Subject: Re: Status and Progress of WG‐29 (Regional Climate Modeling) FINAL REPORT

From: ZuenkoYury <>

Date: 2017‐03‐05 7:40 PM

To: "" <>, "" <>,

"" <>, "" <>,

"Angelica.Pena@dfo‐" <Angelica.Pena@dfo‐>, "goito@aori.u‐"


Dear Hal, Manu, Chan‐Joo and other PICES authori?es and WG‐29 ac?vists,

I've read carefully the final report of WG‐29 and found that it is well done and we have no any realability to enhance it in the process of reviewing. Its structure is very logic and include all necessary itemsfrom the tasks to resul?ng recommenda?ons for scien?fic community. The main volume of the report isoccupied by personal reports of WG‐29 members on their achievements ‐ generally this part looks as toobig and not well coordinated, but this view reflects the real situa?on and corresponds to the WG tasks.Looking from the point of view of possible edi?ng ‐ it is also well‐done, so as all personal chapters havecomparable (and not big for each) volume and common and logical structure. I have no any seriouscomments to the general part of the report, wri?en by co‐chairs, and I am not sure that we should makeany comments to the personal chapters, so far as they are no more than short descrip?ons of scien?ficworks that were already done.

There are some technical mistakes or incomple?ons in the report, as misprints, small grammar mistakes,figures quality and alloca?on, etc., that don't require any scien?fic contribu?on and could be correctedby PICES Secretariat staff in the process of the publica?on forma?ng (or by other volunteers usingDropBox).

So, to my mind, the "parental review" of the report from POC could be formal, if necessary, and could beprepared by Emanuele or me. We don't need to create a special group of reviiewers and start a processof gradual enhancing the manuscript, as for a scien?fic paper, taking into account that it is no more thanthe report on Working Group ac?vity that was not perfect but had some achievements ‐ and the reporthas to reflect both achievments and imperfec?ons.

Manu, please make you decision. You can use these my thoughts in the POC review.


From: Hal Batchelder <>

Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2017 8:18 PM

To: 장찬주

Cc: Emanuele Di Lorenzo; ''; Rosalie Rutka; Pena Angelica; 주세종; Enrique

Curchitser; Hal Batchelder;

Subject: Re: Status and Progress of WG‐29 (Regional Climate Modeling) FINAL REPORT

Dear Chan Joo,

I was able to download the WG29 "FINAL REPORT" document. I need some clarifica?on from you andManu (POC Chair) on the next steps and their ?ming.The process for reports is that the WG completes the report and submits it to the Parent Commi?ee forscien?fic review and comments. WG‐29 is parented by both POC and BIO, but as I recall from earlierdiscussions, it was agreed that POC only would conduct the "parental review". Can I assume that this

version, was sent to both the POC chair and vice‐chair (Manu and Yury, respec?vely) for the purposes ofPOC iden?fying a subset of the POC members to conduct a review and provide feedback to the editorsand co‐chairs of the working group (Chan Joo and Enrique), prior to submission of a version that PICESshould consider for forma?ng for publica?on.

Manu‐‐please arrange the POC review of this document ASAP. If it is discussed at the ISB, it might bepublished prior to the PICES‐2017 mee?ng. If it is not discussed un?l the Vladivostok mee?ng, it willlikely be published with a 2018 date.

Chan Joo and Enrique‐‐Congratula?ons on ge?ng all of the individual sec?ons in and distribu?ng this toPOC and BIO close to the proposed ?meline discussed in San Diego. Due to the upcoming April mee?ngof Science Board, it would be best if the POC review were concluded by 16 March, and commentsreturned to the editors, who implement changes and provide a revised version to Secretariat by 24March (in order to include a version in the briefing book materials to science Board).

Regards, Hal

PS. As the WG‐29 report sent by Chan Joo did not have page numbers or line numbers (which can beuseful in reviewing), I have put a version of the document(FinWG29FRdra?2Mar2017_hpb_footer_y_linenumbers.docx) with these on my DropBox site. All emailaddresses in this email should have access to the directory"WG29_FinalRrpt_ver170302". You shouldreceive a separate email with info on the dropboxloca?on.

Subject: Re: Status and Progress of WG‐29 (Regional Climate Modeling) FINAL REPORT

From: 장찬주<>

Date: 2017‐03‐02 12:27 AM


CC: , Emanuele Di Lorenzo <>, "''"

<>, Rosalie Rutka <>, Pena Angelica

<Angelica.Pena@dfo‐>, 주세종<>, Enrique Curchitser


Dear Hal and others,

A?ached is a dra? of WG‐29 final report. Three more contribu?ons were received since lastPICES annual mee?ng, all of which were accommodated in this dra?.

Please note that document forma?ng and appendices will be handled by PICES secretariat.

I am sincerely sorry for the delay, and I hope that it will be approved at the ISB.


Chan Joo

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

From :"장찬주"<>

To :, "Chan Joo Jang"<>, "Enrique Curchitser"


Cc :, "Emanuele Di Lorenzo"<>,

"''"<>, "Rosalie Rutka"

<>, "Chan Joo Jang"<>, "Pena Angelica"

<Angelica.Pena@dfo‐>, "Shin‐ichi Ito"<goito@aori.u‐>

Date :2017/01/21 토요일오후7:29:38

Subject :Re: Status and Progress of WG‐29 (Regional Climate Modeling) FINAL REPORT

Dear Hal and others,

Thanks for the reminding the schedule and sorry for the delay of the WG‐29 final report.

I have been trying to allow a maximum ?me for having contribu?ons from all members.

I am planning to make a last call for the final report soon, and circulate the dra? around themid‐February to the parent commi?ee (POC and BIO) for review.

Again, thanks for reminding the schedule.

All the best,

Chan Joo

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

From :"Hal Batchelder"<>

To :"Chan Joo Jang"<>, "Enrique Curchitser"<>

Cc :, "Emanuele Di Lorenzo"<>,

"''"<>, "Rosalie Rutka"


Date :2017/01/21 토요일오전5:44:07

Subject :Status and Progress of WG‐29 (Regional Climate Modeling) FINAL REPORT

Dear Chan Joo and Enrique (cc: Manu and Yury),

I am following up with a reminder that per the POC report from PICES‐2016, the WG‐29 finalreport is expected in Spring 2017. I recall from the POC mee?ng that it was an?cipated thatthe missing chapters would be completed by about mid‐February. I urge you to adhere tothis schedule. Science Board (SB) is hoping to meet intersessionally (ISB) in either April orearly May of 2017 (exact dates s?ll to be determined). In order for SB to approve and acceptthe WG‐29 final report, it must first be evaluated by a subset of the parent commi?ee (POC;preferably by members not involved in WG‐29), and the report should be sent to SB withtheir recommenda?on about publica?on at least 2 weeks prior to the ISB, so that ScienceBoard members will have ?me to read the report if they wish to. I hope that you are onschedule for having this report approved at the ISB, otherwise it may not be approved un?lthe Vladivostok mee?ng.

Regards, Hal

PS. to Manu and Yury. You might want to iden?fy ahead of ?me a subset of the POC

members to review the WG‐29 report, so that the review is fast‐tracked through the POCreview process.



Harold (Hal) Batchelder, PhD

Deputy Executive Secretary

North Pacific Marine Science Organization

PO BOX 6000

9860 W. Saanich Road

Sidney, BC V8L 4B2 Canada

Re: Status and Progress of WG‐29 (Regional Climate Modeling) FIN...

2 of 3 2017‐03‐31 9:52 AM

Phone: 250‐363‐6826

Fax: 250‐363‐6827


Skype Name: halbatch

"By working faithfully eight hours a day

you may eventually get to be boss and

work twelve hours a day."

‐‐ Robert Frost



Chan Joo Jang, Ph.D.

Physical Oceangraphy Division

Korea Ins?tue of Ocean Science & Technology

787 Haean‐ro, Sangnok‐gu, Ansan 426‐744, Korea

Tel: +82‐31‐400‐6317 Fax: +82‐31‐408‐5829


Chan Joo Jang, Ph.D.

Physical Oceangraphy Division

Korea Ins?tue of Ocean Science & Technology

787 Haean‐ro, Sangnok‐gu, Ansan 426‐744, Korea

Tel: +82‐31‐400‐6317 Fax: +82‐31‐408‐5829

대용량첨부파일1개(Large A?achment1 )

FinWG29FRdra?2Mar2017.docx (58MB)

다운로드기간‐ 10일간저장(Download available for 10days) :~ 2017‐3‐11__