Mahmoud Abdel-Rahman kasrawi
Horticulture and Crop Science Department
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Jordan
Amman – Jordan
Tel. (H.): 00962-6-5359602
(O): 00962-6-5355000 ext. 2519
(C) 00962-077-490545
Fax (Univ.): 00962-6-840150 or 832318
(Fax.): 00962-6-833059
Personal Data:
PLACE & DATE OF BIRTH: Raba-Jenin, 1949
MARITAL STATUS: Married with 5 children
Academic Degree:
1971: B.Sc., Agriculture
University of Damascus, Damascus, Syria
1979: M.Sc., Plant Production
“Effect of vibration on fruit firmness of different tomato cultivars”
University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.
1985: Ph.D., Genetics and Breeding of Vegetables
“Evaluation and inheritance of green peach aphid-resistance cross- ability and spread of potato-leaf-roll-virus in Solanum”
University of Minnesota, U.S.A
1972-1977: Academic and agriculture Secondary School Teacher, Jordan
1977-1982: Teaching/Research Assistant, University of Jordan
1985-1990: Assistant Professor, University of Jordan
1990-1996: Associate Professor, University of Jordan
1996- : Professor, University of Jordan
2003-2005: Vice Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan
2005-2007: Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan
2007- : Professor, University of Jordan
Fields of Interest :
Breeding&Production of Open-Field and Greenhouse Vegetables, Genetic Resources, Biodiversity, Organic Production of Vegetables, and Production of Safety Foods.
Conferences and Workshops:
1. First Arab Conference on Horticulture. April 12-17, 1986. Amman-Jordan.
2. Workshop Advances in Agriculture Through Plastichouse Technology. March 16-18, 1987. University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.
3. “Cucurbitaceae 88” Eucarpia Meeting of Cucurbits. May 31- June 2, 1988. Avignon, Motfavet-France.
4. First Regional Symposium on Horticulture in Jordan and Neighbo-ring Countries. March 27-30, 1989. University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.
5. The First Jordanian Plant Protection Conference. October 3-5, 1989. University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.
6. International Conference on Laser in Science and Technology. October 14-19, 1989. University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.
7. Regional Conference on Tomato Breeding for TYLCV-resistance. September 4-7, 1991. Avignon, Montfavet – France.
8. Regional Meeting on Agricultural Problems in Middle East FAO. December 8-12, 1991. Amman-Jordan.
9. Arab-International Conference on Biotechnology. December 14-16, 1991. Amman-Jordan.
10. TYLCV Seminar. September 4-7, 1991. Avignon, Montfavet- France.
11. Fifth EUCARPIA Cucurbitaceae Symposium. July 27-31, 1992. Poland.
12. Workshop on Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl and Tomato Curly Top Viruses. September 19, 1993. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.
13. Scientific Agricultural Conference. September 12-13, 1993. University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan.
14. Second Arab Conference on Perspectives of Modern Biotechnolo-gy. April 24-28, 1993. Amman-Jordan.
15. Workshop on Plant Genetic Resources in Jordan. August 2-4, 1994. Amman-Jordan.
16. Workshop on Vegetable Seed Production. September 3-5, 1994. Amman-Jordan.
17. International Horticultural Congress (ISHS). August 21-27, 1994. Tokyo-Japan.
18. National Agricultural Conference. June,16-17,1998. Amman, Jordan.
19. Workshop on Relationship between Scientific Research in Universities and Production Projects in Arab Countries. November 21-23. Amman, Jordan.
20. Tenth Arabic Translation Conference. July 20-25, 2002. Damascus, Syria.
21. Project Planning Workshop "Organic Agriculture & Marketing"15-16 July ,2004 Beirut, Lebanon .
22. Hawaii-Iraq Education Partnership, August 15-19,2004 Professional Academic Workshops ,University of Jordan, Amman , Jordan.
23. Global Horticultural Assessment/Asia-Near East Regional Workshop. Aug. 12-14 ,2005 .Cairo-Egypt.
24 Jordan Innovation Centre Study Tour to Europe. 26th Feb. to 5th Mar. 2006.Belgium, France, and Luxemburg.
Consulting Experience:
- Consultant for the Agricultural Material Co. LTD/ (Miqdadi) in the field of quality control and breeding of vegetables.
- Development of Agricultural Research Strategy, NCARTT, Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan. Team Leader for “Research Strategy and Medium-Term Plan” for irrigated Agriculture in Jordan, 1993/1994. Financed by USAID funded project NADP.
- Investigation of crop growth inside a multiplayer plastic house. A collaborative project with Royal Scientific Society, Jordan. 1992/ 1993.
- A committee member of Biotechnology in Higher Council of Science and Technology in Jordan. 1992-1994.
- Potato Seed Production at Abu Dba’a/Disi, Jordan. 1992/1993. A joint project of Jordanian-Egyptian Company.
- Member of Technical Committee for standard measures and des-cription of vegetable and fruits. 1994.
- Investigation of possible investment in the field of Horticulture in Sudan. 1995.
- Survey & Collection of landraces for some vegetables and herbs. 1995/1996. Sponsored by GTZ and Ministry of Agriculture.
- Member of accreditation and quality assurance committee for Faculty of Agriculture at Jerash University during 1997/1998.
- Consultant for Arab-American University-Jenin for the establish-ment of the University (curriculum, regulations, laws ……etc.) during 1996-1999.
- Visiting professor ,University of Jordanian Science and Technology, University Of Al Balqaa for Applied Sciences.1997-1998.
- Participation in planning and implementation of the Project" Production of safety vegetables according to Good Agricultural Practices Standards ( EurGAP) for export purposes' sponsored by Ministry of Planning ,Water Authority, and University of Jordan.
- Coordinator of AHEAD Project " The Agricultural Higher Education & Development Project (AHEAD), College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII AT MANOA
- Member of Steering Committee for the MEDWA Project since 2004-
- Consultant to the " National Seed Company' From 1997-2005.
List of Publications:
1. Kasrawi, M.A., B.A. Snobar and M.A. Suwwan. 1981. Tomato fruit firmness for 17 tomato cultivars (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown under rainfed and irrigated conditions of Jordan. Dirasat. VIII (1): 33-46.
2. Kasrawi, M.A., M.A. Suwwan and A.Mansour. 1988. Sources of resistance to tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in Lycopersicon species. Euphytica 37: 61-74.
3. Kasrawi, M.A. 1988. Effect of silver nitrate on sex expression and pollen viability in parthenocarpic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). Dirasat. XV (11): 69-78.
4. Kasrawi, M.A. 1988. Effect of plant density and row arrangement on production of parthenocarpic cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). Cucurbitaceae 88. Proceedings of the CUCARPIA meeting on July 31- June 2. pp. 205-206. (Abstract).
5. Kasrawi, M. 1989. Resistance to tomato-yellow-leaf-curl virus (TYLCV). First Regional Symposium of Horticulture. Abstract: 13-14.
6. Kasrawi, M.A. 1989. Inheritance of resistance to tomato-yellow-leaf-curl-virus (TYLCV) in Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium. Plant Disease. 73: 435-437.
7. Kasrawi, M.A. 1989. Response of cucumbers grown in plastic greenhouse to plant density and row arrangement. J. of Horticul-tural Science. 64 (5): 573.
8. Kasrawi, M.A. and B.E. Abu-Irmaileh. 1989. Resistance to bran-ched broomrape (Orobanche ramose)in tomato germplasm. Hort-Science 24 (5): 822-824.
9. Abu-Gharbieh, W.L., M.A. Kasrawi and L.A. Banna. 1989. Screening tomatoes against two species of root-knot nematode. Tomato Genetics Cooperative Report 39: 5.
10. Kasrawi, M.A. and Al-Fayyad. 1989. Yield and quality of potatoes as influenced by breaking dormancy of tuber seed. J. Aleppo University, Vol. 13: 51-67.
11. Kasrawi, M.A. and A. Amer. 1990. Genotypic variances and correlations for quality characteristics of processing tomatoes. J. Genetics and Breeding. 44: 85-90.
12. Al-Fayyad, M. and M.A. Kasrawi. 1991. Dormancy response of potatoes to gibberellic acid and thiourea. Dirasat 18B: 18-27.
13. Hadidi, N. and M.A. Kasrawi. 1992. Response of potato cultivars to tuber seed size. Dirasat 16 (9): 140-155.
14. Kasrawi, M.A. 1992. Parthenocarpic cucumber inbred line deve-lopment from commercial cultivars. Fifth EUCARPIA Cucurbita-ceae Symposium. Poland. July 27-31. pp. 34-37.
15. Kasrawi, M. 1991. Tomato production and tomato-yellow-leaf-curl-virus in Jordan. Proceeding Resistance of the Tomato to TYLCV., 4-7 Sept., 1991. Montfavet, Avignon-France.
16. Kasrawi, M. and A. Mansour. 1993. Breeding tomato resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus. HortScience 28 (5): 506 (Abstr.).
17. Kasrawi, M. and A. Mansour. 1994. Genetics of resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus in tomatoes. Journal of Horticultural Science 69 (6): 1095-1100.
18. Mansour, A. and M. Kasrawi. 1994. Effect of Muslin tunnels on production and Mosaic viruses infection of squash. (In Arabic). Dirasat 21 (3): 85-97.
19. Kasrawi, M. and M. Mansour. 1994. Developing tomatoes resist-ant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Dirasat 22B (2): 521-529.
20. Kasrawi, M.A. 1993. Breeding tomatoes resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl virus. Workshop on Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl and Tomato Curly Top Viruses. University of Jordan, Amman-Jordan. September 19th, 1993. (Abstr.).
21. Kasrawi, M.A. 1994. Inheritance of fruit length and weight in parthenocarpic cucumbers. XXIVth International Horticultural Congress (ISHS). August 21-27, 1994. Kyotom, Japan. 0-39-2: 78. (Abstr.).
22. Al-Majali, M. and M.A. Kasrawi. 1995. Plastic mulch use and method of planting influences on rainfed muskmelon production. Dirasat 22 (|4): 1039-1054.
23. Aldiab, M.A.G. and M.A. Kasrawi. 1995. Breeding behavior of vine habit of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). Dirasat 23: 1-8.
24. Qaryouti, M.M. and M.A. Kasrawi. 1995. Storage temperature of seed bulbs and planting date influence on garlic. I: Emergence, vegetative growth, bulbing and maturity. Adv. Hort. Sci. 9: 12-18.
25. Qaryouti, M.M. and M.A. Kasrawi. 1995. Storage temperature of seed bulbs and planting date influence on garlic. II: Yield and quality. Adv. Hort. Sci. 9: .
26. Kasrawi, M.A. 1995. Diversity in landraces of summer squash from Jordan. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 42: 223-230.
27. Kasrawi, M.A. 1994. Heterosis and reciprocal differences for quantitative traits in summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.). J. Genet & Breed. 48: 399-404.
28. Kasrawi, M.A., N. Khraishi and Y. Tabaza. 1994. Durability and efficiency of recycled multiplayer plastic covering in the product-ion of greenhouse-grown tomato. HortTechnology 4 (4): 394-398.
29. Mansour, A.N. and M.A. Kasrawi. 1995. Integrated management of tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Jordan. Dirasat
30. Kasrawi, M.A. 1995. Differential response of summer squash to ethephon-induced change in sex expression. Dirasat 22 (3): 857-866.
31. Al Attal Y., I. K. Nazer and M. A. Kasrawi. 2003 Monitoring bumblebee (Bombus terrestris L.) activity in pollinating tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)under plastichouses in Jordan. Dirasat 30 (2).
32. Qasem, J.R. and M.A. Kasrawi. 1995. Variation of resistance to broomrape (Orobanche ramose) in tomatoes. Euphytica 81: 109-114.
33. Al Attal,Y.; M. A. Kasrawi and I. K. Nazer. 2003. Influence of pollination means on plastichouse tomato production in Jordan. Agricultural Sciences, J. Scientific Research, Sultan Qaboos University.Vol.8.1
34. Ermias Abate, M. A. Kasrawi,Jamal S. Sawwan (2004) Genotype and Donor Plant Growing Environment Affects Callus Induction in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Anther Culture
35. Ermias Abate, M. A. Kasrawi,Jamal S. Sawwan (2004) Effect of Thidiazuron and IAA Concentration on Anther Culture Response of Fertile Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Genotypes.
36. Salameh N.M. and M. A. Kasrawi .2007.Inheritance of fruit length,diameter and number of fruit ridges in okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus L. ) landraces of Jordan.Jordan J. of Agri. Sciences. Vol. 3 No. 4 439-452,.
37. I. Lutfi Hamad ; M. Kasrawi and DA. Badarneh .( In process) Effect of organic
fertilizers on organic tomato greenhouse production.
38. N.M.Ahmad, M.A.Kasrawi and H.Abu-Blan.2010. Inheritance of resistance to powder mildew disease in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
1. Kasrawi, M.A., Sadeq, M. and Abdel-Hadi, A. 1992. Genetics (In Arabic). Al Quds Open Univ. Amman, Jordan. pp. 553.
2. Kasrawi, M.A. 1993. Principles of Plant Production (In Arabic). Al Quds Open Univ. Amman, Jordan. pp. 229.
3. Kasrawi, M.A. 1997. Vegetable Production (In Arabic).Al Quds Open University,Amman .Jordan.pp.366.
4. Kasrawi, M.A. and F. Quasmeh.1998. Protected Agriculture (In Arabic). Al Quds University, Amman Jordan .pp.300
5. Kasrawi, M.A. and Others. 1995. Crop Production for Secondary School (In Arabic). Ministry of Education, Jordan.
6. Kasrawi, M.A. and Others. 1995. Practical Training in Crop Production (In Arabic). Ministry of Education in Jordan.
7. Kasrawi, M.A. and A. Al-Tell. Dictionary of Genetics.2002.
1. Developing tomatoes resistant to tomato-yellow-leaf-curl-virus. (TYLCV).
2. Extraction of parental inbred lines of parthenocarpic cucumber.
Research Projects:
1. Development of lines resistant to tomato-yellow-leaf-curl-virus.
2. Development of lines and hybrids of parthenocarpic cucumber.
3. Estimates of genetic variances for yield and quality in partheno-carpic cucumber.
4. Genetic diversity in landraces of summer squash.
5. Inheritance of some characters in summer squash.
6. Factors affecting bumble bees and the production of greenhouse eggplant and strawberry.
7. Maximize productivity open field vegetables per unit of water irrigation.
Teaching Courses:
Under Graduate:
- Principles of Plant Production
- Horticultural Science
- Vegetable Production
- Principles of Plant Breeding
- Cultural Practices in Plant Production
- Undergraduate Seminars
- Advanced Vegetable Production
- Advanced Plant Breeding
- Seed Science and Technology, 22/4-10/5/1990
- Advanced Statistics and Experimental Design
- Graduate Seminars
- Plant Biotechnology
Training Courses:
- Parthenocarpic seed Production 20/11-29/11/1990.
- Propagation of Horticultural Crops, 5/10-27/11/1991
- Seed Science and Technology, 22/4-10/5/1993
- Breeding of Cucumber and Tomato, Sponsored by GTZ and Ministry of Agriculture, 17/6-6/7/1995
- Production of Open Pollinated Cultivars of some Vegetables Sponsored GTZ and MOA, Summer, 1996
M.Sc. Students:
a. Advisor for many students in vegetables, organic production, and plant breeding research.
b. Examiner for a number of students
* Shuman Research Awards for Youth Scientists, 1990
* Hisham Al-Hijjawi’s Research Awards for the academic year 1992/1993