Suggestions for use of Maths mat and toolkit and the IWB version

(apologies if this seems patronising!)

When you print out the boards onto A3 from PowerPoint, make sure that on the paper tab of the printer properties you fit to paper A3 BUT ALSO you do the same on the print screen of PowerPoint. You need to change it from greyscale and also click on Full page slides and check the box beside Scale to fit paper.

Hand out the boards, and wipers, to the pupils without pens first. Tell them that when they rub out their boards they should NEVER go beyond the edge of the board because that just rubs off the ink onto their desks and will later mean that ink will be ground into the back of the board. Also don’t write too big because it can be hard to rub out lots of writing.

First introduce the toolkit (or whichever bits are appropriate for your class). For this you may well want to display the Maths Mat IWB Version on an interactive whiteboard. Make sure you View the show from beginning.

Possible ideas for the Maths Toolkit:

2 cm grid

  • Column addition or subtraction
  • Draw shapes
  • Draw axes for different graphs

2 by 2 grid, and 3 by 3 grid

  • Long multiplication, either by chunking or Napier’s bones (they’ll need to draw the diagonals on)

Some “nice” problems are: 37*367=13,579



“Bus shelter” division sign

  • Obviously for division e.g. 6735 ÷ 5, 3 ÷ 4 to change to a decimal, or 80 ÷81 for my favourite number ever.
  • If you want no remainders do any three digit number repeated divided by 7, 11 or 13 e.g. 354354, 871871, 23023 etc.

-10 to 10 x and y axis with “x y” table

  • Plotting co-ordinates
  • Battleships
  • Drawing straight line graphs, or indeed quadratics etc.
  • Transformations
  • Symmetry

Number lines

  • Calculations with negatives
  • Temperature scales

PTO for some of the features of the Maths Mat IWB version

Maths Mat IWB version

This is a PowerPoint presentation with hyperlinks and so you need to “View Show from Beginning”.

It opens with all the Maths mat facts. If you click on any item it will take you to the page that only has that fact. If you click again it will enlarge that fact. Then click Home to get back to the start.

There is one exception to the above: if you click on the Coke can the items will jiggle a bit and you enter a Kim’s game version, where every time you click, one item disappears to help the pupils identify where the facts are.

Similarly to the Kim’s game version happens if you click on the white space immediately underneath the Fraction Wall. This takes you to a blank screen where you can click on the screen and it will take you to that fact. When you click Back it will go back to this testing screen.

Turn Over button

If you click on Turn Over, it will take you to the Maths Toolkit page. Now you can click on one item and it will take you to that item. Clicking again will take you to more than one copy of that item so that you can teach the pupils how to use it.


If you click on Paper, it will take you to some possible backgrounds that might be useful (I will add to these). Choose the one you want.