Subject: GIS Training & Outreach Subcommittee

Location: 210 - Meeting Room

Start: Mon 6/11/2012 9:15 AM

End: Mon 6/11/2012 10:30 AM

Organizer: Schafer-Kramer, Jane

Required Attendees: Boggs, Christina; Darin, Gina; Darling, Gary; Erysian, Siran D.; Fernandez, Dana

A; Flackus, Todd K.; Harbaugh, Jason; Jacobson,Marill M.; Matteoli, Jaime;

Moffett, Cynthia; Scavone-Tansey, Marcia; Spanglet, Harry; Springhorn,

Steven; Starr, Robyn N


Jane, Jason, Siran, Dana, Todd, Marcia, Gina

Agenda items


- meeting with Esri staff at the conference

- GIS Welcome Wagon ideas

- Brown Bag Webinars schedule

- GIS Day 2012

- 2013 FY Learning & Service credits


Jane will set up a meeting with Esri rep Tony Lafferty and invite all DWR folks planning to attend the Esri user conference. This meeting is scheduled for July 16 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 210 Resources Building & WebEx. Our Esri training rep Carol Dargatz will not be at the conference so we have agreed to set up a web meeting with after the conference. We’ve been invited to participate in a conference session on developing a training plan for our organization.

As of this meeting, there is one conference pass available – contact Jane if interested. (This has since been claimed by Jon Mulder and we have a waiting list.)

GIS Welcome Wagon ideas: Christina is not in attendance, so let’s postpone this.

Brown Bag Webinars: Steven is not in attendance. Dana will contact Steven to schedule this on DataSpace.

Announcement: Dana will no longer serve on our subcommittee because he has been promoted to the GIS Development unit in DTS.

GIS Day 2012 – Jane will contact David Harris to start planning this all-agency event, tentatively scheduled for November 15 in the Auditorium.

Jason will help with planning. Gina has some contacts with Fish & game, and Jason has some contacts with Conservation.

2013 Learning & Service credits – The contract with Esri has been renewed and we have 200 credits for 200 plus unused credits. We will start discussing plans at our July meeting.

Intro to GIS Classes: There is one scheduled for June 28029 for BDO and DSIWM (jane, Christina, & Aaron Cuthbertson, with assistance from Marcia, Amy Zuber, & Wyatt Pearsall) and another one scheduled for August 8-9 for DES (Gina with assistance from Siran and Pam Lindholm.)


Note: I will be on vacation the two weeks prior to this meeting, returning the day of this meeting, so I

may not get a formal agenda posted until that morning.

Hello ,

Jane Schafer-Kramer invites you to attend this online meeting.

Topic: GIS Training & Outreach Subcommittee

Date: Monday, June 11, 2012

Time: 9:15 am, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00)

Meeting Number: 740 494 685

Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)


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