Suitable Housing Guidance: Young people aged 16 and 17

Young people aged 16 and 17 should not be placed in emergency accommodation (nightly charge), including B&B’s unless the only alternative is rooflessness.

A B&B or other nightly charge housing should only be considered when all other alternatives have been tried and exhausted (i.e. family, friends and alternative accommodation). All B&B’s placements must be approved by a manager. However, the reality is that it may be necessary if there is no alternative while a suitable housing option is being explored or because the 16 and 17 year old has exhausted all other resources available due to their actions. Also, although B&B accommodation is not recommend, there may be circumstances in which it is the most appropriate to meet the young person’s needs and if this is the case the reasons must be evidenced and endorsed by a senior manager.

B&B or other nightly charge housing should be used for the shortest time possible and support must be offered to the young person during their stay.It should be clearly explained to the young person that the B&B or nightly charge is short term and that the expectation is that they move into supported housing when a place become available. Young people should not be allowed to veto moving into supported housing because this provision is set up specifically to meet the support needs of young people and is much more suitable than B&B or nightly charge. As soon as it is evident that a young person requires emergency accommodation the case manager should be planning to access more suitable housing unless the young person has exhausted these avenues.

The young person must be accompanied to the B&B and the accommodation checked to ensure it is to a suitable standard. Also, contact must be made with the young person the following day.

It is essential that this housing is checked to ensure it is safe, secure and suitable for the short term. Depending upon the needs, circumstances and age of the young person this should include:

Ensuring the young person is aware of the emergency duty contact arrangements and to inform the EDT team. Also, if assessed that the young person requires additional support negotiate with Key 2 if the young person could access their on call system and outreach (especially important if placed over the weekend), this arrangement would need to be endorsed by a manager.

Reviewing the young person’s support plan to assess whether the package needs to be increased to meet immediate needs (i.e. through accessing floating or outreach support). Any support plan must include frequency of visits by a worker to the property. Is a risk assessment and management plan required and are contingency plans in place?

Reviewing the communication and contact arrangements with the young person and support network to ensure the situation is closely monitored, risks are identified and managed, and needs are met. This must ensure the young person and support network is involved and kept up to date, especially of any barriers to meeting the action required.

Checking the physical accommodation to ensure the environment, furnishings and fittings and location are suitable. If food and cooking facilities are not available the young person should be informed of where they can access food and still eat healthily.

Suitable Housing Checklist

This checklist must be completed for young people under 18 and vulnerable adult placements that are not managed by supported housing providers or city or district housing departments (these landlords have requirements to undertake health and safety checks) when they move into the property. Also, this must be completed for young people where we are acting as guarantor or have funded the deposit. Copies must be given to the young person, landlord and held on the client file. When the young person leaves the property it must be checked and any changes to the original checklist recorded in the comments section

Young person name

Property address

Date moved in: Date checklist completed:

Landlord name and contact details

Yes / No / Tick if any changes upon YP vacating room / Comments
Is the bedroom space adequate?
Do they have access to bathroom and toilet?
If a shared bathroom is there working door lock?
Is there any damage in the bathroom?
Does the YP have a key to their room?
Does the YP know what to do if they are locked out (lost or forgotten key)? / Arrangements:
Can the bedroom door be locked?
Does the young person have a key to access the building?
If not are they clear about the arrangements to gain access and any restrictions re: access? / Arrangements:
Are stairwells free from obstruction?
Is there any damage in their kitchen?
What kitchen appliances provided? Is there any sign of damage / List kitchen appliances (eg cooker, microwave, fridge etc)
If there is a separate lounge is there any damage?
Are there any cracks on the walls or ceiling?
Does the decoration need redecorating? (i.e. any significant marks, holes in wall, is wallpaper peeling off)
Are there any wall sockets broken (i.e. hanging off the wall or wires showing)
Are any light fittings broken? (i.e. hanging off the wall, wires hanging out, lampshades damaged)
Are any furnishings or fixtures (i.e. curtains, curtain rails, carpets) damaged
If any electric goods, do any of these look damaged?
Is there a smoke alarm in working order (test batteries)?
Is there a fire extinguisher/blanket?
Is the young person able to control the room temperature?
Is there any sign of damp?
Is the YP responsible for payment of gas, electric, phone-line or TV? (circle)
If so is the YP aware of payment arrangements and amount? / Arrangements:
Is the YP aware of who to notify for any repairs or damages. / Arrangements:
Is the YP aware of who can access the property and when? (i.e. landlord) / Arrangements:
Is the young person aware of the expectations while at the property? (i.e. re; visitors and noise) / Arrangements:
If applicable does the YP understand their rights and responsibilities of their tenure?
Does the YP know how to deal with disputes with housemates or neighbours?
Are there any concerns regarding the external areas? (i.e. overflowing bins, litter, access blocked)
Is the access to local facilities?
(i.e. shops, bus stops within walking distance)
Date the landlord contacted re: any concerns with environment, furnishings and fittings:
Outcome of discussion: (i.e. what is the landlord going to do to rectify situation and when?)
If action is not undertaken by landlord or you have any concerns contact environmental health.
Outcome of discussion with environmental health
Record any disagreements between you, the young person and landlord regarding suitability or upon vacating premises and action required/outcome

At start of tenancy At end of tenancy

Signed by young person Signed by young person

Date Date

Signed by worker completing checklist: Signed by worker at end of tenancy:


Signed by landlord: Signed by landlord at end of tenancy
