/ College of Education / GuidelinesEPE310

Suggested guidelines for EPE310 Professional Experience: Learning for All

Professional experience in schools helps to develop the professional knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for beginning teachers. The professional experience promotes learning about professional contexts, about educational settings and practices, about schools and other learning settings and most importantly about teaching and learning strategies that foster pre-service teachers (PSTs) growth and development.The following is a guide to elaborate on the unit content and in-school learning tasks for EPE310.

Throughout this final placement PSTs are expected to provide specific responses to TPA requirements. This is submitted in 2 stages - week 1 and week 5.

Before the Professional Experience / Contact your mentor teacher to clarify details regarding placement and initial expectations of placement.
Prepare yourself for the commitment of a school day:
  • 20 minutes before the students start school
  • at least one hour after school finishes, depending upon the school activities
/ Organise a timetable of days of attendance for the pre-service teacher
  • Familiarise yourself with the requirements of the professional experience and with the assessment forms

Week 1
(Days 1 – 5)
Element #1 and portfolio
Element #1 to Learnline / Introduceyourselftothe class/esyou willbeteaching,developfamiliarity with the school,classand students
Discussassessmentrequirementsthat are relatedtothe professional experience, refer to – Element #1, 2, 3, & 4 in your Learnline Unit.
Establish goals with yourmentorteacher
Discussreflectivejournalentrieswith mentorteacher. Begin makingentries forlaterdiscussions
Be asactiveinthe classaspossible: support,individualsand smallgroups ofstudentsand teamteachwith mentorteacher
Attendallstaffmeetingsand professionallearningorganisedfor staff
Assess students’ needs with professional teams in relation to curriculum - Element #1
Submit Element #1 to Learnline
  • Focus on observations of the class(es), the teacher(s), the program(s) and the resources, assisting as a co- teacher/aide in:
  • Assist and coordinate transitions
  • Attend staff/room meetings
  • Prepare draft lesson plans and seek feedback
  • Undertake planning and daily teaching for groups/individuals.
/ IntroducePSTtoclass, the principal andstaff
InformPSTofschoolroutines, e.g.staffmeetings,yarddutiesetc.
Discussthe goals thatthe PSThasforthisperiodand assist in providing:
  • accesstoyourprogram;
  • anoverviewofthe classincludingthe datafromthe previousroundofreportingto parents; culturalandlinguisticbackgroundof students;
  • examplesof studentprofiles;and,
  • assessmentresources as required for PST in Element #1.
Discussthe reflectivejournalwithPSTand theprocessesyou willuse to respondtothe feedback.
Outlinethe allocatedteachingtasks for the fulltime6weeks continuous teaching
Outlineexpectationsand protocolsforteaching and identifyareas for improvement,e.g.teachervoice, groupwork,strategiestoenhancestudent engagement,questioningtechniques
Givewrittenfeedbackinaformalfeedback andcriticalreflectionsessiononceweekly (ongoing)
Elements#2,3 and 4
And PoE* / Continueadaily reflectivejournal
ContinueTeachingPortfolio development,
Discussand considerassessmentand reportingpractices in use.
Undertakeallclass routinesthatwould typicallybe undertakenbythementor teacher.Makenotesofclassroom managementstrategiesusedby mentor teacher.Researchother strategies
Manage lesson transitions, assessment of tasks, setting up for teaching and learning
Participateinallmeetings/ professionalsituationsthatwould typicallybe undertakenbythementor, withmentorsupport
Begin planning for sustained teaching period - planning could include:
Note: Planning must be submitted to teacher at least one day in advance. / Developatimetablewith the PSTthatoutlineswhattheywillbe teachingduring theirprofessionalexperience and the locationofrelevantresources
Discussthe reflectivejournalwithPST.Givefeedbackonsectionshe orshe iswillingtoshare
Discussand considerassessmentand reportingpractices in use.
Provide written and verbal feedback on PST planning, teaching and assessment. Feedback templates are available at
Invitethe PSTtoallmeetings andprofessionallearningopportunities
Element #2,3 and 4
PoE* / Teachpreparedlesson/sand unitsand askmentorteacherforverbaland written feedback.Evaluateyour planningand teachinginyourreflectivejournal.Ensurethisa consistent practice aftereachteachingopportunity
Undertakeassessmentsandprogress evaluationsas relevant
Planincollaborationwith thementor teachertheteachingtasksthatwillbe undertakeninthe classroom, refer to - Element #2 in Learnline material / At the end of Week 3 - Complete Interim Report and send to:
Give the PST (and if necessary, CDU) feedback as to progress. (See “Reporting Degrees of Concern” procedures if necessary)
Review lessonplansand provide feedbackthatwillhelp with construction, locationofresourcesand suggestionsfor managementofthe classbeforethe PSTteachesthelesson/unit
InformthePSTofhis orher progress, refer to - Element#2 provided by the PST
Providesupportaroundclassroom managementtomaximisePST teacher effectiveness
Assistthe PSTto use relevant reportingand assessmenttoolsinthe school. Engage PST in moderation activities in the classroom or across the wider school
Week4Professional Experience
Element #2,3 and 4
PoE* / Continuecontinuousplanning, teachingand assessment. Seek opportunities it be involved in moderation discussions with teachers
Refine the summary of the teaching and learning sequence/s in consultation with mentor teacher/s to reflect progress towards planned outcomes. / Discuss the reflective journal with PST. The focus of reflection for this unit is the complex nature of teaching and the role of the teacher in the school and society
Week5and 6
Element #2, #3 #4
Submit Elements to Learnline / Continuecontinuousplanning, teachingand assessment.
Continue collecting and responding to feedback/critical reflection with mentor teacher. Maintain the reflective journal and select pieces that can be used in your PoE*
Undertakeassessmentsandprogress evaluationsas relevant; refer to - Elements #2 ,3, and 4in Learnline. / Providesupportinthe areaofclassroom managementtomaximisetheireffectiveness as teachers.
Assistthe PSTto use relevant reportingand assessmenttoolsinthe school refer to – Elements #2, 3, and 4 provided by the PST.
portfolio / Develop school-based presentation, noting that the AfGT addresses most of the APSTs. Those standards not included in the AfGT should be explicitly addressed in conversationswith the school
Have a conversation with the mentor that allows you to reflect on the professional experience and your skills as a PST.
Maintaincopiesofassessmentforms (Interim and final)and ensure your mentor sends these to InSchool
Contactthe TRB inyourStateorTerritoryto determinetheirrequirementsfor registration / Provideverbaland written feedbackon lessonstaughtby PST and discuss PST progress
Arrangetimetolookatthe evidencethatthe PSThascollectedfortheir electronicPoE*(including responses to AfGT and other APSTs not already addressed) andprovidefeedbackand guidance
InvitePSTto be partofany additionalprofessionallearningopportunities theymayfind useful
Use the reflective journal as a tool to facilitate discussion with the PST
Mentor teacher to complete rubric and assessment in the final report and return to Professional Experience Office on or before:
15 June; (Sem 1) or Nov 1 (Sem2)
Semester 2 - 1 November.

* Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) – is a collection of evidence that shows how you are working at the graduate level of the APST. It is useful to demonstrate the ways in which you have met the APSTs for future employers, performance development processes or promotions.

A PoE can be displayed in a range of ways. The way in which you are required to display your evidence will depend on your course and your final placement requirements. It is important to share your evidence with your mentor to reflect and discuss how you are working at the graduate level.


EPE310 Guideline