Succeeding as a Supervisor

Solicitation # RFP-JH-FISH-751R1301147

Bid Summary


The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issued a solicitation for a speaker for the Quality of Life Supervisor Academy to be held at various times. The speaker would present a different program on the first day of each week for two weekly sessions which are held several months apart.

The DNR plans on holding three separate Supervisor Academies. Award of the second two will be contingent upon the evaluation of the first session.

Solicitation Information:

The solicitation was posted on September 12, 2011, questions were due September 15, 2011 and bids were due September 22, 2011.

There were 11 proposals received, one of which was past the due date.

Evaluation Information:

A Joint Evaluation Committee was gathered which consisted of two Training Team Members and the DNR Buyer to review, evaluate and make recommendation for award.

Proposals were evaluated with the following point scale:


Provide Sample Agenda / 2.5 / Was agenda provided
Use of Media (flip charts/powerpoint) / 2.5 / Proposal stated types of media to be used
Interaction with participants / 10 / Agenda showed breakout sessions, activities, games, tests.
Minimum Topics Covered / 10 / If not all topics were clearly covered deductions were done as follows:
1-2 missed topics – 2pt,
3-4 missed topics – 5pts,
5-6 missed topics – 7 pts
7-8 missed topics – 10 pts
Presentation / 10 / 5 points were given for a clear flowing program, additional points were assigned if proposal included video clips, interesting handouts, any information which allowed the JEC to evaluate style.
Extra topics/Interesting Ideas / 5 / Proposals which contained topics, ideas above and different from the minimum requirements which the JEC found interesting were assessed additional points

Education: (Based on the Presenter)

A college degree / 10 / Degree needed to be in the areas of science, public speaking, leadership, Supervising – a degree in Administration was not included as applicable.
Degree in Science Area / 7 / BS or BA of Science in areas stated on RFP
Continuing or Additional Educations / 8 / RFP shows additional classes or education not listed above and relevant to this RFP

Experience in teaching Supervisory Skills: (Based on the Presenter)

1-5 Years Experience / 5
6-10 Years Experience / 10
11-15 Years / 15
16 or more years of Experience / 20

It was determined that the cost per session must not exceed $400.00 per person for 35 participants which equates to $7,000.00 per day or $14,000.00 per Cohort.


It was determined after the initial evaluation of the above areas that due to time constraints and fact that the extra 15 points would not change the award recommendation, that references would not be called and points not assigned to any of the proposals.

Award Recommendation:

It was the goal of the evaluation committee to award the best possible speaker (as demonstrated thru the evaluation of the proposals submitted) within the budgeted allotment. The Training team puts a significant amount of value in having an excellent speaker for the participants attending the Supervisor Academy as traditionally this is a once in a career opportunity.

Due to the fact that the Evaluation team’s top recommended speaker for Cohort 10 is not available for one of the dates in Cohort 11, that whole Cohort is being awarded to the next preferred speaker. Cohort 12 will be awarded based upon the evaluation of Cohort 10 speaker, if it is found that this speaker does not receive good evaluation, the Cohort 11 speaker will be evaluated for award of Cohort 12.

Evaluation Results:

Company Name: Kenesis International, Inc. (dba Davidson Leadership)

Total of 80 points

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 2.5
Use of Media / 2.5
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 10
Presentation / 10 / Included “You Tube” clip which showed style and presentation.
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 5
A college degree / 10 / Applicable Degree
Degree in Science Area / 7 / Degree in Science field
Continuing or Additional Educations / 8 / Multiple Certifications obtained and presented
11-15 years / 15 / 1999-Present

Company Name: Development Dimensions International, Inc

Total of 73 points

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 2.5
Use of Media / 2.5
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 8 / 1 topic not identifiable
Presentation / 10 / Supplemental information submitted on DVD and Organized booklets on topis
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 0
A college degree / 10 / Applicable Degree
Degree in Science Area / 7 / Degree in Science field
Continuing or Additional Educations / 3 / Additional DDI Certifications
16 or more years / 20 / 20yrs as stated in RFP

Company Name: Career Growth Association

Total of 64 points

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 2.5
Use of Media / 2.5
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 10
Presentation / 5 / Style not identifiable
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 0
A college degree / 10 / Applicable Degree
Degree in Science Area / 0
Continuing or Additional Educations / 4 / Military Leadership Training
15 years or more / 20 / 1990-Present

Company Name: Pearl Partners

Total of 63 points

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 2.5
Use of Media / 2.5
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 8 / 2 topics not identifiable
Presentation / 5 / Style not identifiable
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 3
A college degree / 10 / Applicable Degree
Degree in Science Area / 7 / Degree in Science field
Continuing or Additional Educations / 0
11-15 years / 15 / 2000-Present (not clear on Project Innovations Inc how much Supervisor Training was done – gave 3 ys)

Company Name: HRPartner, LLC

Total of 58 points

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 2.5
Use of Media / 2.5
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 10
Presentation / 5 / Style not identifiable
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 3
A college degree / 10 / Applicable Degree
Degree in Science Area / 0
Continuing or Additional Educations / 0
11-15 years / 15 / 1996-Present

Company Name: Multi Training Systems LLC

Total of 50 points

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 0 / None Provided
Use of Media / 0 / None Stated in Proposal
Interaction / 7 / Not specific at how these tools would be used
Minimum topics covered / 8 / 2 topics not identifiable
Presentation / 5 / Style not identifiable
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 3 / A couple topics added of interest
A college degree / 10 / Applicable Degree
Degree in Science Area / 7 / Degree in Science field
Continuing or Additional Educations / 0
6-10 years / 10 / 2001-Present

Company Name: Cameo Career and Corporate Consulting LLC

Total of 46.5 points

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 2.5
Use of Media / 0 / None Stated in Proposal
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 10
Presentation / 5 / Style not identifiable
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 0
A college degree / 10 / Applicable Degree
Degree in Science Area / 0
Continuing or Additional Educations / 4 / Some continuing education noted
6-10 years / 5 / 2006-Presnet

Company Name: Wayne State University

Total of 32.5 points

A specific speaker was not identified and therefore Education and Experience could not be evaluated.

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 2.5
Use of Media / 0 / None Stated in Proposal
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 10
Presentation / 5 / Style not identifiable
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 5
A college degree / 0 / Applicable Degree
Degree in Science Area / 0
Continuing or Additional Educations / 0

Company Name: Strait and Associates, LLC

Total of 27.5 points

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 2.5
Use of Media / 0 / None Stated in Proposal
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 10
Presentation / 5 / Style not identifiable
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 0
A college degree / 0 / Degree not applicable – Administration
Degree in Science Area / 0
Continuing or Additional Educations / 0 / Some continuing education noted
0 / This proposal was not clear as to when and how much Supervisor Training had been done as all experience was lumped into one category of: consultant, public school teacher, corporate instructor and instructional designer – no formal resume provided

Company Name: Yellow Dux

Total of 21.25 points

Will not continue to reference check

Curriculum/Methodology/Approach / Score / Comments
Sample Agenda / 1.25 / Topics were listed but no time frames, days, etc..
Use of Media / 0 / None Stated in Proposal
Interaction / 10
Minimum topics covered / 5 / 4 topics not identifiable
Presentation / 5 / Style not identifiable
Extra Topics/Interesting Ideas / 0
A college degree / 0 / Degree not applicable – Administration
Degree in Science Area / 0
Continuing or Additional Educations / 0 / Some continuing education noted
0 / This proposal was not clear as to when and how much Supervisor Training had been done by the proposed trainer

Overall Scoring:

Company / Points Received from total of 85 / Cost per day / Cost per Cohort
Yellow Dux / 21.25 / $750.00 / $1,500.00
Strait & Associates LLC / 27.5 / $5,995.00 / $11,990.00
Wayne State University / 32.5 / $6,100.00 / $12,200.00
Cameo Career and Corporate Consulting / 46.5 / $2,800.00 / $5,600.00
Multi Training Systems LLC / 50 / $14,000.00 / $28,000.00
HRPartner, LLC / 58 / $1,725.00 / $3,450.00
Pearl Partners / 63 / $2,500.00 / $5,000.00
Career Growth Associates / 64 / $2,750.00 / $5,500.00
Development Dimensions International, Inc / 73 / $6,900.00 / $13,800.00
Davidson Leadership / 80 / $5,750.00 / $11,500.00

Award of Cohort 10 is being recommended to Davidson Leadership as their proposal was evaluated with the highest number of points within the allocated amount of $7,000.00 per day or $14,000.00 per Cohort.

Award of Cohort 11 is being recommended to Development Diminensions International, Inc as their proposal was evaluated with the second highest number of points within the allocated amount of $7,000.00 per day or $14,000.00 per Cohort.

The above evaluation is respectfully submitted by the following committee members:


Erica Moore - TAT Fisheries Date


Fran Ryan – TAT Forest Management Date


Jana Harding-Bishop - Buyer Date