OCR GCSE Humanities Checklist

Summary of what you need to know for Paper 1

Issues of Citizenship (Section 1 of the paper)

What Human Rights are and they have developed / The role of individuals and organisations in maintain human rights
Human rights: their influence and effect / The meaning of the term Democracy
How Democracy works and how laws are made / How MPs and the government in elected
How people can take part in the political process / Why laws are needed
How the criminal justice system works in the UK / How the trial system works
How laws are made inside and outside parliament.

Issues of Economic Well Being (Section 2 of the paper)

How Industry is classified into different sectors / The reasons behind the decline in primary and secondary sectors (UK)
How global industry is changing / The importance of fair Trade.
What employment is and the different types of employment / Changing patterns of employment
Why people work. / What income, expenditure and budgeting are
What investment means and the options / What are the financial implications of staying in education after 16
What a contract of employment is. / Rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer
What trade unions are and what they do / How trade unions can influence employers and the government.

Environmental Issues (Section 3 of the paper)

What climate is and what climate change means / What governments are doing about global warming
What people’s attitudes towards climate change are. / The idea of sustainable development
What renewable resources are available and their advantages and disadvantages / What your carbon footprint is and how you can reduce it

Religious and Moral Issues (Section 4 of the paper)

What different religions say about God / Where different religions believe God is
The different arguments people use to support their belief in God / What worship is and why people feel the need to do it
How different religions worship / The importance of festivals
The different beliefs about holy scripture / How beliefs can influence family life
The attitude of religions towards marriage and divorce / The attitudes towards sexual relationships
The attitudes towards race, other religions and gender. / How religions explain the existence of suffering in the world
Beliefs about evil / Attitudes towards human and animal suffering
Attitudes towards beliefs about suffering and the afterlife. / Religious and non-religious views on the origins of the universe
Religious and non-religious attitudes towards abortion and euthanasia / Attitudes towards war, violence and pacifism
Attitudes towards charity, the poor and needy

Issues of Health and Welfare (Section 5 of the paper)

What a healthy lifestyle is and how it can be achieved / What toxic substance are and how they can affect your health
How alcohol and drugs can affect your health / What emotional and mental good health are.
What sex education and relationship education should contain / How SRE should be delivered and who should be delivering it
The importance of SRE for men and women. / What Health and Safety is
Issues of health and safety in the workplace and home / The purpose of health and safety
How the health of a nation is measured / Health risks in Less Economically Developed Countries
How health care differs between LEDs and MEDs / What can be done to improve healthcare in LEDs
The origins of the Welfare State / Problems with the welfare state and how to overcome them
The arguments for and against government intervention in welfare.

All the key terms you need to know for Paper 2

Different Types and Forms of Evidence.

Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
Quantitative methods of enquiry
Qualitative methods of enquiry

Using and Evaluating Evidence


Managing an Enquiry

Pilot study
Controlling variables

Communicating the Results


B031 Cross-curricular Themes (Paper 1) 2 hours à Thursday 16 June am

B032 Application of Knowledge (Paper 2) 1 hour 15 minutes à Wednesday 22 June pm