Isle of Shoals

Summer 2015 Art in the Field

This summer’s Art in the Field event will be held on the Isle of Shoals. We will leave Rye Harbor on the Uncle Oscar and spend the day drawing and/or painting to the sound of sea gulls, waves coming upon the rocky shore, and sea wind blowing gently, as we capture the rocky isle on canvas and paper.

Have lunch and supper at the Oceanic Inn (reservations are required) or bring your own. Lessons will be in the morning and in the afternoon, with a break in between for your own time to rest or explore. Boat trip price includes a one hour guided island tour.

June 28, 2015, Sunday

Boat departure from Rye Harbor: 9:15 AM

Boat leaves from Star Island: 7:15 PM

Cost for the boat trip, tour, and lesson: $110.

Additional Cost for Lunch: $15, Dinner: $18

We will have two painting sessions, the island tour, break for lunch and supper, cool-down on the porch or other location, a discussion of how the art is progressing, including time for some light journaling, so bring either your sketch book to journal about your painting experience on the island or a specific journal if you wish. Remember to pack light, but bring essentials.,

Checks must be in to me by Saturday, June 6, 2015. For Hillsborough residents, the doneline for registration is extended one week to Saturday, June 13, 2015. I will make boat reservations and lunch and supper reservations for those who wish to eat at the inn. Cost of lunch and supper is extra. If it is inclement weather, we’ll paint or draw from the inn’s porch. Checks are NONREFUNDABLE for the boat trip, so be sure you can commit to that day if it rains. Of course, if it’s really bad weather, the boat doesn’t go out. We would then be rescheduled.

There is ample parking at Rye Harbor and is the closest harbor to the island (5.2 miles).

There is room on board for you to bring a bag of supplies and an easel. You can bring a lawn chair. If you don’t have an easel, you will be sitting in your chair to draw or paint. Revisit the supply list, since weight will be an issue when or if we want to explore.

Contact me with questions: 464-5154 (H) preferred, 603-748-0048 (C), email: .

Make checks payable to: “Rena Rockwell” and mail to: PO Box 880, Hillsboro, NH 03244-0880.

Return this portion to Rena

I, ______, wish to participate in the 2015 Art in the Field event on Star Island. I do not hold Star Island Corporation, Island Cruises of Rye, NH, Isle of Shoals Steamship Company (if needed), or Rena Rockwell liable for any injury or loss of personal items.

Lunch Reservation & # attending: Yes__ No___ Supper Reservation: Yes __ No __

Number of people: (names must show above) ______

Amount enclosed: ______

Signature(s): ______