August 2012

Buncombe County Schools

Learning Targets for ELA Common Core Standards


Grade 7 Speaking and Listening

Grade Specific Standard / Learning Targets
(I can statements) / Activities/Strategies
(What strategies/activities could we use to teach this learning target?) / Resources
(What text could we use to teach this learning target?) / Formative AssessmentSuggestions
(What are ways to formatively check for understanding while teaching this learning target?)
Standard 1: Engage
effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. / *I can come to discussions prepared by having read required or researched material, selecting evidence to probe in discussion, and completing other assigned pre-discussion tasks.
*I can follow the rules of discussion, track progress towards set goals, and define my role in discussion.
*I can ask questions which elicit elaboration, respond to questions with relevant observations, and keep discussion on topic.
*I can acknowledge new information presented by others and modify my own views. / - Use Thinking Maps to organize information and thoughts
- Use text evidence to support a position in a debate
- Use notes to present a speech on a given topic
- Read text in advance; bring Cornell Notes from research and have written discussion question responses completed
- SSR conferencing and modeling
- Use Marzano’s questioning stems to develop engaging questions
- Journaling, reflection, goal setting
Paideia and Junior Great Books seminars; team building with positive communication skills; group work / - Junior Great Books
- Complex texts from a variety of sources
- Current events articles
- Global literature
- Non-print and print thematic materials
- Educational videos
- NPR articles including audio clips
- National Geographic Readers and websites / - Focused Listening with Thinking Maps, outlines, and cloze activities
- Exit tickets
- Individual conferences
- Group goal setting and reflection
- Rubrics
- Journaling and reflections
- Peer evaluations
- Self Assessments (Thumbs up, middle, down)
- Anecdotal records of seminar discussions
- Mapping of seminar participation
- Teacher-led discussions
- Poll Everywhere data
- Moodle forum and journal responses
Standard 2: Analyze main idea and details in diverse media and formats and explain how ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. / *I can analyze main idea and the details which support it from various media and formats.
*I can explain how information from diverse media contributes to the topic. / - Mapping main ideas and supporting details with Cornell Notes and Thinking Maps
- Thematic PowerPoints with questions/discussions
- Listen to a passage with an essential question in mind / - Video clips—United Streaming & You Tube
- Discovery Education
- Audio CDs, Read alouds
- NPR (Storycorps)
Storylineonline.net (Celebrities reading picture books) / - Rubric for student use
- Web quests (w/ listening & viewing components)
- Focused Listening with Thinking Maps, outlines, and cloze activities
Standard 3: Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, evaluating the soundness of the reasoning and the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence. / *I can identify a speaker’s argument.
*I can identify and evaluate the soundness, relevance and sufficiency of an argument. / - Analyze and take notes on debates
- Peer feedback on oral presentations of argumentative writing
- Listen and evaluate famous, effective speeches
- Use Thinking Maps and graphic organizers (T-charts) to organize information / - Middle School Debate websites and documents
- Student argumentative essays
- Oral editorials
- Political rhetoric
- Decisions, Decisions / - Debate peer and self evaluations
- Peer assess student writings
- Thinking Maps Flow Maps of arguments
Standard 4:
Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequatevolume, and clear pronunciation. / *I can present my own claims and findingsemphasizing key points in a focused manner.
*I can sequence ideas logically.
*I can use pertinent details to support the main idea and theme.
*I can use appropriate public speaking skills. / - Whole class-instruction modeling
- Modeling/practicing audience etiquette
- Speeches & Debates
- Book Talks
- Sharing student work (writing)
- Thinking Maps
- TeamBuilding
- Cornell Notes
- Seminars
- Collaborative Groups
- Philosophical Chairs / - Video clips of proficient, effective speakers
- Guest speakers
- iDebate.org
- CNN news, CNN Student News
- Izzit.org
- Junior Great Books / - Exit passes
- Debate & speech notecards
- Anecdotal evidence from small group discussions and seminars
- Oral simple task directions
- Peer and self evaluations
- Thinking maps (Flow Map to sequence information)
- Cornell notes
Standard 5:
Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify meaning. / *I can identify effective visual materials for various topics and audiences.
*I can explain how the visual relates to the topic.
*I can create effective visual materials to clarify information.
*I can include effective visual materials in my presentation to clarify claims and emphasize key points. / - Watching/analyzing video clips and effective speeches
- Speech unit—include effective visual
- Book talks—Bring in object that represents important topic in book and be able to explain significance.
- Theme of Life song project (listen to lyrics and have symbolic object)
- Gallery walks (w/ partners)
- Skits/Reader’s Theatre
- Analyze graphs/maps/etc (w/ partners)
- Pod casts
- Photo Analysis
- Interactive PowerPoints / - National Geographic visuals
- Smart Board interactive materials
- Science & Social Studies graphs/maps
- Peace Corps lesson plans and calendar photos
- Pulitzer Prize photos
- Unblocked websites for student access (You Tube, National Geographic for Kids, etc)
- Inspiration / - Exit passes
- Anecdotal evidence from small group discussions and seminars
- Peer and self evaluations
- Thinking Maps
- Cornell notes
- Drafts of visual displays
- Gallery walk w/ rubric
Standard 6:
Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. / *I can distinguish when it is appropriate to use formal vs. informal language.
*I can demonstrate command of formal language.
*I can adapt my speech to a variety of contexts and tasks. / - Talking from Thinking Maps
- Transferring from informal to formal register, using stories and plays
- Using thinking stems/sentence starters
Paideia and Junior Great Books seminars
- team building with positive communication skills
- group work
- Speeches & debates
- Book talks
- Pod Casts
- Student led lessons
- Modeling—teacher & famous speakers / - 4 levels of grammar practice
- Daily Oral Practice
- Famous speeches—CD, You Tube, etc / - Rubrics
- Self & peer evaluations
- SSR conferences
- Informal teacher/student discussions & conferences
- Verbal exit ticket