Contestants: you must submit your entry on-line. Please complete this form and save a copy of your completed entry for your records. Only on-line submissions will be accepted.

Submit an Entry

Note: This is a blank submission form for contestants to fill out and save for their records. All submissions are due on-line by July 31st.

Be sure to create and save a copy of your entry on your computer and paste it into the fields for final submission:

* = Required Field

Top of Form

Entry Details

You must submit an entry with a previously registered email address. Click here to register if you have not done so already.
Your registered email address*: /
Confirm your email address*: /
Entry Category*: /
Entry Tier*: /
Type of building*: /
Please specify*: /

Entry Description

Do not include your name, affiliation, product names, or trade anywhere on your submission.
Short title for your entry*: /
(50 Characters maximum)
Short description of your entry*: /
(500 Characters maximum)
A discussion of design for adaptability and disassembly techniques incorporated*: /
(2000 Characters maximum)
Environmental Implications of your entry*: /
(1000 Characters maximum)
Economic or policy implications of your entry*: /
(1000 Characters maximum)
Explain how your entry advances lifecycle building education*: (Examples: Describe educational concepts in your entry such as built-in signage plans, educational guidance documents, embedded RFID information, exposed design elements to allow teaching opportunities, etc.) /
(2000 Characters maximum)
Additional information: /
(750 Characters maximum)

Entry Metrics

*Building Category submissions must estimate the tons of materials reduced or conserved. Enter only the tons of material reduced or conserved by your entry.
Innovation Category submissions should estimate the tons of materials reduced or conserved as appropriate.
Leave any materials not reduced by the entry blank.
Explain the measurement of environmental and economic impacts of your innovation entry: /
(1000 Characters maximum)
Estimated building square footage*: /
square feet
Tons of concrete reduced/conserved in your entry: /
Explanation: /
(250 Characters maximum)
Tons of wood reduced/conserved in your entry: /
Explanation: /
(250 Characters maximum)
Tons of steel reduced/conserved in your entry: /
Explanation: /
(250 Characters maximum)
Tons of aluminum reduced/conserved in your entry: /
Explanation: /
(250 Characters maximum)
Tons of carpet reduced/conserved in your entry: /
Explanation: /
(250 Characters maximum)
Other material: /
Tons of other material reduced/conserved in your entry: /
Explanation: /
(250 Characters maximum)
Copy and paste to add additional materials.
(Max 10 Additional Materials)

Estimated Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced

This section is optional. Entrants completing this section will automatically be entered in the Best Greenhouse Gas Reduction Outstanding Achievement Award competition.
Tons of Green House Gasses Reduced*: /
Discussion of Green House Gas reduction implications of your entry: /
(2000 Characters maximum)
Measurement tool used to calculate GHG reduction: /
Measurement tool used to calculate GHG reduction: /
Measurement tool used to calculate GHG reduction: /
Measurement tool used to calculate GHG reduction: /
Measurement tool used to calculate GHG reduction: /
Measurement tool used to calculate GHG reduction: /
(Maximum 6 tools)
Website of GHG measurement tool used: /
Website of GHG measurement tool used: /
Website of GHG measurement tool used: /
Website of GHG measurement tool used: /
Website of GHG measurement tool used: /
Website of GHG measurement tool used: /
(Maximum 6 websites)
Other energy conservation features of your entry: /
(2000 Characters maximum)


Uploading high-resolution images (up to 1600x2400 Pixels and 10 Megabytes) is strongly encouraged. Contestants should include any graphics, diagrams, charts, pictures, and illustrations that will help the judges visualize your idea. For examples, please see last year's winners.
Image 1 (1600x2400 Pixels and 10 Megabyte Max)*:
Image 2 (1600x2400 Pixels and 10 Megabyte Max)*:

Bottom of Form

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