Basic B.Sc. Nursing III (Third) Year Annual Examination 2011-12
Course Code: BBN301 Paper ID: 0083301
Medical Surgical Nursing-II
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Write short notes on any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (3x5=15)
a) Crisis Intervention.
b) Role of Nurse for care of Elderly: Nutritional, Psychosocial.
c) Palliative Care.
d) List the special equipment in I.C.U. and their uses.
e) Cognitive aspect of ageing.
f) Concept and priorities of emergency nursing.
g) Epistaxis.
h) Legal and ethical issues in critical care nursing.
2. a) Define Epilepsy. (2)
b) Causes of Epilepsy. (3)
c) Explain classification of Epilepsy. (3)
d) Nursing Care of Epilepsy Patient. (4)
3. a) Characteristics of Cancer Cells. (3)
b) Classification of Neoplasm according to tissue of origin. (3)
c) Etiological factors of cancer. (3)
d) Prevention and controle of cancer. (3)
4. A 45 years old man, working in coal mine and exposed by the inhalation of various chemical dusts and other particular matter that are present in certain setting:
a) Explain occupational lung disease. (3)
b) Explain etiology of occupational lung disease. (3)
c) List the types of occupational lung disease. (3)
d) Role of nurse in prevention of occupational lung disease. (3)
5. a) Define cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. (3)
b) Indication of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. (4)
c) Explain nursing responsibility in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. (5)
6. a) Define retinal detachment. (2)
b) Risk factors for Retinal Detachment. (3)
c) Explain Pathophysiology of Retinal Detachment? (3)
d) Explain surgical treatment and nursing care. (4)
7. Ramu is 55 years male, admitted in M.I.C.U. with severe chest pain, radiating in left side of hand and pain increasing during walking.
a) Define M.I.? (2)
b) Enumerate its causes. (3)
c) List the signs and symptoms of M.I.? (3)
d) Explain treatment and nursing care. (4)
8. Susheela is 30 years old female admitted in I.C.U.. She is on ventilator support and haemodynamically unstable and diagnosed as a case of septic shock with A.R.D.S.
a) Define septic shock and A.R.D.S. (2)
b) Explain pathophysiology of A.R.D.S. (3)
c) Explain causes of A.R.D.S. (3)
d) Prepare a nursing care plan for susheela. (4)