Summary of draft proposals of the Working Group on Transnational Cooperation (TNC)post 2013
Paper for the meeting of the Ad-hoc Group on Innovation and TNC, BXL, 28 June 2011
As indicated at the Ad-hoc Group meeting of 21 October 2011, a Working Group on TNCpost 2013 (WG) was established under its auspices last year.[1] The WG, which has met 5 times,[2] has developed a consensus on the way forward for TNC post 2013, and a summary of its position is outlined in section 2 below. Draft proposals will be discussed at the Learning Seminar on TNC, scheduled for September in London; once feedback has been incorporated, a final paper will be presented to the Ad-hoc Group at its meeting in October.
It is anticipated that the WG’s work will carry on during 2013 in the context of the anticipated continuation of the Learning Network of TNC. To lay the ground for this work, input would be needed from Ad-hoc Group members at the October meeting, as follows:
- What common themes would Member States (MSs) be interested in given the focus and priorities of their preliminary Operational Programmes (OPs);
- An indication of whether an MS would be interested in participating in the Common Framework as proposed.
2Summary of WG draft proposals for TNC post 2013
Article 10 of the EC’s proposal for a new ESF Regulation allows for MSs to implement TNC in 1 of 3 ways: 1) focused on common themes proposed by the EC and endorsed by the ESF Committee, in which case MSs benefit from an EU-level platform established and operated by the EC; 2) without central coordination, as during the current programming period; 3) a combination of 1) and 2). Option 1 has been informally termed the “Common Framework”, option 2 the “flexible approach”.
2.1Common Framework
The Common Framework would constitute:
- A number of common themes proposed by the EC and endorsed by the ESF Committee;
- An EU-level platform comprising the bodies involved in its implementation (the EC, TA hired by the EC, Thematic Networks, a TNC Advisory Committee, participating MSs) and tools (an EU-level partner search database and a central website);
- A number of coordinated calls over the programming period, their timetable and parameters being agreed at EU-level, with the individual calls themselves being launched by national and/or regional MAs; development of TNC partnerships would then be supported by the EU-level partner search database and EU-wide partner search fora; any EU-level monitoring, dissemination/mainstreaming and evaluation would be the responsibility of the EC and, possibly, Thematic Networks.
Details on each component are outlined below, while a matrix of the roles and responsibilities of each body concerned can be found in Annex 1.
Participation in the Common Framework would be optional, and would not be subject to a formal binding commitment (e.g. indication in OPs) – for example, an MS could respond positively or negatively to an invitation from the EC to take part in a given coordinated call. Nevertheless, in order for MSs to make an informed decision, modalities for the Common Framework should be laid down in some kind of rules of procedure, ideally proposed by the EC and endorsed by the ESF Committee (thus making them applicable EU-wide).
1Common themes
Instead of proposing possible concrete themes in its final paper, the WG intends to outline 3 possible ways forward, as follows:
1Common themes corresponding to each of the thematic objectives in the ESF Regulation, and covering all subsidiary investment priorities;
26 to 8 common themes covering the 6 to 8 most popular investment priorities among MSs, possibly structured per thematic objective (e.g. 2 Thematic Networks for each thematic objective, except for institutional capacity, which could have 1);
3An intermediate approach combining aspects of 1) and 2).
Whichever of the approaches is chosen, the common themes should reflect the anticipated focus and priorities of MS OPs, which should be clear towards the end 2012 and the beginning of 2013.
The WG unanimously recommends option 2 for the following reasons: 1) it would allow for the effective and structured matching of partners, 2) common themes would not be so broad that Thematic Networks would struggle to supply the requisite expert input; at the same time, they would not be so narrow (or few) that MSs would be discouraged from participating in TNC, 3) a focused approach would allow for the EC to provide quality support; otherwise resources would be spread too thin. The likely aggregate preferences of the 7 MS present at the WG meeting of 13 June 2012 are indicated in Annex 2.
2EU-level platform
The bodies involved in the implementation of the Common Framework should include
- The EC, to be responsible overall for the establishment, implementation and oversight of the Common Framework.
- TA hired by the EC (EC TA), to support the EC, Thematic Networks, the TNC Advisory Committee and MAs with regard to TNC in general and the Common Framework in particular. It should be operational by the beginning of 2014.
- Thematic Networks (TNs): Established for each common theme, TNs should cover the full implementation period of the Common Framework (i.e. from 2014 to 2021/2022). They should be led, convened and chaired by the EC TA (on behalf ot EC) which will also provide the secretariat function; strategic oversight and decision making will be ensured by participating MSs. Membership should be compulsory for MSs participating in a given theme (1 representative from an MA, 1 expert); other MSs could attend if they wished, though with restricted decision making power. The Networks should be funded under the contract the EC concludes with a contractor for EC TA, including travel related costs for MSs participating in a given theme. TNs should provide policy input for their themes, including design of coordinated calls; however, their scope should be less ambitious than the policy driven scope of the Learning Networks in the current period, the primary focus being the implementation of TNC rather than, for example, influencing EU and national policies. TNs should be operational by the beginning of 2014.
- A TNC Advisory Committee (TNC AC): The TNC AC should cover the full implementation period of the Common Framework (i.e. from 2014 to 2021/2022). It should be led, convened and chaired by MSs (the chair could be elected by the membership), with the EC TA supplying the secretariat. Membership should be compulsory for all MSs involved in the Common Framework; other MSs could attend if they wished, though with restricted decision making power. MSs would cover their own costs, with the remainder being financed under the contract for EC TA. The committee should have an overview of the whole of TNC (Common Framework and flexible approach) and should provide advice to the EC, EC TA and TNs, particularly on issues of a horizontal nature (e.g. partner search, eligible expenditure). The TNC AC should be operational by the beginning of 2015.[3]
- Participating MSs: MSs would be responsible for launching national and/or regional calls in the context of a coordinated call, selecting projects, concluding and monitoring contracts; in addition, they would attend TNs and the TNC AC.
See Annex 1 for a matrix of roles and responsibilities proposed.
The primary focus of the EU-levelpartner-search database should be the proposals selected by MAs which will form the basis for forming TNC partnerships; there should also, however, be a separate space in the database for project ideas to prepare for the 2nd coordinated call, as well as to support the flexible approach. Selected proposals and project ideas will need to be kept clearly distinct to avoid confusion on the part of project promoters.
A central EU-level website should be established and maintained. It should 1) follow-on from that developed by the TNC LN and 2) use the analogous site for European Territorial Cooperation as a model.[4] It should also cater for the needs of MSs following the flexible approach.
3Coordinated calls
The following cycle is proposed for coordinated calls:
- A timetable is developed and agreed for at least the 1st half of the programming period; it is suggested that there are only 2 sets of coordinated calls during the period, each set comprising 1 coordinated call for each common theme.
- The parameters of a coordinated call are drawn up and agreed (e.g maximum and minimum project duration and size; activities); it is proposed that project preparation costs are eligible expenditure, but that costs incurred and paid by foreign partners are not.
- Individual calls are then developed at national and/or regional level respecting the agreed parameters and launched by MAs in a given window; proposals, not necessarily indicating foreign partners, would then be selected on quality; the resulting grant contracts would explicitly allow for a preparation period in which beneficiaries could develop a TNC partnership – in the case that a project promoter does not find appropriate partners in a given timeframe, its grant contract would be terminated.
- The proposals of separate applicants would then be summarised and included in the EU-level partner search database, with partner search fora being held per theme. However, partners are not to be limited to foreign organisations in the partner search database, at partner search fora, or with ESF/ EU funding.
- Monitoring of individual contracts would rest with national/regional MAs; monitoring of TNC partnerships could be the responsibility of the Thematic Networks, supported by the EC TA.
- Dissemination/mainstreaming of project results should rest with TNC partners (supported by MSs) and be specifically foreseen in their TNC programme; Thematic Networks, supported by the EC TA, could help with dissemination/mainstreaming at the EU level.
- Evaluation of TNC partnerships could be performed by the partnerships themselves and/or Thematic Networks, supported by the EC TA.[5]
See Annex 1 for a matrix of roles and responsibilities proposed per step in the cycle of coordinated calls except for monitoring, dissemination/mainstreaming and evaluation; the WG has left the details of these latter issues for discussion in the context of the anticipated continuation of the Learning Network of TNC.
2.2Flexible approach
For the flexible approach, it is foreseen that implementation will continue as under the current period (i.e. without central coordination). However, it is considered highly desirable that some limited institutionalised support is provided by the EC via the EU-level partner search database (e.g. inclusion of project ideas) and the central website (e.g. timetable of national/regional calls). In addition, other initiatives could be organised at EU level – e.g. mutual learning events, papers/advice on interesting/relevant initiatives (e.g. regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea region), linking MAs which might have common interests, dissemination of good practice.
- Matrix outlining the proposed roles and responsibilities of the different actors involved in TNC post 2013
- The likely aggregate preferences of the 7 MS present at the meeting of the WG on TNC post 2013 on 13 June 2012
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Annex 1Matrix outlining the proposed roles and responsibilities of the different actors involved in TNC post 2013
EC / EU level TA / TNs / TNC AC / MSsMembership/constitution / EC staff responsible for TNC / External contractor hired by EC / Participation obligatory for those in CF, open to others / Participation obligatory for those in CF, open to others / N/A
Funding / N/A / EC’s ESF TA budget / Included in the budget for the external contractor hired by the EC for TA / MSs finance themselves / N/A
Timetable / Considers, approves and issues / N/A / N/A / Develops and proposes to EC / N/A
Coordinated calls / Develops parameters in conjunction with TNs; issues / Supports EC / Develops parameters in conjunction with EC / Comments on parameters / Developing and launching national/regional calls respecting agreed parameters; conclude contracts
Partner search database / Considers and approves specifications / Proposes specifications, Establishes and maintains / N/A / Considers and approves specifications / Help in recruiting projects
Partner search fora / Issues invitations; attends / Summarises proposals and preliminary partner matching; organisation (e.g. logistics) / Facilitation and provision of experts / N/A / Attend
Central website / Considers and approves specifications / Proposes specifications, Establishes and maintains / N/A / Considers and approves specification / N/A
TNs / Attends / Leads, convenes and chairs; secretariat / N/A / N/A / Attend and contribute if a member
TNC AC / Attends / Performs role of secretariat / N/A / N/A / Attend and contribute if a member; led, convened and chaired by an MS
Annex 2Likely aggregate preferences of the 7 MS present at the meeting of the WG on TNC post 2013 on 13 June 2012
Based on the discussion at the WG meeting on 13 June 2012, the Investment Priorities were ‘prioritised’ with the view to include them as potential themes in the new Common Framework. Please note, that based on a vote in the meeting 5 clear Priorities were selected (marked with * in the table below).
Thematic objectives and investment prioritiesPromoting employment and supporting labour mobility
1 / Access to employment for job-seekers and inactive people, inc. local employment initiatives and labour mobility / *
2 / Sustainable integration of young people not in employment, education or training into the labour market / *
3 / Self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation
4 / Equality between men and women and reconciliation between work and private life / *
5 / Adaption of works, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change
6 / Active and healthy aging
7 / Modernisation/strengthening of labour market institutions, inc. actions to enhance transnational labour mobility
Investing in education, skills and life-long learning
8 / Reducing early school-leaving/ equal access to good quality early-childhood, primary and secondary education
9 / Quality, efficiency and openness of tertiary and equivalent education to increase participation/attainment levels
10 / Lifelong learning, skills/competences of the workforce, labour market relevance of education and training systems / *
Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty
11 / Active inclusion / *
12 / Integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma
13 / Combating discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age of sexual orientation / *
14 / Access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, inc. health care/social services of general interest
15 / Promoting the social economy and social enterprises
16 / Community-led local development strategies
Enhancing institutional capacity and efficient public administration
17 / Institutional capacity the efficiency of public administrations services - reforms, better regulation, good governance
18 / Capacity building for delivery of employment, education/social policies, sectoral/territorial pacts for reform
Note: thematic objectives and investment priorities ordered as per the official EC proposal for the new ESF Regulation
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[1] The core of the WG is made up of members of the TNC Learning Network (TNC LN), though representatives of MSs not participating in the TNC LN are welcome to participate as well.
[2] In June and November 2011, in February, April and June 2012. Inputwas solicited from a wider audience at the Learning Seminar on TNC held in September 2011 inBerlin, while the topic was discussed at the ESF Learning Networks’ Coordination Meeting on 29 and 30 May.
[3] It is anticipated that the role of the TNC AC in 2014 would be performed by the anticipated continuation of the Learning Network on TNC.
[4] See
[5]Evaluation of TNC across the EU, including the Common Framework, to be the responsibility of EC; not supported in this by the EC TA.