Sugar Island Township

Board Meeting

February 9, 2010

1. Call Meeting to Order: Supervisor McKerchie called the meeting to order at

7:16 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call: Trustee Snider, Clerk Bledsoe, Supervisor

McKerchie, Treasurer Janiga and Trustee Biron were all present.

3. Addition/Changes to the Agenda: add on #8-New Business, E. Resignation of

CSB Board member.

4. Minutes:

Clerk Bledsoe read the minutes from the January 12, 2010 Board Meeting.

Motion made by Supervisor McKerchie to accept the minutes as read, second by

Trustee Snider. Motion carried 5-0.

5. Treasurer Janiga read the Treasurers Report for January.

General Fund $154,679.34

Road Fund $126,922.42

Fire Dept. Fund $108,229.99

CSB Fund $9,413.32

Ambulance Fund $92,520.11

Liquor Inspection $1,041.02

Solid Waste Fund $63,772.39

Metro Fund $3,082.55

Building Fund $15,242.02

TOTAL $574,903.16

Motion made by Clerk Bledsoe to accept the Treasurers Report, second by

Trustee Snider. Motion carried 5-0.

6. Public Comment:

Trustee Biron gives a report on the Planning Commission. They meet on the first

Monday of the month and all are invited to attend. He states that the commission

has been going over each section of the 2003 Zoning Book. Burt Menard looked

into how current the zoning in that 2003 edition are, and found out that it is more

than current. The Planning Commission plans to add some changes that were not addressed in that edition and are continuing to work on it.

Jim Beckham asks which Zoning Book is being used by Township right now?

Response is that we are using the 2003 edition. He also asks if there is a

completion date for the new edition? Response is that the book we are using

is up to date, so they are working on some additions, so not certain when it will

be ready.

Jack Willis suggests that the Agenda be more detailed, so that the public would

be more informed before the comment period, and before the Board addressed

and voted on each issue. Response was that we will provide more information

on the agendas.

7. Old Business:

a. Supervisor McKerchie re-opens the discussion in regards to having the remaining section of Brasser Rd. paved. He received a bid to build up the

road in preparation for the eventual paving.

Motion made by Supervisor McKerchie to sign a contract with the Road Commission to build up Brasser Rd. to prevent erosion and prepare it for

future paving, second by Clerk Bledsoe. Upon a roll call vote: Trustee Snider-

yes, Clerk Bledsoe-yes, Supervisor McKerchie-yes, Treasurer Janiga-yes and

Trustee Biron-yes. Motion carried 5-0.

b. Supervisor McKerchie explains that certain line items of the budget need to be

amended again. He and Treasurer Janiga explain that this needs to be done on

a regular basis, per Mr. Gillette’s recommendation. Those budgeted amounts

can change depending on the costs, so the Board has to stay on top of any

changes. When amendments are made, it is just a process of moving from one line amount, to another line amount.

The following motions are made by Supervisor McKerchie:

Take $600.00 from #171 Supervisor and move it to #864 Federal Withholding,

second by Treasurer Janiga. Motion carried 5-0.

Take $500.00 from #215 Clerk and move it to #862 Employee Benefits(FICA),

second by Treasurer Janiga. Motion carried 5-0.

Take $3400.00 from #265 Hall and Grounds and move it to #223 Auditors, second by Treasurer Janiga. Motion carried 5-0.

Take $100.00 from #265 Hall and Grounds and move it to #956 Bank Charges,

second by Treasurer Janiga. Motion carried 5-0.

c. After Supervisor McKerchie presents bids for a replacement refrigerator for

the Community Center kitchen, Treasurer Janiga makes a motion to accept the lowest bid, of $2559.00 from Taylor Freezer of MI, second by Trustee Biron.

Motion carried 5-0.

8. New Business:

a. Motion made by Trustee Biron to allow the family of Wade Miller to camp at

the North Shore Park this August 14-15, second by Trustee Snider. Motion carried 5-0.

b. Representatives from the Census Bureau presented an explanation of the hiring process for working for them. Regina Rolestone explained when she would be available at the Community Center to accept applications for the jobs being offered for Census workers for the area.

c. After reviewing the Land Spit request made by Belanger/Snider, motion made

by Supervisor McKerchie to consult with the Equalization Dept. and Mr. Cannello

before we would approve or disapprove this request at a Special Meeting, second by Treasurer Janiga. Motion carried 4-0 with Trustee Snider abstaining.

d. The Assessor, Richard Oliver discusses that he will post outside the times that he will be available to answer questions before the up coming BOR meeting.

He also requests that the Township incur the expense of sending out assessment cards for all the parcels this time, not just the parcels that have increased in value. Motion made by Treasurer Janiga to send assessment cards

to all parcel owners, second by Supervisor McKerchie. Motion carried 5-0.

e. Motion made by Supervisor McKerchie to accept Trustee Biron’s resignation

from the CSB Board, second by Trustee Snider. Motion carried 3-1, with Trustee

Biron abstaining. Trustee Snider volunteers to fill the vacancy on the CSB Board.

9. Motion made by Supervisor McKerchie to pay the bills with checks # 2340-2396,

second by Trustee Biron. Motion carried 5-0.

10. Public Comment:

Dave Brunett suggests that we start thinking about ordering chloride, since it has to be ordered early. Response is that we will put it on the March agenda.

Jack Willis states that he is glad that we will be sending out assessment notices to everyone this time. He also reads a letter from the State in regards to what work the March BOR is expected to do. He states that Doreen Freeborn made a number of mistakes on the property values and that land owners should be sure to have those corrected at the March BOR.

Bud Willis wants to know when the March Budget Meeting is being held. Response is that it is on March 27 at 9 a.m.

Barb Bertram thanks all the Lioness’s and Lion’s for the food and their hard work

at the recent luncheon for the family of Louise Willis.

Richard Oliver announces that the March BOR can only address 2010 assessments and not any issues from past assessments.

11. Announcements:

February 13 Census Workers Recruiting 11:00-1:30

February 14 Valentine’s Dinner 4:00-7:00

February 21 Lion’s Brunch 8:30-11:30

February 22 Census Recruiting 7:00 p.m.

February 23 By Laws Meeting 10:00

March 1 Treasurer Janiga will be at the Hall to collect

Property Taxes, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

12. Motion made by Supervisor McKerchie to adjourn the meeting, second by

Trustee Snider. Motion carried 5-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Submitted by:

Louise F. Bledsoe

Sugar Island Township Clerk