(4 July 2004)

Nordostlüneburg, Ostfriesland

Suggested music:“Windmüller”, Bande 5, Heidjers Tanzmusik,

Bauerntänze aus der Lüneburger Heide, Spööllüü van Ostfreesland, CD-DGV 15-97

Steps:Waltz or Triple-walking steps




Figure 1: Big Circle

Chorus A: Grand Windmill

Chorus B: Double Circle/Basket

Chorus C: Couples Waltz

Figure 2: Couples in back-cross hold

Chorus A: Grand Windmill

Chorus B: Double Circle/Basket

Chorus C: Couples Waltz

Figure 3: Women’s Star

Chorus A: Grand Windmill

Chorus B: Double Circle/Basket

Chorus C: Couples Waltz

Figure 4: Men’s Star

Chorus A: Grand Windmill

Chorus B: Double Circle/Basket

Chorus C: Couples Waltz

Figure 5: Big Circle



1-4From Dance Rest, form a circle, hands in ‘W’ hold

FIGURE 1: Big Circle

1-8Circle L with 8 running waltz steps (triple-walking steps). ALL START


9-16Circle R with 8 running waltz steps. Remember that the change

in direction is a step back - turn.

CHORUS A: Grand Windmill

1-8M take W in open-hip position (M put R hand on W’s R waist, arm in

back. W rest L hand on M’s R shoulder. Free hands on hips). M form LEFTHAND star and turn star once around CCW with 8 running waltz steps

9-16On 9, M back up/W move forward to center of circle (CCW) to form

RIGHTHAND star. Turn star once around CW with 8 running waltz steps. When the couples reach their original positions, W release handhold and with partner rotate ¾ around CCW so that the couple is in original position facing center. The women immediately go in for...

CHORUS B: Double Circle/Basket

1-8W join hands in the middle to form an inner circle, M join hands on

the outside for an outer circle. Use the first two measures to do this. Since there is not much room, W must make their circle small. M circle L (CW), W circle R (CCW) with 8 running waltz steps, usually one time around. NOTE: Some dance notations show the M and W moving in the same direction - L (CW)

9-16With partner on R, M lift joined hands over W’s head and lower them

in front for a front basket. Basket moves R (CCW) one time around, returning couples to original positions.

NOTE: There will be an urge that instead of a regular basket, to pick the ladies up. Fight that urge and DON’T DO IT! It’s inappropriate for this dance.

CHORUS C: Couples Waltz

1-16All release hands on 1 and step slightly back with waltz step, M start

with L foot, W start with R (therefore the W have to “fudge” to get to the correct foot since they have been starting with the L foot until now). On 2 the partners face each other and get into closed ballroom position. Couples waltz around twice, returning to original position. This is a fast, tight waltz.

FIGURE 2: Couples in cross-back hold

1-8From the closed ballroom position, M and W face same direction,

placing own L hand in small of own back, and reaching with R hand to take that hand. Use 2 measures to do so to ensure smoothness in the transition. Use remaining 6 measures to turn CW (M forward) twice around.

9-16In same hold as above, turn CCW (W forward) twice around. Use

15 and 16 to unwind (M releases W’s L hand, which he has hold of with his R, W puts her left hand on M’s R shoulder, M puts his hand onto W’s right Waist for...)

Repeat CHORUS A: Grand Windmill

Repeat CHORUS B: Double Circle/Basket

Repeat CHORUS C: Couples Waltz

Figure 3: Women’s Star

1-16W form a R-hand star and turn CW twice around. On 15-16, when they

up to their partner, they release their joined R hands, their partner takes them into an open hip-shoulder hold, they turn halfway around to face LOD so that M can go into...

Repeat CHORUS A: Grand Windmill

Repeat CHORUS B: Double Circle/Basket

Repeat CHORUS C: Couples Waltz

FIGURE 4: Men’s Star

1-8M form a R-hand star and turn CW once around

9-16M backup, turning CW ½ around and make a L-hand star, and turn CCW

once around. As they come up to their partner, they take their partner into a open-hip shoulder hold, turn once around CW and for into...

Repeat CHORUS A: Grand Windmill

Repeat CHORUS B: Double Circle/Basket

Repeat CHORUS C: Couples Waltz

Repeat Big Circle

Taught at the NAFGFDG Tanzfest Lehrgang by Dr. Wolfgang Schlüter. The Lehgang was held in Tulsa, OK 18-20 June 2004. Original English translation of German dance notes by Karin Gottier. These dance notes and choreography were written by Dr. Douglas Lee Hall, Der Deutsche Volkstanzverein von San Antonio. ©2004. May be used for non-commercial purposes without written permission of the author.