancock). Before any equivalency is entered on the system it will be verified with all faculties to ensure that it is appropriate for all students.
DRAFT 9/13/2018