JASMIN Service Request Questionnaire

Before completing the JASMIN Service Request Questionnaire below, please read the JASMIN Service documentation at http://www.jasmin.ac.uk/services/.

Once you will have completed to the best of your knowledge the form below, please return it to the CEDA Helpdesk ().

NOTE: If you are in the process of submitting a grant proposal and you are thinking of using a JASMIN Group Work Space and/or a dedicated Virtual Machine to share and analyse data, then this request is free at the point of access for NERC grants, but space and processing power will be tensioned against other projects. Please flag this in the proposal’s Outlined Data Management Plan (ODMP) and specify the likely volumes needed. Thank you.


JASMIN has medium-term storage service called Group Workspaces (GWS). These are multi-terabyte storage areas created for & provided to projects for some finite period of time. Management of the disk space is the responsibility of a member of the project designated as the GWS Manager, and members of the project all have read/write access to the area, which is mounted where needed. There is no commitment on CEDA to curate the data in the long term. However, one could use a group workspace to gather data and prepare it for inclusion in the BADC archive. Please note that data in GWS are NOT BACKED UP, although the GWS Manager has access to the “Elastic Tape” service which enables him/her to create a secondary copy of the data on near-line tape.

The GWS are mounted on machines on JASMIN where one can login and do analysis or transfer to/from other institutions.

For analysis there are 3 options:

1.  Shared analysis VMs: CEDA manage the analysis software stack on systems shared with other users. Your GWS would be mounted on these systems but only readable and writable by your group. You can request extra software to be installed.

2.  Project VMs. CEDA can create VMs specific for your project which would have the GWS mounted on it (and the archive, read only, if needed).

3.  LOTUS batch processing cluster: A PBS batch scheduling cluster for parallel or multi-job analysis.

Section 1: Your Project

Your name: Rhona Phipps

Your contact details: email :

CEDA username (address, Tel, email):

CEDA username: (to be supplied by Rhona)

Tel: 01183787356, 07711425138

Office: 2U04 Meteorology Building, University of Reading

Project name (include acronym): FIDUCIO

Funder/grant Ref: H2020-EO-2014, Grant Id: 638822

Project start date/duration: 1/3/2015 4 year duration

CEDA Contact (if known): Esther Conway

Section 2: Group Works Space (GWS) request.

Suggested short name or acronym for GWS: FIDUCIO

Designated Group Workspace Manager: Rhona Phipps

Description of the intended purpose of the GWS:

To hold a variety of input satellite data and processed output from the FIDUCIO project

Expected Data :

AVHRR - this data is already at CEMS as part of the ESA CCI SST project

and most has been copied to the general archive area as well I believe

HIRS - EUMETSAT Data Archive seem only to go back to NOAA-17, so we'll

definitely need data from the NOAA archives.

SSM/T2, AMSU-B and MHS - Need to ask Stefan (University of Hamburg) as

to data holdings. Met Office may also have record as they are

independently creating a new FCDR.

MVIRI - Meteosat First Generation. Raw data should be at EUMETSAT and

may be processed there as well, with only the final Level 1 (new format)

at CEMS. This is up to EUMETSAT and Rayference to decide and given the

possible data volume may make more sense to do it at EUMETSAT.

SEVIRI - Meteosat Second Generation. Ancillary data. Raw data is at

EUMETSAT and again where the processing is done will have to be decided

by EUMETSAT/Rayference. Used for validation only.

AIRS/IASI. Ancillary data. IASI data is at EUMETSAT and they are tasked

to do matches of IASI with HIRS/AVHRR which they may decide to do

internally - we're not creating new IASI/AIRS FCDRs. So these ancillary

datasets may not need to be at CEMS (and are very large...).

As to data volumes:

AVHRR : already hosted at CEMS to no extra storage

HIRS : probably ~ 15 Tbytes

Microwave : less than HIRS but have no idea really

MVIRI - no idea, but will be > AVHRR/HIRS holdings

SEVIRI - no idea, but could be huge depending on how many years (used

for validation so may not need than many years...).

AIRS/IASI - no idea but will be huge - but again ancillary data and

EUMETSAT should do this locally.

Requested Volume (Tb) 75Tb

Elastic Tape Quota (TB, by default the same as the requested disk volume):

Date required: 1/3/12015

Section 3: Dedicated Virtual Machine (VM) request.

Sometimes the software provided on the general purpose VMs is not suitable, or groups require exclusive access to a VM, so CEDA can set up dedicated project VMs accessible only to members of a project group. In some circumstances, upon signing a usage agreement, CEDA may be able to grant root access to trusted 3rd party root administrators on these machines where project groups need to be able to install their own software packages (via their nominated root person). However this will depend on the intended use of the system and requires further discussion.

Suggested short name or acronym for VM: FIDUCIO

Proposed VM Administrator:

Description of the intended purpose of the VM (e.g. will this VM be used for multi-threaded processing or mainly serial analysis?):

Large scale processing of satellite data involving multithreaded processing.

VM Basic Configuration options

CPU required:

1 (minimal) ; 2 (light) ; 4 (moderate/multi-user); 6 (Intermediate); 8 (heavy/multi-threaded processing)

8 (heavy/multi-threaded processing)

Note: Beyond 8CPUs, you would be best using the LOTUS batch queue system. This is a shared resource but offers plenty of cores for your needs. The system isn't suitable for interactive processing so you may want to have a VM as well. The whole system shares the same Group Work Spaces and home areas so you can work on both simultaneously.

Memory required (RAM) (GB): 1 (light); 2 (moderate); 4 (multiuser); 8 (multi threaded processing); 16 (Max Science workload)

System disk required (GB): 10 (light); 30 (moderate); 80 (large); 100 (database)

Disk space required (GB): 10; 30; 80; 100; (we recommend 10GB or 30GB for the OS)

OS required: rhel6; rhel5; sles11 (default is rhel6, please describe requirement for other choices here)

Any other information you feel would be of use?

Thank you for providing us with this valuable information. If you have any further questions, please email .


Your application will be discussed and passed to the relevant consortium manager, who has an allocation of resources on JASMIN to partition between all projects in that science area. You will be contacted by either the CEDA team or the consortium manager to discuss your requirements further and to let you know the next steps.


Query associated number:

Consortium (if applicable): Atmos & Polar Science / Oceanography & Shelf Seas / Solid Earth & Mineral Physics / Genomics / Ecology & Hydrology / Earth Observation & Climate Services / Geology
