Insurance Professionals of Greater Orlando

General Meeting

Date: June 20, 2012

Place: Hilton Altamonte Springs


Karen Ramsey, ACSR, CPIW, DAE, PIAM, CPII and IPOGO President was the presiding officer. She called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

Karen led the association in the Pledge of Allegiance .

Corporate Sponsors present:

Premium Assignment: Tom Dobrosky

Emergency Restoration Services: Miriam Ericsson

Miche Sales Consultant: Jeri Cascio

Attorney Kathleen Flammia

McNeil Group

Recognition of guests:

Guest / Employer / Guest of:
Kellie Smith / Closson Ins / Rebecca Miller
Sandy Wright / Bowen, Miclette & Britt Ins Agency LLC / Helen Wright
Toni Strassman / Southstar Insurance / Deedee Molnar
Crystal Foster / Gulfstream / Karen Ramsey
Char Duprat / Fran Brown

Dinner was served.

Patti French, ARM, AIC, PIAM, CPIW President Elect introduced the guest speakers:

Clara L McDaniels –Assistant Director of Consumer and Agent Services, and

Marsha Watson Agent Outreach Manager of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.

Business Session:

Karen Ramsey ACSR, CPIW, DAE, PIAM, CPII and IPOGO President introduced the officers of the association for 2011/12 term:

Patti French, ARM, AIC, PIAM, CPIW President Elect

Frances Hitchcock AAI, PIAM, CIIP, CPII, Vice President

Paula Keyes, CPCU, Are, CPIW, AIR Treasurer

Jodi Kelley, CIC ACSR, API, CPIW- Secretary

Sue Downey ARA ACS AIRC CPIW, Parliamentarian Pro temp

Additional individuals recognized:

Past President Mindy Bander Habib, ASCR, PIAM, CPIW, CPII was not able to attend.

Members serving at the Florida and Regional level:

Debra Folendore, AAI, AIS, ACS, Florida Education Liaison

Frances Hitchcock Florida Membership Liaison

Betty Ribero, PIAM, ACSR, CPIW, DAE, Regional Vice President


Based on IPOGO Bylaw requirement that 25% of members must be in attendance to constitute a quorum, and having established that 25% of the membership is 13 (18 present) it has been verified that a quorum is established.


April and May Minutes were presented to the association. A motion was made by Mindy Bander Habib to accept the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Rebecca Miller. With no opposition the motion carried.

Treasurer Report:

No report given at this time.

Committee Reports:

Special recognition was given to the Public Relations Committee for the May VIP Night by Karen Ramsey.

Bylaws: Sue Downey and Toni Jones

Proposed bylaws changes were reviewed and a quorum of 2/3 members present must approve a vote.

See attachment one for specific changes proposed.

A motion was made by Jennifer McRae and a second was presented by Jeri Casico to accept the proposed changes as written. No opposition was presented and the motion passed.

Karen Ramsey gave a few remarks on her year as President and expressed her gratitude to the association.

Installation of officers: Betty Ribeiro

Officers were installed for the 07/2012 to 07/2013 term.

Patti French, ARM, AIC, PIAM, CPIW President

Jodi Kelley, CIC, ACSR, API, CPIW- President-Elect

Sue Downey, ARA ,ACS, AIRC, CPIW- Vice President

Rebecca Miller-Secretary

Helen Wright, AIA, CIC, CPIW, PIAM -Treasurer

Patti French gave a few remarks on her upcoming year as President and her goals.


·  Reminder dues are to be submitted on or before July 1st.

·  Next general meeting will be Combo meeting on July 14th in Lakeland. (Flyer attached)

·  Next Board Meeting July 2th at CNA at 5:45 pm.

·  August General Meeting at Hilton on August 15, 2012.


Karen Ramsey adjourned the meeting with no objections at 8:39 p.m.