Project Title:


Company Name:

Company Representative:

Defence Attendees:

Agenda / Completed
1. Welcome
Introduce the members who are present and record the attendance. /
2. Purpose of the debrief
Outline the prime purpose of the debrief – To discuss only the strengths and weakness of their proposal.
(Note: There is no policy requiring Defence to provide a hard copy of debriefing notes.) /
3. What will NOT form part of the debrief
Outline what will NOT form part of the debrief scope:
  • Any other Tenderers proposal, strengths and their weaknesses.
(if during a debrief you are asked to provide any of this information, refer the Tenderer back to this opening statement) /
4. What you CAN provide
Outline what you CAN provide:
  • The overall decisions/recommendation of the Board.
  • The name and price of the winning tenderer can be provided as this will be publicly available on Austender.
  • The technical ranking of the company you are debriefing, however we don’t give the number of tenderers who participated.
5. Tender Evaluation Process Overview
Provide an overview of the Tender Evaluation process to give the tenderer an understanding of how the value for money determination is made by the Commonwealth. Provide only a high level overview and do not include specifics like weightings, scores etc. The following should be included:
  • We undertake a pre-tender planning process through the development of a [Procurement and Evaluation Plan (PEP) or Project Development and Delivery Plan (PDDP) that defines the evaluation structure BEFORE releasing the opportunity to Industry. This is developed and then approved by the Delegate prior, to ensure our evaluation framework is based on the needs of the project and to ensure the framework is not engineered based on a company’s known strength therefore, making them more competitive.
  • We apply a two stage assessment undertaken by an approved Board. The first stage is a technical assessment that is based purely on the extent of the technical response proposed against the scope of work as defined by Defence. The second stage is the value for money assessment which then considers the price against the technical assessment outcome to determine an overall value for money solution. This process is based on a demonstrated value for money outcome and does not allow for the lowest price to be the winning submission based on price alone.
  • The evaluation is a combination of the two elements so whilst you may have a good technical solution it will be the degree of how well you achieve that quality and the value for money application applied that determines preferred tenderer status.
6. Debrief (Schedule by Schedule)
Go through the debriefing issues including both positive and negative elements of the tenderer proposal.
  • Debrief should follow the structure of the tender proposal (schedule by schedule) as much as possible.
  • Ensure that the content aligns directly with the Tender Evaluation Board agreed narrative.
  • Ensure it aligns with the Boards observations.
  • Ensure you can back up statements. E.g. statement like “did not demonstrate a sound understanding” needs to be supported with additional evidence to justify. why we thought it did not demonstrate an understanding.
  • Ensure you do not use comparative statements or comments on weightings.
  • Ensure you conclude the formal debrief before giving any administrative feedback. (refer paragraph 9)
  • If you are conducting multiple debriefings, be careful not to mistakenly use the debriefing script for another Tenderer. Not only is this embarrassing for the Commonwealth, it could potentially result in disclosure of Tenderer confidential information.
7. Defence Feedback
Ask the Tenderer if there was anything Defence could have done better during the tender process. Record the response on the following page. /
8. Tenderer Questions
Ask the Tenderer do they have any questions. Detail any questions from the Tenderer and responses from Defence. Record the response on the following page. /

9. Administrative Feedback (as required)(ENSURE YOU CONCLUDE THE FORMAL DEBRIEF)

If administrative issues were identified, give feedback and make it very clear that they did not form part of the decision. This could relate to topics like the structure of their proposal, spelling, grammatical, diagrams too small.
10. Signatures and Administration
Members of the Defence debriefing team should sign the proforma and ensure that it accurately reflects the issues discussed during the debrief. A copy is placed on the Tendering file – a copy is not provided to the Tenderer. /
Debriefing Team




Defence Feedback

Questions from the Tenderer / Response from Defence

Tenderers DebriefingGuidance/Checklist – March 18