Summary of Children, Families & Community Health Activities

Area of work
Work to ensure that Swindon children get the best possible start in life and are protected. / WHAT WE DO / WHO WE FOCUS ON / WHY WE DO THIS / CONTACT / TRADED SERVICE
Front Door
Family Contact Point
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub / Receives every contact about any child anyone is worried about within SBCs boundaries/resident in SBC, screens it, enters onto database, gathers information, risk assesses and passes to most appropriate provider for service or closes it.
Multi-agency including Police, Health and Social Care.
Key decisions have to be made within one working day. / Any child aged pre-birth to 18years or up to 24 if care leaver.
There were 10,996 contacts to the service in 2014/15.
All localities are covered by the service. / The LA has a legal DUTY to provide a service to determine if a child is at risk or in need. / Jackie Charlton
01793 466903
Balbir Kaur
Team Manager – FCP
01793 463132
Clarence House
Euclid Street
Assessment & Child Protection Team / Receives every referral about a child for whom there are significant concerns- either as a child in need or child protection.
Receives notifications from the police about domestic abuse incidents and missing children incidents.
Receives enquiries from the Courts & CAFCASS about children subject to private law cases asking for information.
Conducts joint police and social care investigations into suspect child abuse.
Conducts assessments to ascertain the child’s needs and circumstances.
Makes recommendations as to next steps.
Refers to other agencies or to the long term social work teams for long term work. / Any child aged pre-birth to 18years or up to 24 if care leaver.
There were 2,650 referrals dealt with by the ACP and 2649 distinct separate assessments were conducted.
At any one time there have been approx. 400 children being worked with in this team
All localities are covered by the service / The LA has a legal DUTY to determine who is a child in need and in need of protection.
To jointly investigate/enquire as to the child’s circumstances legal DUTY to assess the needs in a timely manner.
Legal DUTY to advise the local Courts at their request / Initial contact to be made through Family Contact Point.
Jackie Charlton
01793 466903
Balbir Kaur
Team Manager – ACP
01793 463132
Clarence House
Euclid Street
Area Social Work Teams x 4 / Works with children who require long term social work support. Including high level children in need. Children subject to child protection plans, children for whom we have applied for care proceedings and children looked after or looked after needing adoption / Any child aged pre-birth to 18years.
Over the year ~2000 children were worked with in the teams.
All localities are covered by the service. / The LA has a legal DUTY to determine who is a child in need and in need of protection.
To jointly investigate/enquire as to the child’s circumstances legal DUTY to assess the needs in a timely manner.
Legal DUTY to advise the local Courts at their request.
Legal DUTY to care for any child if they cannot be by their birth parents or carers. / North Team
Andrea Parkinson - TM
01793 836670
The Limes
Central North Team
Jackie Turner - TM
01793 466927
The Meadow
South Team
Theveshyra Fletcher - TM
01793 466887
Saltway Centre
Central South Team
Nicky Robertson - TM
01793 463819
Reuben George
Maria Young
Service Manager – Children’s Social Work Teams
01793 463268
Fostering / Works with foster carers, recruiting and assessing them as to their suitability to foster.
Supervise, train and monitor them, review their skills, every year.
Assesses, supports and supervises family members/connected others to foster children in their wider family who need to be looked after.
Assesses and monitors Private Foster carers. / The children placed with the carers:
277 placements were supported in year.
128 foster carers over the year supported/supervised.
227 initial enquiries were recorded from potential foster carers which resulted in 32 assessments.
All localities are covered by the service. / The LA has a legal DUTY to do this. / Family Placement Team
01793 465700
Valerie Williams
Service Manager – Children Looked After
01793 465855
Adoption / Works with adopters, recruiting and assessing them as to their suitability to adopt. Supervise, train and monitor them until child’s adoption order is granted. / The children placed with the carers:
13 adoptions made in the past year.
All localities are covered by the service. / The LA has a legal DUTY to do this. / Family Placement Team
01793 465700
Valerie Williams
Service Manager – Children Looked After
01793 465855
Gladstone Street Resource Service / Provides a resource to Assessment & Child Protection, long term social work teams & Early Help.
Providing specialist parenting assessments and supervise contact between looked after children and the parents/carers or siblings.
Family Group Conferences provide
group work to children & young people for things such as CSE, risk behaviours, support to young carers. / 0-18year olds
All localities are covered by the service.
In the last six months:
307 interventions with families
Between April-July 1088 supervised contact.
42 x Family group conferences since April. / Julie Flanagan
Resource Centre Manager
01793 430334
Children & Families Resource Centre
Gladstone Street
Valerie Williams
Service Manager – Children Looked After
01793 465855
Leaving Care Team / Provides a Personal Advisor (a statutory term) to every (qualifying) care leaver from age 16 to support, advise and assist in preparing them to leave care, to leave care and to support in independent living up to age 21years or 24 if in full time education. / In the last year has supported:
97 x under 18’s
160 x 18+ young people are currently worked with
All localities are covered by the service. / There is a legal DUTY to provide PA’s and provide services to qualifying care leavers. / Tracie Copperthwaite
Care Leavers – TM
01793 466981
Clarence House
Euclid Street
Valerie Williams
Service Manager – Children Looked After
01793 465855
Emergency Duty Service / This service provides out of hours emergency services to children & vulnerable adults, including to safeguard a child, provide a mental health assessment and provision of appropriate adults. / Children 0-18years andvulnerable adults.
All localities are covered by the service. / There is a statutory DUTY to provide an emergency out of hours service. / The Emergency Duty Service provides an emergency contact point for all aspects of social work in Swindon outside normal office hours. This includes cover during the night, weekends and bank holidays
01793 436699
Safeguarding & Quality Assurance / Provides Independent Reviewing Officers for CIC Reviews, chairs to Child Protection Conferences and a LADO officer to oversee allegations against people that work with children (from across agencies).
To support the quality assurance processes of the service. / During 2014/15 the service chaired:
331 x Initial child protection conferences
351 x Review CP conferences
640 x CIC reviews
All localities are covered by the service. / There is a statutory DUTY to carry out CIC reviews.
Children’s views – is a Stat DUTY for an IRO to seek them.
The IRO’s role is to challenge the LA in regard to delay and drift of care plans. / Ceri Burton Team Manager for IRO and CP Chairs
01793 46 6849
Clarence House
Euclid Street
Mark Evans Interim LADO
01793 463854
Clarence House
Euclid Street
Fiona Francis
Service Manager Quality Assurance and Review Service
01793 464366
Wat Tyler East 1st
Safeguarding & Quality Assurance -
Safeguarding Advisors / Part of the S&QA team,
SA-Schools- provides advice & guidance to schools,
SA-Early years- provides advice & guidance to early years providers
SA- Health- provides advice & guidance to health providers but also acts as the Named Nurse for Community Health Staff. / All localities are covered by the service / Named Nurse- DUTY / Ceri McAteer
Clarence House
Euclid Street
01793 465740
Sarah Turner
Clarence House
Euclid Street
01793 465737
Stephanie Bailey
Clarence House
Euclid Street
01793 465323
Disabled Childrens Team / This team does the same task as the social work long term teams but specifically for children with substantial, lifelong disabilities.
They provide support packages and direct parents in order to support children in their homes. / Any child aged pre-birth to 18years.
207 cases are currently open to the team.
All localities are covered by the service. / The LA has a legal DUTY to determine who is a child in need and in need of protection. / Charlotte Davey
Disabled Childrens Team – TM
01793 464240
Saltway Centre
Pearl Road
Mark Green
Integrated Service Manager
01793 464061
Disabled Children Health Services / Provides specialist community based child health provision which includes speech & language therapy, occupational therapists, urgent care nurse, physiotherapy with support for children to live at home, attend school with complex care needs. / Any child aged pre-birth to 18years.
All localities are covered by the service. / Commissioned to service / Jude Sellers
Specialist Community Health Services Manager
Saltway Centre
Pearl Road
Mark Green
Integrated Service Manager
01793 464061 / Paediatric Therapy Service – advice, support and programmes will identify therapy needs.
Speech & Language Therapy – helping to develop oral communication, staff training and courses.
Portage / Home visiting educational programme for pre-school children with disabilities, supporting them to develop skills and to enable inclusion in school and in the community.
Also run a drop in group for special needs children (Special Tots) and support children’s centres & support to children moving to school. / Children with Disabilities supported and worked with:
20 x children in 2014/15 (8x wait list)
Special Tots x 37 children
All localities are covered by the service. / Commissioned to service / Stephanie Hathaway
Swindon Portage Manager
01793 465360
Mark Green
Integrated Service Manager
01793 464061 / Inclusion into school for children who receive Portage home teaching, provide training and support to school staff.
Child Health and
Children Looked After Nurse Service / Ensures the provision of health assessments at determined periods for children looked afterand completion of Health Action Plans.
To offer advice and guidance to young people on all aspects of their health care with an explicit aim of reducing inequalities when compared to their non-LAC. / Children looked :
Approx. 200 Health Action Plans
All localities are covered by the service. / Commissioned to service / Anne Gray
Designated Nurse for Children in Care
01793 464334
Lyndhurst Centre
Lyndhurst Crescent
Valerie Williams
Service Manager – Children Looked After
01793 465855
Youth Offending Team (YOT) / The YOT work with children/young people if they are in trouble with the police and try to prevent children committing crime or further crime. / Children up to 18, although also the Police & Courts rely on the YOT to provide key services.
186 local resolutions (prevention)
68 referral orders
106 cautions (55 last year)
61 youth rehabilitation orders
10 intensive support & supervision
All localities are covered by the service. / It is the duty of each LA. / 01793 464662
Clarence House
Euclid Street
Matt Bywater
Service Manager - Restorative Youth Services
01793 463890
U-Turn / They provide support, help and guidance to young people and their families in Swindon with alcohol or drug-related problems.
The definition includes all illicit substances, solvents and prescribed medication but excludes the use of tobacco. / The Service is targeted at 10 to 17 year-olds. It accepts referrals from all professionals and also encourages referrals direct from young people and their parents or carers.
108 young people were worked with in 14/15.
All localities are covered by the service. / It is the duty of each LA. / Dale Colsell
01793 463873
Clarence House
Euclid Street
SN1 2JH / Provide experience in education and prevention to groups and schools, as well as training and awareness to staff
On Trak / Youth counselling service for young people aged 14-19 years.
It provides one-to-one counselling for local young people. / Young people aged 14-19years.
110 young people a year.
All localities are covered by the service. / Commissioned to service / Guy Pearson
01793 463877
Clarence House
Euclid Street
Child Health Admin / This service ensures standardised & accurate data and information to support the commissioning and delivery of child health services.
These services include screening, immunisation, health protection and health improvement interventions and of their community based healthcare.
The CHAS are able to link information flows across all community health providers ensuring the Child Health record is accurate and up to date. They are also responsible for scheduling the majority of the immunisations locally for children under 5. / Starts antenatal and continues until 18 or 24 for those involved in SEND pathway.
Oversight of 48,000 records of 0-18years old plus the 18-24years.
All localities are covered by the service. / Statutory DUTY / 01793 466511
Civic Annexe
Euclid Street
Louise Campion
Principal Officer – Health & Wellbeing
01793 465324
Children’s Workforce Development / Provide CPD programmes Registered staff –i.e. SW’s, HVs, EPs.
Support the provision of Early Years training for Education services, LSCB and some schools. / C,F & CH
Early Years
Schools / CPD / Ian Durnin-Duffy
01793 463124
Wat Tyler House – East
Beckhampton Street
Louise Campion
Principal Officer – Health & Wellbeing
01793 465324
Families First / Lead on Troubled Families and provide services to families that meet the criteria. / Families 0-18years
1270 families are the target across the 5year programme.
All localities are covered by the service. / Grant/Department for Communities and Local Government commissioned service / Charmaine Tarring
01793 465008
Clarence House
Euclid Street
Kevin Leaning
Service Manager – Early Help
01793 463887
Family Nurse Partnership / Vulnerable Pregnant Women’s pathway.
The programme is offered to every under 18 year old and 19 year old with vulnerabilities who has a first child aged under 2years old. / The service worked with 117 families in 2014/15.
All localities are covered by the service. / Commissioned to service / Charlotte Paterson
Family Nurse Partnership Supervisor
01793 466758
The Meadow
Leigh Road
Kevin Leaning
Service Manager – Early Help
01793 463887
Targeted Adolescent Mental Health Services (TaMHS) / Screen all referrals for CAMHS- single point of contact.
Provide Tier 2 services to families with 0-18year olds requiring support below the threshold for CAMHS.
Most referrals come from schools and GPs. / 0-18years
1200 contacts/sessions per month
Over 100 new cases per month
1609 new cases in year
Ave caseload 94 across the year.
All localities are covered by the service. / Commissioned to service / Heather Prictor – Professional Lead
07785 737586
Steve Smith
Operational Manager
Early Help
01793 463170 / Emotional and mental health needs, interventions with child and family, training to schools, consultancy, clinical and group interventions.
Education Welfare Officers / Tracks children ‘out or missing’ from school, deals with poor attendance, fixed penalties for parents taking children out of school, court cases for non-attenders (where needed). / School aged C&YP
636 referrals were dealt with from schools
1484 fixed penalty notices
213 cases have proceeded to
legal action
All localities are covered by the service. / There is a statutory duty to take cases to court that require it & FPN’s- only the LA can do this on behalf of schools. / Jenny Logan
01793 465795
Mary Donovan
01793 463093
Caroline Starling
Operational Manager
Early Help
01793 465452 / Enabling families to take responsibility for improving the school attendance of their young people. Integrated practice to maximise effectiveness.
Youth Engagement Workers / The YEWs support the most vulnerable young people at risk of NEET (not in education, employment & training) working through schools specifically.
To support Improved attendance for young people referred for attendance at school support.
Also to support young people’s improvement with well-being, notably around the troubled families agenda and also sexual health/personal development activities where they deliver sexual health information/advice inc: the condom scheme and Chlamydia screening. / 16-18yr olds and 14-17years for troubled families cases.
385 x total cases across the year
All localities are covered by the service. / DUTY to reduce the incidence of NEET ‘s / Gail McVicar
Youth Engagement Worker
Steve Smith
Operational Manager
Early Help
01793 463170 / Support packages to vulnerable pupils in year 10 and 11 for a range of personal and social issues.
Health Visiting / The service provides a universal health offer for all children starting before birth with a series of evidence based interventions delivered by qualified Health Visitors.
A targeted, progressively enhanced, HV service is delivered where other needs or vulnerabilities are identified at one of the universal contact visits.
Work focuses on such things as breastfeeding., new born screening, neonatal hearing screening support children subject to CP Plans for U5’s / Pre-birth to 5years old
Every child is entitled to the service for the universal provision, and then particular children who are considered vulnerable, i.e. CP disabilities, parenting concerns.
Service is provided to:
- 3000 x births per year for universal programme
1741 x U5s receiving additional support at March 15
All localities are covered by the service. / Commissioned to service / Dawn Chapple
Professional Lead for Health Visiting
Louise Campion
Principal Officer – Health & Wellbeing
01793 465324
Wat Tyler House – East
Beckhamtpon Street
School Nurses / School nurses provide health and sex education within schools, carrying out developmental screening, undertaking health interviews and administering immunisationprogrammes.
Support to vulnerable children on CP plans or LAC to address health inequalities. / Primary& Secondary school aged pupils:
1063 children were worked with in last year.
83 new cases in the last year. / Commissioned to service in Early Help / Janet Sadler
Professional Lead
Jane Lyons
Operational Manager
Early Help
07818510513 / Based on Healthy Child Programme and NHS Directives. Targeted services beyond free / universal provision to help in school management of children with medical needs, onsite support and PSHE.
Education Psychology / Provide services to the local authority for SEND statements and reviews and commissioned by schools to provide earl intervention and prevention around SEND. / 0-25years C&YP covered
415 cases were accepted in the last year with average caseload 35 children.
Plus the numbers of children with SEN statements in the LA are dealt with by this team.
All localities are covered by the service. / Commissioned to service in Early Help / Karin Twiss
Professional Lead
01793 465722
Caroline Starling
Operational Manager
Early Help
01793 465452 / Help improve performance by children with additional needs. Assessment, advice, intervention, and training to promote inclusion and well-being.
Legal Services / This service provides legal advice and advocacy for all child care cases whereby the Council wishes to bring legal proceedings to protect a child/adoption proceedings and advice on private family law cases where community case judges/magistrates as the LA to provide a SW opinion.
Also provision of legal advice and advocacy on school attendance cases through educational welfare officers. / Customers are ultimately children aged 0-18. Albeit the service is provided to the C,F & CH teams.
All localities are covered by the service. / Local Authority
Legal Representation / Andrew Ferguson
Head of Litigation & Personal Business Transformation
01793 463015
Civic Offices
Euclid Street
Nurseries x 2 / Two Early Years settings, providing day care Monday- Friday / 3months-to rising
All localities are potentially covered by the service / Commissioned to service

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