Success in your artistic endeavors is a direct result of positive attitude and perseverance.
Welcome to art class! This is an explanation of class participation, makeup work and grading policies for Ms. Thompson's 6th, 7th and 8th grade art classes. Parents and students must sign and return this by ______.
Please have student return with your signature. Thank you.
Class Rules:
1) Sit in assigned seat
2) Bring a #2 wood pencil to every class
3) Respect others by keeping hands and objects to self
4) Use positive language in an acceptable tone of voice
5) Clean up after yourself- without reminders.
II. Class participation and Cleanup.
Cleanup is a requirement for this class. This includes any equipment used, table floor space and materials. Repeated refusal to cleanup will result in a detention and a phone call home. Students receive 5 points per day for cleanup. Students are expected to act as a “team” in classroom cleanup duties.
III. Makeup work and extra credit.
Only extra credit assignments provided by teacher will be accepted. While I encourage to students to share their work outside of class, only class assignments will be graded.
Students are responsible for assignments given in their absence. In addition to the website, there is a Lesson Binder available so students can check daily itinerary and in extended absences, students may have to work on projects at home with art supplies.
IV. Grading deadlines.
Deadlines become very important in some art mediums (like clay) to acquire adequate drying time. In addition, materials and tools will be removed in order to start the next project. Students should do their best to complete projects on time. Grades are earned using an accumulated point system. All projects following instructions and meeting basic criteria and national standards will receive an equivalent to a “C”, or passing grade. Higher grades will have demonstrated accurate and creative interpretation of the particular design concept or problem. Research, mastery of skills, media and effort are considered. Daily work and participation count toward more than 50% of total grade.
Thank you,
Debra Thompson
Student name: ______
Period: ______Date: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Student Signature: ______