Suggested Progress through the Psychology Major
Freshman YearPsychology 201:
General Psychology (3 credits) / Scientific study of behavior and experience. Biological bases of behavior; sensation and perception; conditioning, learning and memory; thinking, problem solving, language, and consciousness; cognitive, personal and social development.
Psychology 202:
General Psychology (3 credits) / Motivation and emotion; personality; measurement of human differences; adjustment, psychopathology and psychotherapy; attitudes and social behavior.
Biology 102 (or Biology 213):
General Biology (4 credits) / Mendelian genetics, molecular genetics, human genetics, genetic engineering, evolution, and behavior. An introductory course in the principles and methods of biology, intended for majors in fields other than the biological sciences.
Biology 103 (or Biology 212):
General Biology (4 credits) / Human anatomy and physiology, and human diseases. An introductory course in the principles and methods of biology, intended for majors in fields other than the biological sciences.
Sophomore Year
Philosophy 121:
Reasoning and Writing (3 credits)
Writing 327:
Technical Writing (3 credits) / Develops critical thinking skills to increase clarity and effectiveness of student writing; uses writing experiences to teach critical thinking skills. Subjects include identifying and evaluating arguments, analyzing assumptions, justifying claims with reasons, avoiding confused or dishonest reasoning, applying common patterns of reasoning in everyday contexts, and writing cogent complex arguments.
Continued practice in writing with an emphasis on the rhetorical and critical thinking demands of writers in scientific and technological fields.
Statistics 351:
Descriptive Statistics (4 credits) / Descriptive statistics, random variables, normal distribution, sampling distributions, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for means using one and two samples.
Statistics 352:
Intro to Statistical Methods (4 credits) / Simple and multiple linear regression, correlation, analysis of categorical data.
Junior Year
Psychology 301:
Research Methods in Psychology (4 credits) / Study of scientific methodology in psychology, including experimental and observational techniques. Topics include problem identification and hypothesis formation, research design, application of statistics, collection and interpretation of data, computer usage, and research report writing.
300 level Survey course (4 credits) / Choose between: PSY 330 or 340
Choose between: PSY 350 or 360
Choose between: PSY 370 and 381
300 level Survey course (4 credits)
300 level Survey course (4 credits)
Senior Year
300 level Survey course (4 credits) / Choose one additional 300 level course.
400 level Advanced Elective (4 credits) / Choose four courses from the 400 level offerings.
400 level Advanced Elective (4 credits)
400 level Advanced Elective (4 credits)
400 level Advanced Elective (4 credits)
Psychology WIC : (4 credits) / Choose either PSY 434, 440, 460, 470, or 480.
Students who want to graduate in a timely manner will pay close attention to the following sequencing: