
Directorate of Higher Education

Himachal Pradesh

Dated:Shimla-171001 the 11-May,2012


1.All the Dy. Directors of Higher Education in H.P. 2. All the Principals/ Headmasters of GSSS/GHS in H.P.

Subject:- Instructions regarding submission of time barred claims.


It has come to the notice of undersigned that some Institutions have not been submitting the claims well in time. Delay in the submission of claims resulted in the claims becoming time barred . As such, it is expedient that all DDOs ensure timely submission of the claims in the Treasury so that claims do not become time barred. Every claim should be ensured to be submitted immediately on its becoming due.

However, in case due to peculiar/unavoidable circumstances, a claim becomes time barred, it should be properly examined and before submission the procedure laid down and formalities prescribed in the Rule 2.25 of HPFR (Volume-I),1971 and Rules 178 of HPFR 2009 are completed. It may also be ensured that every claim is submitted in the Treasury in the first instance and got declared time barred . Thereafter, a complete proposal on the prescribed proforma explaining therein the reasons of its becoming time barred along with the claim should be submitted through DDHE concerned.

It has been experienced in the past that time barred claims were submitted directly to this Directorate, without routing it through proper channel, and that too without scrutiny. It involved unnecessary correspondence and also caused delay in the settlement of claims. In view of this, it may be noted that in future direct submission of cases will not be entertained. In case these instructions are not followed it will be viewed seriously and the responsibility for the lapse will be fixed.. As such, all the heads of Institutions are directed to adhere to these instructions strictly . In future they will submit the time barred claims to Dy. Director concerned and he will ensure submission of the claims to the Directorate after getting it examined through Section Officer (SAS ) who will record a certificate about its correctness on the proforma.