Guidelines for manuscript design
INAP Conference Papers(Please use this heading for the title of your paper. Arial 16).

First name surname and first name surname

Address and affiliation, Institute for Research, University of VET

University street 99, Zip-Code 12345 City

Summary:Please use Arial 12pt. This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words. This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.Please use Arial 12pt. This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words. This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.This is the summary. It contains no more than 150 words.This is the summary.

Keywords: maximal four comma-separated keywords, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4

Introduction (Heading 1)

Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Please use Arial 12pt. Margins are 2,5 cm left, right top and bottom. Your conference paper should not exceed a total of 4 pages following these guidelines.This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be available at the conference. Margins are 2,5 cm left, right top and bottom. Please use Arial, 12pt.

References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2007; Author1 & Author2 2012; 1 et. al. 2009). References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2009; Author1 & Author2 2006; 1 et. al. 2005).References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2009; Author1 & Author2 2012; 1 et. al. 2005).References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2011; Author1 & Author2 2006; 1 et. al. 2005)

Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Your paper should not contain more than more 2000 Words/a total of 4 pages following these guidelines. This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be handed out at the conference.Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Your paper should not contain more than more 2000 Words. References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2011; Author1 & Author2 2008; 1 et. al. 2005).

Methods andresearch design

Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Your paper should not contain more than more 2000 Words/a total of 4 pages following these guidelines. This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be handed out at the Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Your paper should not contain more than more 2000 /a total of 4 pages following these guidelines. This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be available at the conference.Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Your paper should not contain more than more 2000 Words/a total of 4 pages following these guidelines. This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be handed out at the conference.Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Your paper should not contain more than more 2000 Words/a total of 4 pages following these guidelines.

This is format for second level headings(Heading 2)

Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Your paper should not contain more than more 2000 Words/a total of 4 pages following these guidlines. This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be handed out at the conference.Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2009; Author1 & Author2 2012; 1 et. al. 2005). References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2009; Author1 & Author2 2006; 1 et. al. 2005).

References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2011; Author1 & Author2 2006; 1 et. al. 2009).References in the text are following this format (Author 1 2009; Author1 & Author2 2006; 1 et. al. 2008)


Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Please use Arial 12pt. Margins are 2,5 cm left, right top and bottom. Your conference paper should not exceed a total of 4 pages following these guidelines. This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be available at the conference. Margins are 2,5 cm left, right top and bottom. Please use Arial, 12pt.

Figures and tables are to be placed in the neighbourhood of the relevant text passage. Tables and figures are centred and get a heading or a subtitle in case of figures. This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be available at the conference.Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Your paper should not contain more than more 2000 Words/a total of 4 pages following these guidelines. Please use the format Inaptext for the running text. Please use Arial 12pt. Margins are 2,5 cm left, right top and bottom. Your conference paper should not exceed a total of 4 pages following these guidelines. This paper will be printed in the conference proceedings that will be available at the conference. Margins are 2,5 cm left, right top and bottom. Please use Arial, 12pt.

Figure 1: Please use the format Figure/Table for the heading

Independent Variable / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Var 1 / Please use the format table in tables / 2.4 ± 0.3 m / 3.4 ± 0.4 m / 4.4 ± 0.5 m
Var 1 / 0.29 ± 0.06 Hz / 0.69 ± 0.12 Hz / 0.85 ± 0.16 Hz / 0.98 ± 0.22 Hz

Figure2:Please use the format Figure/Table for the subtitle (arial 10pt)


Surname, R.R.,Surname, G. (2010):Please use Arial 10, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 16, 165-174.

Surname, R.J., Last name, T.C. & Surname, S.W. (1998): A psychophysiological investigation of the effects of driver longer-combination vehicles, Ergonomics, 41, 581-592.

Surname, K.H.E. (2011): Muscle strength. In: W. Surname(Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, VolumeI.London: Taylor & Francis, 276-278.

Surname, A.K., Das, B. (1999): The determination of maximum reach envelope for industrial workstation design. In: G.C.H. Surname(Ed.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety 3, Proceedings of ISOES Conference 1999. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 59-64.