Classical Electrodynamics – Modernized

Sudbury, MA, April 2009: Jones and Bartlett Publishers announces Classical Electrodynamics, 2/E. The new edition of this classic work in electrodynamics has been completely updated to reflect recent developments in experimental data and laser technology. As a reference for practicing physicists and engineers, it provides a basis for further study in classical and quantum electrodynamics, telecommunications, radiation, antennas, astrophysics, etc. The book can be used in standard courses in electrodynamics, electromagnetic theory, and lasers. Using experimental evidence as the basis for the theoretical development, the book’s first five chapters follow the traditional introduction to electricity. It then details the physical foundations of special relativity and of the four-dimensional tensor formalism. Next, the union of Coulomb’s law with the laws of special relativity gives issue to the relativistic form of Maxwell’s equations. The book concludes with applications of Maxwell’s equations: magnetostatics, induction, magnetic materials, electromagnetic waves, radiation, waveguides, and scattering and diffraction.


• Designed as a text/reference for students, practicing physicists, and engineers

• Updates include a discussion of negative oscillator strengths and a new section about lasers and the threshold condition for lasing; revised experimental data (especially dealing with relativity); expanded explanations, more examples and exercises

• Explores contact between classical electrodynamics and quantum physics, such as electrostatic energy of nuclei, image charges as confinement mechanism for free electrons, magnetic monopoles, radiation by atoms and nuclei, and lasers


Hans Ohanian (Charlotte, VT) received his B.S. from UCBerkeley and his Ph.D. from Princeton University. He is the author of several books and journal articles, including Physics, 2/E and Gravitation and Spacetime, 2/E; currently, he is working on a biography of Einstein.

Book Information

ISBN: 978-0977858279

MSRP: U.S. $80.95

PUB DATE: December 2006

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PHONE: 800-832-0034

FAX: 978-443-8000



Jones and Bartlett Publishers, an independent publisher headquartered in Sudbury, Massachusetts, is the seventh largest college publisher in the United States, publishing text, professional, and reference books and a variety of multimedia and online products. Their titles can be ordered direct or found through distributors and bookstores worldwide. To see a sample chapter of this book, please visit:

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