Suicide Prevention Program
References:*OPNAV INST 1720.4A of 4AUG09
*OPNAV INST 6100.2A of 15MAR07
*OPNAVINST 3120.32D of 16JUL12
*SECNAVINST 5720.44C of 21FEB12
*BUMEDINST 6520.2 of 7MAR11
*BUMEDINST 6110.13A of 14JAN08
*DoDI 6490.04 of 4MAR13
*DoDI 6490.08 of 17AUG11
DISCLAIMER: This list of references is not all inclusive and the most recent updates may not be reflected. Commands are responsible for all instructions and guidance related to a particular program or inspectable area / Command POC:
Reference / Standard / Yes / No / E / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Comments/NotesOPNAV INST 1720.4A, p.7, para b(2) / Does the Program Manager provide BUMEDINST oversight and policy guidance for Navy Medicine issues? / √
BUMEDINST 6520.2, p.3, para 5(i). / Does the Program Manager provide subject matter expertise for the Navy Medicine Suicide Prevention Program? / √
Medical Inspector General (MedIG) Internal SOP / Does the Program Manager review and update the Medical IG Assessment tool at least annually? / √
OPNAV INST 6100.2A, p. para 8.j.(8) / Does the Program Manager provide Enterprise oversight of the Navy Medicine Suicide Prevention Program, ensuring Coordinators and Asst. Coordinators have established and maintained prevention/crisis responseplans? / √
OPNAV INST 1720.4A, p.7, para b(4) / Does the Program Manager ensure all MTFs have written protocols on suicide
prevention maintained in acute care areas and emergency rooms? / √
OPNAVINST 1720.4A pp 2-3 para 5a(1) and p.10 6j(4) / Was Suicide Prevention Training conducted on an annual basis for all Active Duty members, Reserve Component personnel, Civilian Employees and Contractors? / √ / √ / √ / √
OPNAVINST 1720.4A p.2 para 5a(1), p.10 para 6h(3) / Was annual suicide prevention trainingconducted and fully documented in DMHRSi or comparable local tracking system? / √ / √ / √ / √
OPNAVINST3120.32D, p.4-3 (enclosure 1), para 4.5 (a) / Was suicide prevention training conducted at least annually with all watchstanders, with specific crisis intervention plans reviewed and easily accessible? / √ / √ / √ / √
OPNAVINST 1720.4A p.6 para 5e and p.10 para 6h(2) / Does the command have a Suicide Prevention Coordinator designated in writing by the Commanding Officer, who is the rank of Chief or higher? / √ / √ / √ / √
OPNAVINST 1720.4A p.9 para 6i(2) / Has the Suicide Prevention Coordinator attended OPNAV N171 approved training that is documented by a certificate of completion? / √ / √ / √ / √
OPNAVINST 1720.4A p.6 para 5e / Does the Suicide Prevention Coordinator (SPC) aid leadership in ensuring that the suicide prevention program is fully implemented? / √ / √ / √ / √
OPNAVINST1720.4A pp 2-3 para 4b(2) and para 5a(1)(d)/5b(1); BUMEDINST 6520.2 p.2 para 5d / Does the command have a written crisis response plan or protocol for individuals requiring crisis response? / √ / √ / √ / √
BUMEDINST 6520.2 p.2 para 5d / Is there a written treatment facility-specific protocol providing clear guidance for referral to appropriate civilian agencies for all non-active duty patients who refuse voluntary treatment and who are presenting with suicidal ideation or behavior? / √ / √ / √ / √
DoDI 6490.04 p.7 para 2d(1) / Were procedures followed for both nonemergency and emergency referral to mental health for all active duty members by CO’s or supervisors? / √ / √ / √ / √
BUMEDINST 6520.2 p.2 Para 5f; OPNAVINST 1720.4A p.6 para 5d(4); DoDI 6490.08 p.2 para 3b(1) and Encl 2 para 1a/b / Does the command have a process in place for clinicians to communicate with leadership after a sailor has been evaluated for suicidal thoughts or behaviors or discharged from a treatment facility? / √ / √ / √ / √
DoDI 6490.04, p.13, para 6. / Does the clinic Standard Operating Procedures document how privileged providers are to take actions against service members who threatened injury to others? / √ / √
OPNAVINST 1720.4A p.5 para 5c / Does leadership have a plan to provide supportto affected personnel after an incident of suicide related behavior (i.e. care of high risk patients)? / √ / √ / √ / √
BUMEDINST 6520.2 p.1 para 5a / Ensure that screening for suicidality and risk assessment is being done in the primary care clinics in the MTF. / √ / √
OPNAVINST 1720.4A p.5 para 5d(2) / Did the command complete the
Department of Defense Suicide Event Report (DoDSER) (available at within 60 days of notification of death? / √ / √ / √ / √
BUMEDINST 6520.2 p.2 para 5g; OPNAVINST 1720.4A p.5 para 5d(3) / Was the Department of Defense Suicide Event Report (DoDSER) completed for all suicideattempts by Active and Reserve Component Service members, as determined by competentMedical authority, within 30 days of medical evaluation? / √ / √ / √ / √
BUMEDINST 6520.2 p.2 para 5h / Is a DoDSER point of contact designated and provided to the Navy Suicide Prevention Program Manager (Navy Personnel Command, N171, Millington, TN) and the Marine Corps Suicide Prevention Program Manager (U.S. Marine Corps Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Quantico, VA)? / √ / √ / √ / √
OPNAVINST 1720.4A Enclosure (1) p.2 para 3; OPNAVINST 6100.2A p.7 para 5h / Are links to resources found on the command website? / √ / √ / √ / √
SECNAVINST 5720.44C, Ch 7, p.7-10, section 0702-2-c.3 / The command website must display the contact information for the Veterans Crisis line (must display hyperlink with phone number that takes service member to the Veterans Crisis line). / √ / √ / √ / √
Additional Comments:
Typical resources include the following:American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:
National Alliance on Mental Illness:
Navy Personnel Command’s 21st Century Sailor Suicide Prevention program:
Military OneSource:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ( or Veterans Crisis Line (