Class 1st
Weekly syllabus 2016-17
Month / Date / Chapter / Contents / Activites
April / 1-11 / I can swim
I can swim / True/False, action word, simple dialogue P.g-no. 2-5
Sentences with can / can’t Things you can or can’t do 6-10) / Birds and animals our friends
4-10 / Grammar The English Alphabet / Write the name of the animal P.g-no.3,4,5 / Play with alphabet
12-19 / Good habits / GAP FELLING, Naming words action words P.g-no.11-14 / Testing on self for one’s habits.
22-24 / Good habits / Simple dialogue with should/should initial consonant sounds. P.g-no.15-20
26-29 / Grammar vowels and consonants / Vowels and consonants P.g-no.6,7,8,9 / Sound of Vowels
29 / If I met P.g-no. 21 -22 / If I met Rhyme
July / 1-12 / Grammar Capital Letter and small / Write sentences with grammar P.g-no. 7-10 / Explain the big and small letters
15-20 / Days of the week / Days of the week cardinal and ordinal number P.g-no.24-28 / Preparing food chart for the week
21-26 / Days of the week / Use of is/an/are.were/ was initial consonant sounds P.g-no.29-34 / What you like to do on holiday
27-29 / Rhymes / Cockcrow. Beddy byes P.g-no.35-36
Aug / 02-16 / Month and seasons / Question and Names of Months and seasons P.g-no.37-40 / Colour and word Recognition
Month and seasons / Dialoguer on month write about seasons P.g-no.41-44
19-27 / Rhymes / Days of Months P.g-no.45 / Completing incomplete words.
Sep / 1-9 / Bill fell / True/False fill in the blanks .Explain parts of the body matching P.g-no.47-50 / Naming, Colouring and matching exercise
13-17 / Bill fell / Greeting a friend in the morning and short questions and answer P.g-no.51-57
20-26 / Rhymes Dogs / True/False and shoot and long question & answer P.g-no.60 -63 / Fallowing directions and locating things
Oct / 1-11 / Dogs / Use of has/have in note book P.g-no.64-68
Nov / 15-22 / The wind blew / Spellings/short forms of opposites long vowel P.g-no.69-72 / Make a chat on wind explain about wind
11-20 / The wind blew / The possessive case of nouns -76
Nov / 23-26 / Rhymes / I am a teapot
july / 2-9 / Grammar alphabetical order
Revision test unit 1 to 4 / Count and write alphabet and arrange in order P.g-no.14-16
Dec / 1-4 / The Robot
The Robot / Vowels and the use of a/an
Long and short vowel sound of o / Make a chat of sound “o”
Dec / 13-17 / Rhyme / Two little Birds P, / Read a loud poem Two little Birds
Aug / 20-22 / Grammar Naming words or Nouns
Class test of noun / Learn noun definition and what is noun / Show the chat of noun
Jan / 3-7 / The Tooth fairy / Number and gender spellings P.g-no.89-93 / Grouping birds and animals
Jan / 10-13 / The tooth fairy / Long and short vowel sound of u. P.g-no.94-97
Jan / 17-21 / The tooth fairy / Biographic description P.g-no.97-99 / Grouping words an animals
Jan / 24-28 / Rhyme / Mice P.g-no.100-101
Aug / 24-28 / Grammar a/an / Put aor an before each P.g-no.22-23
Sep / 27-29 / Grammar singular and plural / Singular/Plural P.g-no.24-29 / Use a flash card
Feb / 1-2 / The big carat / Favorite Fruits/vegetables P.g-no.103-105 / Drawing an elephant and colouring it.
The big carat / This /that/these/ Those present and past P.g-no.106-107
Feb / 3-6 / The big carat / Names of vegetables opposites P.g-no.108-110
Sep / 2-6 / Grammar he words and she –words
Revision test unit 5-8 / He words and she words
P.g-no.30-31 / Use a flash card to tell he and she
Oct / 8-11 / Pronouns Grammar / He/she/this/that/it/these/those
P.g-no.34-39 / Use flash card
Oct / 15-20 / Describing words adje / Write words and their opposites P.g-no.40-41 / Given the live examples of opposites.
Describing words adje / Use the words in sentence a and an P.g-no.42-43
Nov / 6-10 / Am/is/are / Fill in the blanks and complete the sentence with is/an/are. P.g-no44-45
Nov / Was were
Revision test unit 9-12 / Complete the sentences using with was/were P.g-no.46-47 / Ask the question.
Dec / 3-5 / Place words (where) / Fill in the blanks write the sentence P.g-no50-52
Dec / 12-156 / Have, has / Fill in the blanks match the words P.g-no 53-54 / Use flash cart
Dec / 18-21 / Doing words / Write word with ing P.g-no55-58
Jan / 14-16 / Orders and Requests / Write sentence with use a request and order P.g-no59-60 / Use flash card
Feb / 8-10 / Question words / Write question and answer/ Find the right answer for each question P.g-no 61-62
Final Revision unit-1-17
Class -1st
Subject- Vibrant Values
Weekly Syllabus 2016-17
Month / Date / Chapter / Contents
April / 4-8 / Being Cheerful / What to do together page no 6-9
12-16 / Being Cheerful / Life Skills page no 10-11
May / 3-10 / Making a Friend / Reading Time page no 12-13
12-15 / Making a Friend / Life Skills page no 14-17
July / 5-8 / P's And Q's / Reading time page 18-19
12-16 / P's And Q's / Questions and Answers 20-21
19-23 / P's And Q's / Life Skills page no 22-23
Aug / 2-6 / Share with all / Reading time page no 24-27
912 / Share with all / Life Skills 28-30
Sep / 1-3 / Honesty is good / Reading time page no 31-33
5-9 / Honesty is good / Life Skills 34-37
Oct / 5-10 / A clean me / Reading time page no 38-40
A clean me / Life Skills 41-42
Nov / 1-8 / Hands are for helping / Reading time page 43-46
Hands are for helping / Life Skill page 47
Dec / 3-8 / Kindness Count / Reading time page 48-49-50
Kindness Count / Life Skill page 51-52
Jan / 10-12 / Love India / Reading time page 52-54
Love India / Life Skill page 55-56

Class 1st


Weekly syllabus 2016-17

Month / Dates / Chapter / Contents / Activities
April / 4-8 / Ch -1 Pre Number Concepts / Counting of number (0-10 ) and (10-20) / Counting of real objects
Ch -1 Pre Number Concepts / Counting of number (1-100) / Drawing and Coluring Pictures
12-16 / Ch -1 Pre Number Concepts / Introduction of ones and tens building of numbers / Oral Counting (1 to 100)
Ch -1 Pre Number Concepts / Number names (1-20) / Counting of Real objects
Ch -1 Pre Number Concepts / Multiple Choice Question / Oral Counting (1 to 100)
Class test of Ch-1
April / 19-23 / Ch- 2 Number 1 to 10 / Forward Counting/ Backward Counting / Oral Counting
Page no 6 & 7
Ch- 2 Number 1 to 10 / Count and Write Page no 8 & 9 / Oral Backward Counting
26-29 / Ch- 2 Number 1 to 10 / Page no -10,11,12,13
Ch- 2 Number 1 to 10 / Page no -14,15,16
Counting and Matching
Class test of Ch-2 on Monday
July / 1-9 / Ch -3 Learning Addition (no upto 10) / Fill in the place holders page no 17,18 &19 / Recite and Enjoy
Ch -3 Learning Addition (no upto 10) / Addition by Counting Forward page no 20 & 21 / Add and match
12-16 / Ch -3 Learning Addition (no upto 10) / Add of three numbers page no 22 & 23 / Oral Counting (101-200)
19-23 / Ch -3 Learning Addition (no upto 10) / Addition on no Line, Write the Missing Numbers Add and match page no 24 -29 / Maths Lab Activity
Class test of Ch-3 on Monday
July / 26-29 / Ch-4 Learning Subtraction ( no upto 10) / Take Away , Subtraction and Do the Subtraction and then write the difference page 30 -33 / Subtract drawing lines and crossing them
Ch-4 Learning Subtraction ( no upto 10) / Horizontal Subtraction and Vertical Subtraction page no 34 & 35 / Subtraction the greater number is followed by the smaller number
Ch-4 Learning Subtraction ( no upto 10) / Write the Missing number subtract and match page no 36-39 / Subtraction on number line
Class test of Ch-4 on Monday
August / 2-6 / Ch- 5 Ordinal numbers / Fill in the blanks Do page no 41 -42 / Writing number names of ordinal numbers
9-12 / Ch- 5 Ordinal numbers / Colour the flags and fill in the blanks page no 43 -44 / Read aloud names of ordinal
16-22 / Ch -6 Concept of zero / How many birds are there on the tree? And Count the apple page no 45 & 46 / Recite and Enjoy
Ch -6 Concept of zero / Addition property of zero page no 47 -49 / Maths Lab activity to play a zero
Class test of ch-5 & 6
Sep / 1-3 / Ch -7 numbers upto 20 / Writing number names 11-20 page no 50-51 / Explain the students concept of tens and ones
6-9 / Ch -7 numbers upto 20 / Write the number and number names page no 52-57 / Lab Activity
Class test of ch- 7
Sep / 13-27 / Ch -8 numbers upto 50 / Numbers 21 -40 & 41- 50 page no 61- 63 / Fun activity
Ch -8 numbers upto 50 / Write the expanded form in tens and ones page no 64 -65
28-29 / Ch -8 numbers upto 50 / Before- After -between page 66 -68
Class test of ch- 8
Oct / 1-4 / Ch -9 numbers upto 100 / Counting 51-70 page no 69 -70 / The smallest three digit explain
7-11 / Ch -9 numbers upto 100 / fill in the blanks 71-100 page no 71- 73 / Explain the student greater and smaller
15-22 / Ch -9 numbers upto 100 / Complete the forward counting and backward countning page 74- 75 / Explain the student greater and smaller
24-26 / Ch -9 numbers upto 100 / Write the no names and given number 76- 84 / Increasing and decreasing order
27-29 / Ch- 10 skip counting / Complete these sequences by skip counting page no 85 -89 / Addition Stories
Nov / 1-5 / Ch -11 more about addition / Addition of 2 digit no without carrying page no 91 -94 / Fun activity
Addition Stories page no 95- 99
8-11 / Ch -12 more about subtraction / Subtraction of 2 digit no page no 100- 102 / solve mentally
15-19 / Ch -12 more about subtraction / Find the difference page no 103 -106 / solve sums on black board
22-26 / Ch -12 more about subtraction / Subtraction stories 107-108 / Fun activity
Dec / 1-3 / Ch -13 multiplication / Multiplication as Repeated additon page no 109 -111 / Recite the tables in chorus
6-12 / Ch -13 multiplication / Multiplication table of 2 to 10 page 112-120 / mental exercise
13-23 / Ch -13 multiplication / Multiplication stories page no 121- 123 / Fun Activity
Ch -14 measurements / Bigger/ Smaller/ taller/ Shorter / Heavier/ Lighter page no 124-126 / question asked by orally
Ch -14 measurements / Measurement of length long/ short/ weight page no 127-133 / Fun activity
Jan / 2-8 / Ch -15 time / Number the activity from 1 - 8 in the order / oral practice
Ch -15 time / The Clock / Sequencing the events by explaining
10-14 / Ch -15 time / The dials of the clocks are many shapes / days of the week and month of the year / Reading calender in the classrooms
Class test ch-15
Jan / 15-19 / ch-16 money / Add, subtraction simple amount and guess the price of these things and count how much money / Children can bring some dummy notes and coins
21-24 / ch-17 patterns / Extend the sequence , colour and repeat / completing the sequence
ch-17 patterns / study the pattern and fill missing no / fun activity
25-29 / ch-18 shapes / shapes and count and write / Draw Different shapes
ch-18 shapes / Straight and curved lines some more shapes and rolling and sliding / Explain the different types of line
Feb / 1-4 / ch-19 data handling / Count the numbers and graph and count how many each kind / Collection of data
5-9 / ch-19 data handling / Question and answer / Fun Activity
Class test ch -19
Class – 1
Weekly syllabus 2016-17
Month / Week / Chapter / Contents
April / 1 – 2 / मैं / फोटोचिपकाओ ( पेज- ५)
April / 3-4 / मुझेस्कूलजानाहै। / प्रश्नउत्तरपूछें(पेज-६-९)
April / 5- 6 / क्यातुमदेरतकसोतेहो? / कविताकक्षामेंज़ोरसेबोलो (पेज८- ९)
April / 12- 19 / पुनरावृत्ति / तुमभीबनाओ(पेज- १६-१७)
April / 23 – 29 / भाषाव्याकरण / अभ्यास(पेज६-७)
May / 3 – 7 / टन– टन / वर्णोंकोजोड़करशब्द बनाओ(पेज१८-१९)
May / 8- 9 / आयामामा / आकीमात्रवालेशब्दबनाओ।(पेज१८-१९)
May / 10-11 / वर्णअनुपमहिंदीव्याकरण / वर्णकीपरिभाषातथाप्रकार(पेज८-१३)
May / 12 -13 / हिंदीसुरभिलालअनार / आकीमात्रावालेशब्दबनाओ(पेज२२-२३)
July / 1-2 / हिंदीसुरभिचिड़िया/ अकड़ी / इऔरईकीमात्रावालेशब्दबनाओ(पेज२४- २७)
July / 5 -18 / अनुपमहिंदीव्याकरण- मात्राज्ञान / स्वरऔरउसकीमात्राओंकाज्ञानअभ्यास(पेज- १४-२३)
July / 23 – 29 / हिंदीसुरभि- शरारतीघड़ियाल / इ- ईशब्दकाअभ्यासकरो (पेज२८-२९)
August / 02-12 / हिंदीसुरभि- चुलबुलमुनियाऔरआलू–कचालू / उऔरऊकीमात्राओंवालेशब्दलिखें।(पेज३०-३३)
August / 16 -30 / अनुपमहिंदीव्याकरण- शब्दऔरवाक्य / शब्द, स्वर, व्यंजनकेशब्दबनाओ।(पेज२४-३०)
September / 1 -9 / हिंदीसुरभि- उल्टापुल्टाऔरशेरऔरमेमनातथापैसेकापेड़तथाकागज़कीनैया / एतथाऐकीमात्रावालेशब्दबनाओ(पेज३६-३९)(पेज४०-४१)
September / 13-17 / हिंदीसुरभि- दुनियागोलतथामेहनतीगौरीतथाघोडादौड़ा / ओ/औकीमात्राओंवालेशब्दलिखेंऔरबोलो(पेज४२-४७)
August / 21-24 / हिंदीव्याकरण- संज्ञा / अभ्यास(पेज३४-३६)
September / 20 -22 / हिंदीव्याकरण– लिंग / लिंगबदलोतथाअभ्यास(पेज३७-४१)
October / 01-07 / हिंदीसुरभि- बन्दरऔरचाँद / अनुस्वारतथाअनुनासिकवालेशब्दलिखो(पेज४८-४९)
October / हिंदीसुरभिपाठ- कृषककामृग / ऋकीमात्रालगाकरशब्दलिखो(पेज५०-५१)
September / 27 -29 / हिंदीव्याकरण–वचन / एकवचनऔरबहुवचनलिखो।अभ्यास(पेज४२-४७)
October / 04-07 / हिंदीसुरभिपाठ- बिल्लीचलोदिल्ली / गिनतीतथानामलिखो(पेज५२-५४)
October / 11-15 / हिंदीव्याकरण- विलोमशब्द / विलोमशब्दलिखो।अभ्यास(पेज५२-५४)
November / 18 – 22 / हिंदीसुरभि- रसगुल्लाऔरगोलूऔरभोलू / अभ्यास(पेज५५-५९)
November / 25- 29 / अनुपमहिंदीव्याकरण-अनेकशब्दोंकेलिएएकशब्द / अभ्यास(पेज५५-५७) अनेकशब्दोंकेलिएएकशब्दलिखो ।
December / 01-10 / हिंदीसुरभि- आसमानमेंउडीपतंग / डीकेपहलेवर्णजोड़करशब्दबनाओ(पेज६०-६३)
December / 13 – 20 / हिंदीसुरभिकहानी-मेंढकऔरचूहा / प्रश्नउत्तरतथाकौनकहाँलिखो(पेज६४-६७)
December / 27-30 / अनुपमहिंदीव्याकरण- शुद्धशब्दलिखना / अशुद्धकोशुद्धकरकेलिखें(पेज५८-६०)
January / 03-07 / हिंदीसुरभिकहानी- कुत्तेकीरोटीकिसनेखाई / अभ्यास(पेज६८-७१)
January / 10-13 / अनुपमहिंदीव्याकरण- निबंधलेखन / निबंध(पेज६१-६६)
January / 17 -21 / एभाईज़रादेखकरचलो / रंगभरो, मिलानकरो(पेज७२-७५)
February / 01-04 / अनुपमहिंदीव्याकरण / कहानीलेखन (पेज६७-६८)
February / 05-07 / हिंदीसुरभि- जादूकाकटोरा / प्रश्नऔरउत्तर,वाक्यपूरेकरो(पेज७६-८०)
February / 08 – 09 / जागोसवेराहोगया / प्रश्नऔरउत्तर(पेज-८१-८४), जोकाम तुमस्वयंकरतेहो(पेज-८५)
February / 10-12 / श्यामाकीगुड़िया / मिलानकरो(पेज८६-८८), चित्रदेखोऔरलिखो(पगे89-९१)
February / 13 – 15 / आईपरीक्षा / कवितापढ़ें(पेज९२)
Class -1st
Subject- Computer
Weekly Syllabus 2016-17
Month / Date / Chapter / Contents
April / 4-8 / Introduction of Computers / let us do page no 1-3
May / 3-7 / About Machines / let us practice page 4-5-8
July / 5-8 / How is a computer different from other machines? / let us practice page 9-15
Aug / 2-12 / Parts of a computer / let us practice page 16-19
Parts of a computer / Questions and answers write the words page 20-26
Sep / 5-12 / Computer and me / let us practice page 27-29
Oct / 6-15 / Do's and Don'ts / let us do page no 30-33
Nov / 4-16 / usage of computers / let us practice page 34-37
Dec / 5-13 / places where computers are in used / let us practice page 38-42
Jan / 2-15 / Model test paper I / fill in the blanks and true and false page 43
6-19 / Model test paper II / fill in the blanks and true and false page 44
1-4 / Model test paper III / fill in the blanks and true and false page 45
Feb / 5-8 / Parts of computer / Parts of computer page 46-47
Class -1st
Subject- Environmental Studies
Weekly Syllabus 2016-17
Month / Date / Chapter / Contents
April / 4-8 / Unit 1 About Myself / It is me, More about myself let us do page 1-4
12-16 / About Myself / Question and answer page 5-6
19-23 / Unit 2 my body parts / learn body parts page 7-9-10
26-29 / Unit 2 my body parts / functions of my body parts page 11-13
July / 1-5 / Unit 3 my sense organs / sense organs and functions of sense organs page 14-16
8-16 / Unit 3 my sense organs / let us do nd match the following page 17-18
19-23 / Unit 4 taking care of my body / let us learn about page 19-21
Unit 4 taking care of my body / Now I know questions and answers page 22-24
Aug / 2-9 / Unit II my small world / let us do page 26-27
10-12 / my family / fill in the blanks page 28-29
my family / questions and answers page 30-31
23-27 / my school / my school page no 30-36
28-29 / my school / let us practice and fill in the blanks page no 37-38
my school / question and answers and match the following page no 39-40
Sep / 1-3 / Helpers in my neighbourhood / let us learn about page 41-44
6-9 / Helpers in my neighbourhood / questions and answers page 45-46
13-17 / Festivals and Celebrations / National festivals let us do page no 47-49
20-26 / Festivals and Celebrations / let us practice question and answers page no 50-52
Oct / 4-15 / Food / let us learn about page 53-55
18-29 / Food / let us do fill in the blanks page 56-59
Nov / 1-8 / Clothes / let us learn page 60-62
Clothes / let us practice and fill in the blanks page no 63-64
11-19 / My Home / let us do page 65-69
22-26 / My Home / let us practice question and answers page no 70-71-72
Dec / 1-6 / How we move around / let us learn page 73-75
7-10 / How we move around / let us do page 76-78 and question and answers 79-80
13-17 / Good manners and habbits / let us do page 81-86
Good manners and habbits / let us do and let practice page no 87-88
18-23 / Good manners and habbits / questions and answers and write about good manners page no 89-90
Jan / 3-10 / Fascinating world of plants / let us do page no 91-93
Fascinating world of plants / Uses of plants and let us do page no 94-95
Fascinating world of plants / Questions and answers match the following page no 96-97
11-21 / Amazing world of Animals / kinds of animals page no 98-101
Amazing world of Animals / let us practice page 102-104
Amazing world of Animals / Guess who I am? And true and false page no 105-106