Date: 16th February, 2016
Time: 7:15am
Subject: Silver Mesa School Community Council - Draft Minutes
Attendees: Julie Fielding (Principal), Maria Bailey (Teacher Representative), Virginia Ramos (Teacher Representative), James Barron (Parent Representative), Nick Hintze (Parent Representative), John Pursglove (Parent Representative) Don Hendrickson (Parent Representative), Scout Poulsen (Parent Representative)
Excused: Jill Landes-Lee (Parent Representative)
Acronyms utilised within this document:
o CSD (Canyons School District)
o SM (Silver Mesa)
o SCC (School Community Council)
o CBM (Curriculum Based Measurement)
o VC (Volunteer Coordinator)
Items in red represent an action item for the named individual
Meeting Notes:
- Introductions and approval of SCC meeting minutes from January 2016
- Open slot for a parent member: There is an open parent slot available within the SCC. Julie will try and identify the list of SCC candidates from last year and see if the individual who was 4th on the voting list is still willing to serve.
o In terms of serving length, we may need to alter bylaws to allow new parent member to vote this year but the time served would not count in years served (essentially next year would count as the first year they served)
- Jogathon: May 2016
o Kick-off Friday April 15th
§ Maria looking to identify individuals to appear at kick-off meeting and has reached out to a few people already. Waiting to hear back from them
o Grand Prize:
§ Real Salt Lake tickets? Nick?
§ Disneyland ? Scott will look in to this . . .
§ Cinemark?
§ Megaplex?
§ Principal for the day prize
§ Prizes awarded to class with most pledges and most money (upper and lower grades)
o Committee with parents getting together next week and Maria will send out details next week
o “Staying with same metrics”; discussed with BLT and they agreed with this approach.
o Goal setting: incremental increase of a few percentage points over last year rather than large jump which is difficult to achieve.
o CSIP measurement is SAGE 3rd through 5th grades
- CBM Data:
o Math CBM data:
§ Fall 76.5%, Winter 83%
§ Goal: minimum 85%
§ Benchmark increases naturally across fall, winter, spring
§ Typically we are strong with CBM math data but results from SAGE results typically not as strong. To help bridge this gap and prepare students:
· Students took SAGE-like test (CFA, multi-step 22 questions) in January this year. Students struggled but helps prepare them in the use of technology and SAGE.
o Additional CFAs will be conducted in March and May 2016.
· These SAGE CFA tests are less computational and more multi-step and present a more realistic SAGE test environment for the students.
o Reading CBM Data:
§ Fall 75%, Winter 78%
§ Few grades did experience a decrease in test results (2nd and 3rd grades?)
§ There is not a direct SAGE related CFA available for reading as there is for Math. However:
· Reading CFA this year does have written - response to comprehension component.
· CFA will be held in May this year rather than February – scores will be available in June.
- So with this information, what do we focus on?
o Kids in the red and yellow zones
o Professional Learning Communities discuss students in these zones
o With the realignment of aides (from 3 1 to 3 & 2) have we seen a difference?
§ We have an after school reading program being offered by an aide.
· 2 different programs (grant from state) being offered depending upon reading level
· Do we use this data to show benefit of aides? Discussion around this topic . . .
· Year by year grant, we have to show fidelity to the program to receive grant the following year
§ Anecdotally we believe we are seeing benefits but not enough time has passed to quantifiably identify the data.
- Feedback on following:
o Brainboosters: Feedback has been positive
o Friday – short day: Everyone loves the consistency of short-day Friday
§ Wish there was alignment across middle schools however that have late-start.
- Attendance struggles:
o How can we incentivize parents? Teacher committee looking in to this
§ 100% attendance / reward?
o Correlation between poor performers and students that are consistently absent?
§ Virginia will look in to studies?
- Survey that was sent home to parents last May. Lowest score was for the following question, “I am pleased how much my child is learning in school”. Why is this? Discussion around this topic . .