Air Transport & Operations(ATO)

Dear student,

This documentwill help you to prepare for your graduation session. Read the information carefully.Please note that handing in the documents in time isyour responsibility!

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the ATO secretariat:

Tel: 015-2782045 ore-mail:


Please plan the date of graduation with the chair’s secretariat. The date has to fit the schedule of the Professor, the supervisor(s) at the department, the student and the external supervisors.

Before you can actually graduate, the following steps have to be taken:

Request your examination with filling in the form AE-3, one month prior to graduation date. You will find this form on the website

  • A set of papers will be sent to your home address by Education & Student affairs (ESA).

The printing of your thesis is for your own cost. The ATO-secretariat will handle the binding of the thesis (not with a binder).

Submit the following documents to theATO secretary (2.5 weeksprior to graduation date):

❏Contact details of all external supervisors (titles, email, postal address, full name)

❏Contact details student after graduation

❏Digital colloquium announcement in word file

❏Front page final thesis report;3 copies in A4 format, color

❏hardcopies of the final thesis report; (1 x ATO secretariat, 1 x graduating Professor, 1 x for each of your daily supervisors at the department, 1 x for each external committee member handed in to the person yourself)

❏Digital copy of final thesis report (pdf and word files)

❏Digital copy of final presentation (in the week prior to graduating) (powerpoint)

❏Digital PowerPoint slide for graduation ceremony.Add a small figure or graphic which represents some important results and hand in a separate short explanationof the figure/graphic (Word)

❏All digital files of worksheets with data which represents the work done in thesis report as a back-up or motivation of the work

❏Digital copy and hardcopy literature review report

The graduation day

The presentation

The graduation ceremony starts with the presentation of your work (in English) to the exam committee, family,friends and other ATO students. Duration: 25 min presentation, 5 min questions.

Location is booked by you at the service-desk AE.

During presentation the audience is not allowed to leave or enter the room.

The defense

Duration: approx. 45-50 min. Includes full exam committee and student only (no family or friends). Exam committee evaluation after 45 min (student is requested to leave the room).Final grade will be announced by the Professor, following the evaluation.Room 4.03 will be reserved by the ATO secretariat for the defense.Family and friends waits in the faculty restaurant or main entrance hall (not on the 4th floor, this can be disturbing for the ATO members).

Exam committee exists of:graduating Professor, supervisor(s) from the section, an impartial committee member from a different sectionwithin Delft University of Technology (with proven expertise in the final thesis area)and external supervisor(s).

Please note that you will notreceive your degree on this day. ESA will invite you formally for the MSc degree ceremony organized by the faculty.

After graduating

Please make sure that ATO has all your contact details.

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28-4-2014 VvB