1. Summary of proposal

1.1.Provision of an intermediate care service at home has been delivered for RMBC through STARS (the Short-term Assessment & Re-ablement Service).

1.2.STARS success of delivering therapy and treatment goals in a non-bed-based setting, a service user’s own home for example, needs to be expanded. We have local evidence that STARS enables people to get better quicker in their own environment and assists them to regain their independence more quickly than in a residential setting. Developing the non-bed-based service provision will also reduce the number of transition steps from hospital to home.

1.3.There are currently two resource centres providing bed based intermediate care for RMBC – these are Tudor Court and Springhill.

1.4.The proposal includes

  • Changing the function of Springhill Resource Centre to offer a selection of daysupport services only, including day services for older people with mental health problems. Springhill would notprovide bed-based services but would be developed as an Independence Resource Centre, with capacity to extend day support and to enable the transfer of services from Ronald Gorton Centre. There is a separate proposal (PPLA19) to close Ronald Gorton Centre which has additional financial savings identified. Springhill is a very attractive building with high quality public spaces, and could have a much wider usage as a centre for carer support and independent living, alongside extended day support.
  • It will increase the opportunity for intermediate care at home, especially important and beneficial for older people with dementia. At present our service is heavily bed-based rather than home-based. The local authority funds this element of the service, working alongside NHS colleagues.
  • Transferring the bed-based service currently being provided at Springhill to the self-contained nine-bed unit at Tudor Court; currently used by the Intermediate Care team as office accommodation. It is the experience of the service that some people who are referred to Springhill require intermediate care but not necessarily in a 24 hour staffed residential unit; the current beds are not therefore used to optimum efficiency. Furthermore an increased investment in intermediate care at home for older people with mental health problems will reduce the need for beds and improve outcomes. This enables significant savings in the provision of this element of the service.
  1. Summary / assessment of staff consultation

2.1.Following consultation and a request from Unison and Unite, ELT have agreed to extend the consultation period with staff on this proposal until 5.00 pm Friday 25th February 2011. On conclusion of the consultation period an updated report will be produced.

  1. Summary/ assessment of non staffing consultation

3.1.One relative of a service user wrote in to comment on this proposal, expressing her admiration and support for the excellent service that is provided at present and shock that it might change. The service manager met with two further friends/relatives of service users. They did not express opposition to the plans, and queried whether when the service ceases and client is moved it would be possible to accommodate them in a facility more conveniently located for carers, relatives or friends that still meets their needs.

  1. Summary of external equality / Community impact assessment

4.1.The main conclusions drawn by the assessment are as follows:-

  • There is no evidence that these changes affect any equality group unequally.
  • There are people with disability directly affected so due regard must be paid tothe specific duties towards them as a discrete group.
  • The needs of people who require Intermediate Care will continue to be metand the additional capacity in the community may increase the needs that canbe met. The permanent residents must have specific individual consultationas their needs are different from those needing rehabilitation.
  • There are no recommendations documented in the assessment.
  1. Detail of amendments or changes made to the original proposals as a result of consultation

5.1.Amendments or changes made from staffing consultation

5.1.1. Following staff consultation and a request from Unison and Unite, ELT have agreed to extend the consultation period with staff until 5.00 pm Friday 25 February 2011 for this proposal. Once consultation has concluded an updated report with recommendations will be produced for this area.

5.2.Amendments or changes made from non-staffing consultation/EIA

5.2.1. Consultation has not identified any critical issues that would require consequent changes to the original proposal.

  1. Financial Implications


Description / £k total / £k for 2011/12



Description / Proposal Area / £k total / £k for 2011/12
  1. Personnel Implications


  1. Legal Implications

8.1.The provision of intermediate care is a duty under the Community Care (Delayed Discharges) Act 2003.

  1. Risk

Risk / Mitigation
Some of the savings may not have a full year effect or be delayed due to pay protection. /
  1. Build part year savings into calculated financial implications where appropriate. Ensure plan reflects expected saving delivery timescales.

  1. Additional Information

10.1.No additional information

  1. Recommendations

11.1.Recommended that consultation is extended to the 25th February 2011.