
Summary of some HTML Tags[1]

Structure Tags

<html> ... </html> Encloses the entire HTML document.

<head> ... </head> Encloses the head of the HTML document (i.e. the title tag, etc.).

<title> text </title>Indicates the title of the document. This appears in the title bar

of the browser and is the name used when a user bookmarks the

page; it does not display in the actual text area of the browser


<base href="url">Contains the URL or address of the current page. It allows you to

easily use relative links (also included in the header area).

<body> ... </body> Encloses the body (text and tags) of the HTML document. A

optional format of this tag sets the background color:

<body bgcolor="#RRGGBB">.


<h1> text </h1>A first-level heading. (Most often used as the title which does

appear in the document).

<h2> text </h2> A second-level heading.

<h3> text </h3> A third-level heading.

<h4> text </h4> A fourth-level heading.

<h5> text </h5> A fifth-level heading.

<h6> text </h6>A sixth-level heading.


<p> text </p>Indicates a paragraph.


text paragraphs

</blockquote>Indents a block of text.

Character Formatting - Logical Highlighting

<strong> text </strong>

Strong emphasis. (Usually displays as bold).

<em> text </em> Emphasis. (Usually displays as italics).

<cite> text </cite>A small citation reference.

<code> text </code>A selection of typed computer code (i.e. fixed width font).

<pre> text </pre> Similar to <code>, preformatted text, puts text in fixed width font

and does not alter spacing and line breaks

Character Formatting - Physical Highlighting

<b> text </b> Boldfaced text.

<i> text </i> Italicized text.

<u> text </u>Underlined text. (Can be confused with links which are

displayed as underlined text).

Changing Font Size and color

<font size="value" color=”colorname”text </font>

Changes the size of the font without using a heading tag.

Enter a value between "-2" and "+6".

Example: <font size="+2">text</font>.

Colorname can be common words like red, blue, green, or as

triples of hexadecimal pairs: #AA99C3

Other Elements

<hr/A horizontal rule/line. Often referred to as a shadow rule.

<br/A line break.

<!-- text -->A comment. This text does not appear in the browser.

<center> … </center> all content between the tags will be centered on the page


<ol> ... </ol>An ordered (numbered) list. Precede all items on the list with the

<li> tag. Specify starting number by adding start=#. Specify bullet

type by adding type= followed by one of: "1 a A i I".

<ul> ... </ul>An unordered (bulleted) list. Specify bullet type by adding

type= followed by one of "disk square circle".

<li> text</li>A list item: for use inside <ol> or <ul>.

<dl> ... </dl>A definition or glossary list enclosing the <dt> and <dd> tags.

<dt> text </dt>A definition term: for use inside <dl>.

<dd> text </dd>The corresponding definition to each <dt> term as a part of a

definition list.


<a options> text </a>Contains the information defining the location of the link.

Options are:




Use "url" to link to another document or "#name" to link to an

anchor (i.e. a named location). Use "name" to create an anchor

which can then be linked to. Do not use spaces in "name".

Link Examples:

<a href="#LocationPointers">Go to Pointers</a>

<a name="LocationPointers">Pointers</a>

<a href=" here to go to the Queen’s

Home Page</a>

To create an email link:

<a href="mailto:">Click here to email me!</a>

To create an email link with a specified subject:

<a href="mailto:?subject=Request for more

information">Click here to request more info</a>


<table> … </table> create a region of organized rows and columns

this tag takes modifiers like cellspacing=8 cellpadding=3 border=2

<tr> … </tr> a row in the table… items inside this tag pair will be in one row

<td> … </td> a single cell in a table row

Forms and Input fields

You will use these when we set up an HTML page to run a JavaScript program

These tags go inside the <body> tag pair of an HTML document:

input onclick=someFunc() type=button value="click to execute"

<input type=text name=”speed”>

<form name=”data2”> … in here <input> tags for text fields and button … </form>

This tag pair is used to tell the browser that program code appears inside.

script type=text/javascript> … code in here </script>

The <script> tag pair can appear in either the <body> or the <head>. In this class, we will put the <script> tags in the <head>. The “type” modifier is used here to tell the browser that the language we are programming in is Javascript.

[1] This is a sample crib sheet. It’s a good idea to make your own, expanding it as we go through the semester.