Subject-Verb Agreement Steps and Overview of Notes

Plural / verb / singular / Rules
Singular / plural / subject

1/ When analyzing a sentence for accurate subject-verb agreement, the first step is to

Find the ______and the ______.

2/ Label the Subject as either ______or ______.

3/ Then, label the Verb as either ______or ______.

4/ Finally make sure they match according to the ______.

Overview of Subject-Verb Agreement Rules

1/ Singular Subjects are paired with Singular Verbs, and Plural Subjects are Paired with Plural Verbs.

Singular verbs usually DOES end is “S” Plural subjects usually DO NOT end in “S”

Examples: The snow (rushes, rush) down the hill.

The kids (dance, dances ) to the music.

**The exception is HAS vs. HAVE….be careful…….Has = singularHave – plural

2/ Problems in agreement (Extra Phrases in the Sentence) -Identify the Subject and the Verb. Eliminate or cross out the phrase that “gets in the way” and then make sure the subject and verb agree.

Examples: The hands on my watch (glow, glows) in the dark.

Four students from our school (play, plays) in a band.

3/ Indefinite Pronouns – Sometimes the Pronouns (The subject) is indefinite…hard to define) – so it is important to think….Is the author talking about ONEWHOLE GROUP (Singular) or MANY INDIVIDUAL THINGS (SINGULAR).

Examples: Many in the crowd (waves, wave) signs.

Neither of the dogs (jump, jumps) into the pool.

Some of the teachers (call, calls) for complete silence during class.

None of the car (has, have) been painted yet.

4/ Compound Subjects –Look for the word that connects the subjects. Determine from there how many the subject is – singular or plural

The nurse and the doctor (give, gives) the family good news = Plural (two people)

A desert or a jungle (is, are) the setting for the play = Singular (one of them)

If the sentence has a compound subject with a singular and a plural subject, choose the subject closest to the verb.

The boss or the workers (plan, plans) the schedule for the week. = Workers is closer = Plural

5/ Subjects AFTER Verbs = identify the subject…later in the sentence to the verb (Same process).

Where (is, are) the maps for our report? Maps = Plural

6/ Don’t vs. Doesn’t =

Don’t = pluralDoesn’t=singular

This locker (don’t, doesn’t) look very organized.

The teenagers (don’t, doesn’t) prefer to be stared at in the mall.