4705 5th Ave Apt#6-K, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213 – 1 (412) 683-7384 -


Master’s Degree Master of Science in Information Technology - Software Engineering Track (MSIT-SE), Aug 2001-May 2003,

Carnegie Mellon University,

Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

GPA 3.83

Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering),

June 1995-March 1999,

Chulalongkorn University,

Bangkok, Thailand

GPA 3.33


Carnegie Mellon University, MSIT/SE, Pittsburgh, PA

Research Staff Member, June 2002-Present

Architectures for Fault-Tolerant Real-Time CORBA Application

The purpose of this project is to develop an architecture for a distributed system that requires both real-time and fault-tolerant properties. This research tries to solve the problem imposed by conflicting requirements of real-time system and fault-tolerant system and to specify trade offs that need to be made because of the conflicts. This work exploits Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) as a platform for building a fault-tolerant real-time distributed system.

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Pittsburgh, PA

Research Assistant, Summer 2001

Knowledge-Based Component Ensemble Evaluation (K-BACEE)

K-BACEE is an expert system for component selection and a repository for component specifications, interactions and rules. Its purpose is to automate the selection of components and evaluate the compatibility of components in component ensembles. My contribution in this project includes: improving the component schemas, gathering the component specifications and interactions, extending the system and the component repository to reflect the new schema.

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1999

Bachelor’s Project:

Hand – Eye Coordination in 3-D Space, Study. It consisted of an arm learning to move towards a target using 2 cameras as input. Genetic algorithms were used to synthesize the program to control the arm.


·  Scholarship from Royal Thai Government, 1999. (2 years funding to complete a master’s degree and 4 years of funding to complete Ph.D.

·  2nd in class honor, Computer Engineering Faculty, Chulalongkorn University, 1999.

·  MCP in MS Visual Basic, Microsoft, 2000.


MOTIF Co. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand

Software Engineer, Apr 2000 – Jul 2001

AIA Web Application:

E-business Project with AIA (American International Assurance): Web-based application for AIA’s agents and staff to view policy information over the Internet.

BTOC Project with AIA (American International Assurance): Web-based application for AIA’s customers to view and update their policy information over the Internet.

EAPP Project with AIA (American International Assurance): Web-based application for AIA’s agents to enter policy information over the Internet.

Responsibilities included: system analysis including systems investigation, input and output design, database design, user interface design, presentation, report, and implementation. The languages used in these projects were: Java (servlets), JSP , HTML and Java Script . These projects used Sybase as the database Server and IBM Websphere as their web and application server.

ISONET Co. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand

Software Engineer, Mar 1999 – Apr 2000

Human Resource Project: Developed a Client – Server human resource information management program.

Responsibilities included: system analysis including systems investigation, input and output design, database design, user interface design, presentation, report, and implementation of two of the ten main system modules. The technologies used in this project were MS Visual Basic 6.0 and MS SQL server 6.5.

Siam Cement Co. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand

Programmer, Summer Internship, Apr 1998 – Jun 1998

Responsibilities included: developing supplement reports for SAP/3 Human Resource system using ABAP/4 Language.


·  “ABAP/4 Programming on SAP/3 System”

At Siam Cement Co. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand

·  “Implementing a Database Design on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5”

At ISONET Education Services, Bangkok, Thailand

·  “Performance Tuning and Optimization of Microsoft SQL Server 6.5”

At ISONET Education Services, Bangkok, Thailand

·  “Mastering Visual Basic6 Development”

At Isonet Education Services, Bangkok, Thailand


Programming Languages: C/C++, Pascal, COBOL, Assembly (8086/
IBM 370), Basic, Visual Basic, Perl, WWW (HTML), Java, JSP, SQL, JavaScript.


·  Staff member of the Engineering Public Relations Club, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1995-1999.

·  Secretary of Engineering Broadcasting Club, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1996

·  Staff member of various Engineering Student Activities, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,