October 6, 2011

Northway Tribal Hall, Northway, AK

October 7, 2011

Tanancross Community Hall, Tanacross, AK

The Superintendent of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and the Chairman of the Subsistence Resource Commission (SRC) announce a forthcoming meeting of the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park SRC.

The following agenda items will be discussed (days tentative):

October 6 in Northway:

1)Call to order (Chair)

2)SRC roll call and confirmation of quorum (Coordinator)

3)Introduction of Commission members, staff, and guests (Chair)

4)Housekeeping announcements(Coordinator)

5)Review and adoption ofagenda (Chair)

6)Welcome by local community (TBA)

7)Superintendent's welcome and review of the Commission purpose (Superintendent)

8)Commission membership status(Coordinator)

9)Chairman’s report (Chair)

10)Old business

a)Update on Nabesna Off-Road Vehicle Management Plan EIS (Rogers)

b)Update on Horns, Antlers,Bones, and Plants EA (Coordinator)

c)Update on Chisana caribou herd management planning process (Putera)

d)Update on DOI and FSB tribal consultation policies and protocols (written briefing)

11)New business

a)Discussion of issues to address in Chair’s report at SRC Chairs workshop (Chair)

b)Review of 2012-14 federal subsistence wildlife proposals (Staff):

WP12-01:Revise requirements for selling handicrafts incorporating brown bear claws (Statewide)

WP10-02: Revise requirements for selling handicrafts incorporating brown bear claws (Statewide)

WP12-02: Limit use of designated hunters to elders and people who are disabled (Statewide)

WP12-03: Clarify regulations regarding incidental take by trappers (statewide)

WP12-05: Allow retention of incidentally trapped coyotes (Units 1-5)

WP12-10: Require antler destruction for designated hunter harvests of moose and deer (Units 1-5)

WP12-11: Add goat to species allowed with a designated hunter permit(Units 1-5)

WP12-14: Require trapper identification on traps and snares (Units 1-5)

WP12-16: Revise season dates for wolf hunting (Units 1, 3, 4, 5)

Public comment opportunity on proposals to be discussed on 10/7 for those unable to attend on the 7th

October 7 in Tanacross:

Welcome by local community (TBA)

11)New business (cont.)

b)Review of 2012-14 federal subsistence wildlife proposals (cont.):

WP12-23/24: Establish season and harvest limit for caribou (Unit 11)

WP12-25: Revise season dates for caribou(Unit13)

WP12-27: Add additional residents to C&T for goats (Unit11)

WP12-32: Revise season dates for elder sheep hunt (Units 1112)

WP12-33: Revise hunting season dates for wolf (Units 1112)

WP12-65/66 & WP10-104: Establish season and harvest limit for caribou (Unit 12 Chisana Herd)

WP12-68: Add additional residents to C&T for caribou (Unit 12)

WP12-70/73: Revise season dates and antler restriction for moose (Unit 11along Nabesna RoadUnit 12remainder)

WP12-71/72: Revise permit requirement and fall and winter season dates for moose (Unit 12 N of Winter Trail)

WP12-77: Revise trapping season for wolf (Unit 12)

c)Review of proposals to the Alaska Board of Game that affect WRST:

Proposal 186: Modify moose season in portion of Units 11 and 12

Proposal 187: Convert the any bull moose hunt to a spike-fork 50-inch or 3 or more brow tines in a portion of Unit 12

12)Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve staff reports

  1. Resource division update (Veach)
  2. Wildlife report (Putera)
  3. Fisheries report (McCormick)
  4. Ranger division update (Thompson)

13)Public and other agency comments (Chair)

14)Work session (comment on issues, prepare letters, etc.) (Chair)

15)Set tentative date and location for next Subsistence Resource Commission meeting (Coordinator)

16)Adjourn meeting (Chair)

DATE: October 6-7, 2011

TIME:October 6 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM, with an evening session at the call of the Chair.
October 7 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, or until business is completed.

LOCATION:October 6 at the Northway Tribal Hall in Northway, AK
October 7 at Tanacross Community Hall in Tanacross, AK


Barbara Cellarius, Subsistence Coordinator, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, P.O. Box 439, Copper Center, Alaska 99573. Phone (907) 822-7236.


The Subsistence Resource Commission is authorized under Title VIII, Section 808, of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, Pub. L. 96-487, and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committees Act.

