Harvey J. Brightman Award for Outstanding Teaching Innovation

This award recognizes the successful accomplishment of outstanding creative instructional approaches by faculty in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business. This award brings recognition to the winner and a cash prize of $2,500. In addition the winner will receive a plaque and there will be a perpetual plaque hanging in the College with plates for annual winners’ names.
The author of the winning submission will prepare a presentation for the faculty to be given in the following academic year and a feature for inclusion at the RCB website.


All full-time non-visiting faculty members are eligible for the award.

Submissions should be sent to the Dean’s Office, to the Associate Dean with responsibility for faculty issues. The deadline is February 1 each year.

Document Format:

  1. Length: The submitted document can be no more than seven pages excluding the title page, abstract and appendices.
  2. Title Page: Provides the author’s name and submission title. (Will not be furnished to evaluation committee.)
  3. Innovation Summary Abstract: Explain why submission provides an innovative approach to teaching.
  4. Detailed Section: Faculty have up to seven pages to present a doubled-spaced description of the submission, with the following headings:
    a. Topic or problem that this innovation addresses.
    b. Level and number of students who were involved in the innovation thus far, and

long-term potential impact.
c. Major educational objectives of this innovation.
d. Innovative and unique features of this innovation.
e. Discuss the content, organization, and presentation of this innovation. (Clearly

describe what the innovation is. How does it fit into the organization of the course? How was the innovation presented to the students (lecture, case, simulation, distance teaching, etc.)?)

f. Describe the specific benefits of this innovation to student learning: Indicate
how educational objectives were achieved: Describe how the innovation’s

effectiveness was evaluated (include the success measures).
g. Explain how other faculty could use this innovation in their courses.

  1. Appendices: If appropriate, attach an additional three pages of illustrative material, exercises, handouts, etc. to the submission.


A committee consisting of Harvey J. Brightman, Yezdi Bhada, and one representative each from the Dean’s Office, Dean’s Advisory Council, Faculty Development Committee and Center for Teaching and Learning will evaluate the submissions. All submissions will be blind reviewed. Therefore there should be no references to the author in the submitted document.

Submission for Harvey J. Brightman Award for Outstanding Teaching Innovation

Faculty member name:______


Date submitted:______

Title of submission:______

REMINDER: All submissions will be blind reviewed. Therefore, there should be no references to the author in the submitted document. Using this title page the Associate Dean will assign a code to your submission so that we may identify the winner.