/ Using the George Green Library for Engineers
This is an introductory guide and worksheet for engineers using the George Green Library.

IS2533 Page 1 of 2

September 2004

1.Finding books

To find details of items held in all the libraries on campus, use UNLOC, the University of Nottingham Library Online Catalogue.

Author and Title Search

Using the name of the author and the title, look for a book by Horowitz, entitled ‘The Art of Electronics’.

Use the Search for box on the Basic Search page.

Look in more detail at the 2nd edition of this book.

(Note: Click on Global holdings for more details.)


  • How many copies of the book does the library hold in the following categories:

-Short loan?

-One week loan?

-Ordinary loan?

  • What is the classmark of the book?
  • On which floor would you find a book with this classmark?

Subject Keyword Search

To search for a book on a particular subject use the Search for box on the Basic Searchpage.

Type in your subject keywords, in this case ‘Industrial Robotics’.

Look in more detail at the book by Hunt, entitled ‘Industrial Robotics Handbook’.

(Note: Click on Global holdings for more details.)


  • What is the classmark of this book?

(Note: Some books may have a prefix to their classmark such as Oversize, Pamphlet or Reference. These are shelved separately from the main body of books in individual sequences.)

2.Borrowing books


  • Where would you find short loan books?
  • If you borrow a short loan book, when will it be due back?
  • If you borrow an ordinary loan book, when will it be due back?
  • How would you recognise a one week loan book on the shelf?
  • If all the books were out on loan, what could you do to get hold of a copy and how would you do this?
  • What do you do if you want to borrow a book?
  • How many books can you borrow at one time?

3.Finding journals

There are several ways of locating journals in the library:


Select Journals.

Enter keywords from the journal title into the Search for journal titles using keywords box, in this case, ‘Polymer composites’.

Click on global holdings for the journal to see the full record.


  • What is the number and year of the earliest volume that the library holds of this periodical?
  • Does the library still receive volumes of this periodical?
  • What is the location of the periodical?

4.Finding reports

The library holds a large number of technical reports published by various research bodies.

Do a subject search to look for items on ‘Concrete Pavement Construction’.

Look in more detail at the item entitled, ‘Advances in Concrete and Concrete Pavement Construction’.

The location of this item is Reports. To find it on the shelves, you also need to identify the name of the research body responsible for publishing the report, the report series and the report number. To do this you need to look at the Full View of the record you have found. Click on the underlined number to the left of the record to access the Full View. Look down the left hand column of headings for the one entitled Imprint. The name of the research body will usually be given in the information next to this heading. The report series and report number are shown in brackets next to the heading entitled Series.


  • Which research body has published this report?
  • What is the series and number of the report?
  • Write down the letter and number(s) of the shelves where you would find these reports.

5.Finding course notes

Lecturers will often place in the library copies of their lecture notes, questions and solutions to problems that they have set, or copies of exam papers. To look for course notes on UNLOC you can use the Search for box on the Basic Search page and search for the name of the lecturer, the title of the course, or the module number.

Look for course notes by Askew, W. H, entitled, ‘Construction Planning and Risk’, module number H24MPR.


  • How many copies are in the short loan section?

  • How many copies are for reference only?
  • The library holds other course notes for W. H. Askew. Name one of these modules?

6.Finding British Standards

A full set of British Standards is available on British Standards Online. This service can be accessed by going to the Information Services web pages at and selecting Information Gateway followed by eLibrary Gateway. To search British Standards Online you will need to register for an Athens password. Students can obtain an Athens password via the Register yourself icon on an ISCRA computer. If in doubt, please ask at the top floor Service Point.

Look for a British Standard on specification for steel chimneys.


  • What is the British Standard number?

7.Finding reference books

These are books such as dictionaries, encyclopaedia’s and technical handbooks, which can be used for reference in the library only.


  • At what classmark would you find a dictionary about engineering acronyms and abbreviations?
  • At what classmark in the George Green Library would you find Harrap’s shorter dictionary?

Find a dictionary for your spoken language in the George Green Library. Write down the language and the classmark where you would find the dictionary.

IS2533 Page 1 of 2

September 2004