Submit a DFPS Help Request: IAM Representative

Submit a DFPS Help Request
A step-by-step guide for Designated IAM Representatives
Department of Family and Protective Services


Submit a Help Request 2

Roles 2

Pre-Condition 2

Logging on to Remedy and opening a new request for service 3

Submitting a ticket for yourself 6

Submitting a ticket for someone else 7

Completing your service request 8

Submitting your service request 11

Submit a Help Request

This job aid will show you how to submit a DFPS Remedy Service Request. CASA Volunteers should direct issues or problems with the Case Connection system to their CASA Staff. If CASA Staff cannot resolve the issue, they can request that their IAM Representative submit a DFPS Remedy Service Request.

When a CASA staff member or volunteer reports a technical problem (i.e. a problem with the portal, IAM or Case Connection), the IAM Rep logs into Remedy and records the issue as a Remedy service request “ticket.” The ticket is then assigned to the appropriate support group monitored by DFPS Tier 2 staff member(s) and tracked until the problem is resolved.


This tip sheet is for the Designated IAM Representative, and explains how to submit a DFPS Help Request.


CASA IAM Representatives in organizations who have deployed prior to October 31st, 2014 have been provided access to Remedy, the customer support ticketing application used by DFPS. These CASA IAM Representatives will receive an email with a user ID and password that they will use to log into Remedy

Logging on to Remedy and opening a new request for service

1.  Type into your browser web address field to navigate to the Remedy external site.

Tip: Save this address as a favorite so you always have it handy when needed.

2.  Enter your username and password provided by DFPS.

3.  Click the Log In button.
Note: The first time you log into the system, you will be prompted to change your password.

Field / Definition /
User Name / Enter your Remedy User Name as provided by DFPS. (examples: Jane.Doe, John3.Smith, Mary.James4, etc)
Password / Enter your initial password as provided by DFPS. You will be required to change it immediately upon logging into the system for the first time.

The Request Service screen appears. If you have made previous requests, they will be listed in the 'My Requests' column on the right-hand side of the screen.

4.  Highlight the Non DFPS Staff only - Case Connection (not IMPACT) option on the left hand side of the screen and click the Request Now button to create a Remedy service request ticket.

The Non DFPS Staff only - Case Connection (not IMPACT) screen appears. The top of the form may be pre-populated with information from your IAM Portal account.

NOTE: Do not use the Edit button to update the name or contact information, as it is not for use by external staff. You will state the individual for whom you are submitting the request in the white area portion of the screen, not in the gray area.

5.  Complete the required fields marked with an asterisk (*)

Field / Definition /
Submitter Name / Enter your first and last name.
Location / Enter the full name of your CASA Program (Organization)
Submitter Phone Number / Enter the best phone number to contact you.
Submitter e-mail / Enter the email address at which you wish to be contacted.
Submitting for yourself or someone else / Select Self if you are submitting the help desk ticket on your own behalf. Select Someone Else if you are submitting on another person's behalf.
Note: The next steps depend on the radio button you choose at this step. If you selected Self, go to the sectioned titled Submitting a ticket for yourself. If you selected Someone Else, go to Submitting a ticket for someone else .

Submitting a ticket for yourself

If you indicated that you are submitting a ticket for yourself, the system follows up with an additional question; 'Does this issue pertain to your role as a CASA Designated Representative?' Indicate yes or no.

·  If you select No, follow up questions appear. Proceed to the section titled Completing your service request.

·  If you select Yes, the form displays an extra text entry field. Type the details of the issue in the text field, and then go to the section titled Submitting your service request.

Field / Definition
Please provide details of the issues being reported / Enter a description of the problem including relevant information such as application name, screen/tab location, field name, data entered, error message, URL of page where the issue is occurring, etc.

Submitting a ticket for someone else

If you selected the Someone Else radio button, an extra section will display. Provide the information for the person for whom the ticket is being entered in this section. You will need to complete all fields before moving forward.

Field / Definition /
Name of Person Experiencing the Problem (Requester) / Type the first and last name of the individual for whom this ticket is written.
Requester Role / Select CASA Staff or CASA Volunteer from the pull-down menu

Requester Phone Number / Phone number of the person who is experiencing the issue
Requester e-mail address / Email address for the person experiencing the issue.

Completing your service request

Complete all the questions that appear. If you answer Yes to a follow-up question, additional questions will appear until you reach the end of the form. Provide the information requested, completing the form fields per the instructions in the table below.
Note: If you select any answer other than Yes (i.e., No, N/A, Not Sure, etc.) for any question, the system will immediately display the Please provide details of the issues being reported text entry field. Complete this field before moving forward.

Field / Definition
Please provide details of the issues being reported / Enter a description of the problem including relevant information such as application name, screen/tab location, field name, data entered, error message, URL of page where the issue is occurring, etc.

Figure 1: List of all possible follow-up questions

Field / Definition /
Was a Background Check Clearance letter with a PID number on it received by email? / Select Yes to confirm that the CASA user received a background check letter with PID number.
Please Provide the PID Number that appears on the Background Check Clearance Letter / Enter the Personal Identification Number as it appears in the Background Check Clearance Letter that the individual experiencing the issue received.
Was a Security Code letter received via email? / Select Yes to confirm that the CASA user received a 16 digit access [aka security] code letter for IAM portal access.
Do you have an Identity Management Portal Account? / Select Yes if the CASA user has already created an account in IAM.
Do you have a DFPS Case Connection Account? / Select Yes if the CASA user has access to the DFPS Case Connection application.
Was the Court Document and Letter of Introduction provided to CPS for case access? / Select Yes if DFPS CPS (Child Protective Services) received the proper court documentation.
Can you log in to Case Connection? / Select Yes if the CASA user can successfully log into the Case Connection application.
Select No: Case Connection tab does not appear to indicate the application window displays but the case connection tab does not appear.
Select No: When Accessing Case Connection Tab error Message displays to indicate that clicking on the Case Connection tab generates an error in the application.
Child Name / Enter the name of the child in the case displayed in DFPS Case Connection when the problem occurred. (Figure 2, A)
Child's PID / Enter the child's PID number in the case displayed in DFPS Case Connection when the problem occurred.(Figure 2, B)
Case ID# / Enter the Case ID# of the case displayed in DFPS Case Connection when the problem occurred.(Figure 2, C)
Stage ID# / Enter the Stage ID# of the case displayed in DFPS Case Connection when the problem occurred.(Figure 2, D)
Page/Report Name where issues is occurring / Enter the name of the tab page and/or report displayed in DFPS Case Connection when the problem occurred.(Figure 2, E)
Description of problem / Enter a description of the problem encountered in DFPS Case Connection. Provide as much information as possible include general location in the application, number of times encountered, if encountered with other cases, etc.
Wording of error message displayed in Case Connection, if applicable / If DFPS Case Connection displays an error message, enter the text of that message.

Figure 2: Sample Case Connection Page

Submitting your service request

To submit your service request, simply click the Submit button. You are returned to the Request Service page, and the My Requests list will update with the request in 'Submitted' status.

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