Tetelestai Episode 4: Provision
Translation Worksheet
Last updated: April 23/2012
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The red numbers indicate scene/shot divisions.
Episode 4
1 / Adam and Eve listened to Satan's lies
2 / and disobeyed God's command.
3 / Driven by their shame, guilt, and fear
4 / Adam and Eve tried in vain to resolve
the problem of their sin
5 / in their own strength
6 / Even though they had rejected Him
7 / God Promised them that one day a Deliverer would be born
8 / who would crush Satan's power over them and set them free.
9 / That day God showed them His love
by allowing an innocent one
10 / to die in their place
11 / so that those who were guilty could be clothed and no longer be ashamed.
1 / Because of their disobedience
Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden
2 / and begin life in a world now in bondage to the consequences of their sin.
3 / And worse, Romans 5:12 tells us
4 / that this sin would now affect
all people who would be born.
5 / Sin entered the world through one man
and death through sin
6 / and in this way death came to all men
because all sinned.
7 / The same sin that had broken Adam and Eve's relationship with God
8 / now separated all of Adam and Eve's
descendants from God.
9 / All the people in the world are born sinners.
1 / Yet God's desire was still for a relationship
with all people.
2 / God provided a way that they could approach Him and be his friend.
3 / From the earliest scriptures, we find
accounts of men and women
4 / who chose to walk with God
5 / But God does not force Himself
upon anyone.
6 / Each person would have to choose for himself
7 / whether or not he wanted
that relationship with God.
8 / And right from the very beginning there were those who chose to accept Him
9 / and those who chose to reject Him.
Choices that sealed their eternal destinies.
1 / As the world filled with people,
Genesis chapters 4 and 5
2 / give us details of a highly advanced civilization
3 / with agriculture, the raising of livestock,
the forging of tools
4 / the invention of musical instruments,
the development of iron work
and the building of great cities.
5 / But tragically, by chapter six
the vast majority of humanity
6 / had chosen to turn their backs on God.
7 / So much that, The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on earth had become.
8 / and every inclination of his heart
was only evil all the time.
9 / The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth
10 / and his heart was filled with pain.
1 / [Genesis 6:8-9] But Noah found favor
in the eyes of the Lord.
2 / This is the account of Noah.
3 / “Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time...
4 / ... and he walked with God.”
5 / Noah, like all of Adam and Eve's descendants, was a sinner
6 / who was born separated from God.
7 / The difference was that Noah had chosen
to believe what God said.
8 / He had chosen to walk with God
9 / And because Noah believed, this verse says that he was made righteous
10 / with all his sins forgiven,
he was fully accepted by God.
11 / God declared him righteous. Meaning, he would no longer be treated as a sinner...
12 / ...but as a friend.
13 / What a contrast to the other people
that surrounded Noah.
1 / [Genesis 6:13,14] So God said do Noah,
“I am going to put an end to all people...
2 / ...for the earth is filled with violence
because of them.
3 / I am surely going to destroy both them
and the earth.
4 / So make yourself an ark of cypress wood...”
5 / God told Noah that there would be a flood that would destroy all life upon the earth.
6 / God then gave Noah detailed instructions
on how to build an ark...
7 / ...in order to save his family
from the coming judgement.
8 / According to the following verses
9 / the ark would have been roughly the length
of one and a half soccer fields
10 / and the height of a four story building.
11 / The ark was the perfect design
for a modern ocean freighter
12 / with a loading capacity of
520 railroad box cars
13 / which was more than sufficient to house
the animals that God would bring to Noah.
14 / And verse 22 tells us
“Noah did everything just as God commanded him”
15 / Hebrews 11:7 explains that
Noah built the ark by faith.
16 / Now faith is not a mystical experience
or positive thinking.
17 / Faith is trusting that something is true
even when you can't see it.
18 / God told Noah to build the ark
and even though Noah...
19 / couldn't see the coming flood,
Noah built the ark...
20 / ...trusting that what God said was true.
1 / 2 Peter 2:5 tells us that Noah was a
“preacher of righteousness”.
2 / Surely he must have been pleading
with the people around him...
3 / ...urging them to come to God in faith
4 / and be made righteous
and acceptable to God.
5 / But they refused to believe.
6 / In the entire world, only eight people
chose to follow God.
7 / Noah, his wife and three sons
Shem, Ham, and Japeth, and their wives.
8 / You know, so many times we tend
to decide what we will believe
9 / about what is right and wrong based upon
what the majority of people around us think.
10 / But what about when the majority is wrong?
11 / The entire world had violently
shut God out of their lives
12 / but Noah chose to follow God
13 / even though he and his family...
14 / ...were the only ones.
1 / At last the ark was finished.
The Bible says that
2 / [Genesis 7:15-16] “Pairs of all creatures
that have the breath of life in them
3 / came to Noah and entered the ark.
The animals going in
4 / were male and female of every living thing,
as God had commanded Noah.”
5 / It would have been incredible.
6 / It would have been impossible to ignore
such an incredible miracle!
7 / In His loving mercy, God was giving
one last chance
8 / for the world to see the reality
of this coming flood!
9 / But still they did not believe
10 / God delayed His judgement for
a hundred and twenty years...
11 / ...but now the time for choosing was over.
12 / The end of verse 16 says that
after Noah and his family...
13 / ...were safe inside the ark,
God himself, shut the door.
1 / [Genesis 7:11] “...on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth
2 / and the floodgates of the heavens
were opened.”
3 / Everyone inside the ark was safe,
but all those outside of the ark...
4 / ...had rejected the only way to be saved
from the coming flood!
5 / God's word had really come to pass
and in one terrifying moment
6 / they realized they had rejected the truth.
7 / And for those who had perhaps
delayed their decision
8 / thinking “If it really starts raining,
then I'll enter the ark.”
9 / It was too late. The door was shut.
10 / By waiting to believe, they had rejected life.
11 / They had turned their backs on God.
God, who had provided...
12 / ...one way for them to be saved,
and now it was too late.
13 / [Genesis 7:17-21] “For forty days the flood
kept coming on the earth
14 / and as the waters increased they lifted
the ark high above the earth.
15 / The waters rose and increased greatly
on the earth
16 / and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered.
17 / The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet [6 meters].
18 / Every living think that moved on the earth
1 / When the Lord caused the waters to recede
2 / by sending great winds throughout the earth
3 / the ark came to rest on the mountains
of Ararat.
4 / After a little over a year in the ark,
the time finally came
5 / when God said that it was safe to leave.
6 / Only Noah and his family had been saved
from the flood.
7 / And as they left the ark, they knew
that they had not perished...
8 / ...in the flood not because
they were without sin,
9 / but because they had believed God
and were made righteous.
10 / The ark had been God's grace and provision
for them to escape judgement.
1 / After the flood, Genesis chapters nine through eleven tell us
2 / that Noah lived for another 350 years.
3 / While Noah was still alive,
he was able to see his sons
4 / Ham, Shem, and Japheth
and their descendants
5 / begin to re-populate the earth.
6 / They built cities, formed nations
and constructed kingdoms.
7 / It was during Shem's lifetime, only two years after his father Noah's death
8 / that one of the most famous men in all of history was born.
9 / Abraham
1 / Genesis chapters 12 to 25 record
the story of Abraham's life.
2 / Abram, as he was first called in the Bible,
was a descendant of Shem.
3 / He was also a rich man with
many servants and flocks.
4 / He was married but had no children
because his wife Sarai was barren.
5 / In Genesis 12:1-3 God begins to reveal
a special plan that He had for Abram.
6 / First: God said that He would
guide Abram to a land
7 / that would be his and his descendants
future possession.
8 / Second: God would birth a great nation through Abram
9 / and third and most important:
God promised...
10 / “...all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
1 / This promise is what makes Abram
so significant
2 / because in this verse God is revealing
more of His plan of salvation.
3 / You see, because of sin, all people
are under a curse of judgement.
4 / But in this verse, God is promising
a blessing for all people
5 / that will come through Abram.
6 / This is a reference to the
Promised Deliverer.
7 / He's the One who would come to free humanity from the curse of sin and death.
8 / Genesis 12:3 is the first clue in the Bible
that the coming deliverer
9 / would be a physical descendant of Abram.
1 / Genesis 12:4-7 tells us that Abram
obeyed God
2 / and made the 200 mile [320km] trek
to the land of Canaan.
3 / The following chapters tell us that he
went through a time of famine
4 / pitched his tent in various places
and even fought a battle.
5 / But as the years went by, and Abram and Sarai got older and remained childless...
6 / ...their situation seemed hopeless.
7 / Would one of their servants be their heir?
8 / They wondered, “How would any
of these promises be fulfilled...
9 / ...since we have no son?”
1 / Genesis 15:4 tells us that the Lord came to Abram and said
2 / “A son coming from your own body
will be your heir.”
3 / He took him outside and said
4 / “Look up at the heavens and count the stars -
if indeed you can count them”
5 / Then he said to him
6 / “So shall your offspring be.”
7 / It seemed impossible to a childless Abram,
but when God repeated his promise
8 / to provide Abram a son, verse six says
that Abram “believed the LORD.”
9 / Abram heard God's promise
and then put his faith in it.
10 / For faith is believing that something is true
even when you can't see it.
11 / And when Abram believed God,
the rest of verse six tells us
12 / that God “...credited it to him
as righteousness.”
13 / At that moment God declared Abram to be righteous, to have all his sins forgiven
14 / and to be fully accepted by God.
15 / But what had Abram just done?
16 / He hadn't given anything to God. He hadn't
performed any religious ceremony.
17 / He hadn't done any good works. Yet God said Abram was righteous...
18 / ...simply because he believed His promise.
As the years went by with Sarai
still childless
Genesis 16 tells us that Sarai convinced Abram to produce a child
through Hagar, Sarai's Egyptian maidservant.
Hagar gave birth to a son named Ishmael. God did graciously did bless Ishmael
and caused a nation to descend
from him as well
but Ishmael was not the son
that God had promised.
In Genesis 17, when Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him
and told Abram that miraculously his wife Sarai would give birth to a son
whom they were to name Isaac. Isaac would be the son of the promise.
1 / And that same day God reaffirmed His promise to Abram by changing...
2 / ...his name to “Abraham” which means
“father of many”.
3 / And God changed his wife's name
to “Sarah”.
4 / How exciting that year must have been
for Abraham
5 / And how many times he and 90 year old Sarah must have laughed
6 / as they watched her stomach grow
and as they dreamed of the day
7 / when they would hold their son
in their arms.
8 / Their son whom God provided.
9 / Their son through whom the Deliverer would one day come.
10 / “Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah
as He had said
11 / and the LORD did for Sarah
what He had promised.
12 / Sarah became pregnant and bore a son
to Abraham in his old age
13 / at the very time God had promised him.
1 / As little Isaac grew, Abraham must have
enjoyed teaching him
2 / about caring for flocks. mending tents,
and overseeing their possessions.
3 / Above all, Abraham taught Isaac how to worship the Lord. Scripture tells us