Subject:Final IRO Meeting Minutes from Sept 18, 2013 meeting

Thanks to everyone who provided comments and edits to these minutes!!

Attendees:Barb Frank, BenManny (delayed by 1 hour), Caspar Helmer, Cheryl Pruss, Julie Peterson, Judy Goodman, Sharon Bernier, Suzanne Boyd, Vicki Valens

Excused: Debbie Watson

Backups Not Attending: Bob Dahlquist (backup for Suzanne), Toni Hallenbeck (on her way out from Folsom and Vicki is new FM rep)

Not in attendance: Abigail Scott NM

Quorum achieved with a minimum of > 50% attendance.

Note: IRO Site Strategy from Barb was sent in previous email

Welcome toJulie Peterson and Vicki Valens

Caspar madethemotion to appoint Julie Peterson as the new IRO Secretary and Judy seconded the motion and all approved. We thanked Caspar for his contributions and support as IRO Secretary!!

Intro: Julie joined Intel in July 1980 as an RCG after5 years of teaching home economics in Portland, Oregon. She started in Santa Clara as a Production Supervisor in Fab 1A and later became the Fab 1 Training Manager and member of Fab 1 Staff. She also was responsible for the redeployment activities for the Fab 1 closure. After Fab 1 she joined Corporate Education and was the Middle Manager PM for the week long Middle, Senior and First Line Manager programs. She then joined the TMG HR Staff as an embedded training manager and traveled to global TMG sites to support new startups and existing sites with corporatetraining and reported to Cheryl Pruss during much of thistime. In the last 5 years, Julie was the Corporate Integration/Onboarding Manager and she developed integration materials, systems and events for our new Intel employees including family events for the US new hires. She retired 9-4-12 after 32 years with Intel and currently lives in Chandler, AZ.

Caspar made the motion to appoint Vicki Valens as the new Folsom Site Coordinator. Judy seconded the motion and all approved.

Intro: Vicki will replace Toni Hallenbeck as the Folsom rep. They are working together on the Folsom dinner. Vicki joined Intel in 1986 and retired in 2006 and worked in Flash and retirement services.

Introduction of other IRO members - note that biosexist on website.

Barb Frank: President ofIROfor 4-5 years. She retired from Intel in 2005 and joined this team in 2006 and built this organization thathas ~ 2200 members! The team provides good support for retirees. She joined Intel in 1976 in Santa Clara and spent 15 years in AZ and last 10 in Folsom, mostly in finance and other assignments as marketing, etc. Barb lives in Aptos, CA. She and Cheryl Pruss are the SC site reps.

Cheryl Pruss: Vice President of IRO and Chair of Health & Benefits. She is very passionate about Health Benefits. She joined Intel in 1973 and retired in 2000. In 2006 she joined the team and worked with the group to getrecognized and accepted as an Employee Group. She was in TMG for 20 years and the Intel HR Director for TMG HR when she retired.

Caspar Helmer: Caspar was part of acquisition of MRI in Austin. He relocated to AZ. In '84 he moved to England with the Systems Group and was in marketingand customer service. He has been in Swindon nearly 30 years. His passion is international and he enjoyed his past role as Secretary. Happy news for Caspar: His son was getting married onSaturday, Sept 21and his daughter was in town from New Zealand with a new baby!!

Judy Goodman: Judy joined Intel in 1988 and retired in 2003. She worked in product marketing in the Development Tools Group and worked in the Enterprise Group in Marketing. She was also in Marketing & Sales Training.In 2005 she joined the retiree group and worked with a focused group in Oregon and tried to work with other sites to become a single organization. She is our Oregon rep and the Web Master with 7 people on her team. She maintains email list of our retirees.

Suzanne Boyd: She became part of Intel in 1998at the DEC site and she is our MA rep and East region. Her experience was in purchasing. She retired in 2005 and now lives in Cape Cod.

Sharon Bernier: Sharon is our AZ rep and is also responsible for the Newsflash/newsletter. She was a Finance NCG in 1978 and retired in 1999 as a Comp Manager. She started her career at Intel in Oregon and ended in AZ

AR Summary:


1.Minutes:Caspar to publish approved Feb 2013 minutes on Board Document area of our website in PDF format; and republish previousminutes in PDF format.

Cheryl made the approval to accept the July meeting minutes. Judy seconded and the minutes were approved.

2.AR Review:

a) Barb sent out the April minutes at the end of July (approved without a vote

b) Footnoteon Intel Support slide for IRO benefits - escalations go to Cheryl as she is the Board Chair for Benefits.. This slideshould just be internal to IRO board members. Barb to follow-up with Tamara on the footnote

c) Ben and IRO business cards - this will be finalized at theMonday 9/23meeting. In process.

d) Site reps for dinners: issues getting speakers atthe retireedinners for Q4. This will also be discussed at the Monday 9-23 meeting with Intel. In process.

e) AR for August IRO team meeting to work on 4 projects/proposals and ask for September meeting - AR Done

f) Ben meets off line with Judy about QR codes: They met and no need to put on Newsflash. It was an interesting idea. It can be done for free but we don't have a necessary need for them. AR Done

g) Cheryl to do major review of Intel Retiree website benefits content - AR Done ~ 8/17. Sent to Judy who was on vacation. Mondaymeetingto discuss web issues with Tamara and Kevin, and a subset of the board, after Judy clarified status of the Intel retiree website with Tamara.

h) Website: Judy to exchange web site stats with IAN. Judy had an info meeting with Mike Pope months ago. Mike told her they had collected money from big contributors to do their website. No areas that are similar in development or content. AR Done

i) Ben to collect board/C'tee member volunteer hours through end of 2012 year and publish. To be published and emailed to board. Ben sent email to Doenene Lockwood about retiree hour reporting. Her reply: The first time a "retiree" submits hours to the online form, they are checked for status and eligibility. As long as they continue to complete the form, the assumption is they are alive; no future checks are completed.

j) Ben to draft guidelines for job postings on our website (status??)

k) How did Tom Innes get in AZ without an escort? Carryforward - not done.

New AR's:

1) Carryover for Barb: How did Tom Innes get in AZ building without an escort?

2) Julie and Vicki: Draft Bio and submit headshot photo to Judy Goodman by 9-25-13. Done

3) Sharon: follow up with Amber about reimagine retirement link that is broke

4) Barb: New add to the October Newsflash: speakers from Kevin and Tamara

5) Judy: Get $30 from Kevin for first month of website increase6) Judy: Copy Julie and Vicki on retirement numbers, by site, if possible

7) Barb: Copy us on the Museum Info she sent. This would be a good introduction package for new board members.

8) All: look at our sections and rest of newsletter when draft is sent out.

9) Barb: Create FAQs on Discounts for next newsletter - vault cards, Verizon

10) Barb: meet with Tamara about footnote.

11) MA will need another member from the design side after the factory closure (design center stays only, Fab closes)

Intel Updateby Barb:

See her email update on the IRO site committee meeting, sent in prior email. Santa Clara will be beta site in Q4 with the other sitesin late Q4-Q1. Caspar will do the international update and pilot with 1-2 sites in Q1.Need to have a meeting prior with Intel for funding for the international sites. Caspar will "profile" each of the manufacturing sites to determine which international sites we will pilot expansion into first. He will evaluate the retiree headcount at each international site,what businesses are on the site(strictly a manufacturing site or multiple business groups?Is there active HR presence on the site today (Philippines)? Is the site still open today?

New AR: MA will need another member from the design side after the factoryclosure. Design center with ~ 800will stay on the site.

Monday Sept 2330-minute Meeting with Intel. Some items to discuss

- IRO site committee strategy

- IRO business card

- IRO recognition proposals

- 2014 Budgets with Intel

Committee Updates

1) Volunteers: Ben - Orgs have to reapply (new policy). Here is his update sent out in a separate email:

A) Doing what I can to help Intel Involved volunteers ensure their organizations have completed the necessary non-discriminatory policy affirmation paperwork

- Fielding mailbox questions (average about 3 per month)

- Posting latest payout reports

- Several Newsflash articles

B) Received first unsolicited question from new retiree about how to connect with volunteer opportunities.

C) Working with Oregon Institute of Technology adjunct professor to clarify technical writing course content reviewer needs and engagement. Found us by surfing the web.

Working with OIT for volunteer opportunities for reviewers to help students with technical writing - he may have it ready for October

2) Benefits: Cheryl - Affordable Care Act in 2014. Retires that are not on Medicare canlook for alternatives to IRMP–we will remind retirees tolook at exchanges in the Newsletter, when we remind them about Intel's Annual Enrollment.She met with Intel about annual enrollment. Intel informed Cheryl that postcards were mailed to homes of retires. (Cheryl subsequently learned that the postcard never went out - so our announcement in the Newsflash was timely and appropriate!)Materials for Annual Enrollment should be in mail by Oct 21 and received by retirees before Oct 28.No big changes to retiree plans. Enrollment is Oct 28-Nov 15. Just FYI only- active employees are getting a reduction in the number of plans.

3) Newsflash: Sharon - 11% increase in membership due to postcards at 2163 members. Lots of questions in the mailbox and a lot of hits to the discount session. Gerry Parker's article was positive! Indicators are sent to comms - things like how many unsubscribers? # hits per article - good stats

Note:Sept 25is next date for October Newsflash which will go outOct 1st

New AR: Julie and Vicki to create a bio and send photo headshot by 9-25 soit can be included in the next Newsflash. Look at previous bios ..send to Judy Goodman. Done

Debbie received video and link was sent to Sharon - reimagine retirement event held in AZ in June and July. Tom Innes panelist. Amber is doing an article for circuit with video. Email Amber about the broken link. When will it hit circuit? Can we coincide with newsflash? Or has it already been published on circuit?

New AR: Sharon to follow up with Amber

New AR: Barb has an add to the Oct Newsflash: speakers from Kevin and Tamara

4) Website: Judy - some changes per communication requested and titles, some restrictions on size.AR: Ping Elyce to post minutes from Casper. Discussed the changes in cost as membership increases. Up to 2000 names were free. Now $30 per month for up to 2500 people. Billed directly to Tamara.

New AR: get $30 from Kevin for first month since she paid it.

Also some discussion on how the search engine works - type in Gerry Parker and the article should pop up.

Questions about the number of retirees per site? AR: Judy to copy Julie and Vicki on the numbers. Done. Judy has membership list if we need them.

5) Communications: Barb covered for Debbie who was on vacation

- Agreement on what to send to the Intel Museum about us. RT 2012 Update, better understanding of our value.

- Charter and bylaws are on our website

- Links to newsflash on the website

- Do we send a second postcard at end of the year? Reminder of volunteer hours. Continue with the annual postcard $300 cost andit boosted membership.

New AR: Barb to copy us on the Museum stuff she sent

- Starter kit or BOD Orientation Kit?

- Newsflash Guidelines - Sharon is revising. Need to follow these!! Especially if you are a contributor.

- Future complex topics (like discounts) - hold a quick meeting or 2nd rev review

New AR: All - look at your own piece and others when Sharon sends it out forfirst review.

New AR: Barb: Create FAQs on Discounts for next newsletter. EX: vault cards, very clearly stated No Verizon Discount

Site Updates

1) Arizona: Sharon - November 12 is the AZ dinner... later date due to snowbirds who go to cooler climates and return in November. Pre-invitations sent. Discussion on door prizes: Costco gift cards are a great deal since you get a discount. Tickets to movie theaters are cheap - you can split up the gift card. Ocotillo gold gift certificates - may get a donation:)Doug Davis is the speaker - VP and will be good! And he was!!!!

2) CA-Bay Area: Barb - October 23 is the new revised date for dinner. Had to reschedule the dinners due to speaker availability

3) Folsom: Vicki - Date for dinner was pushed out to November 6 and it is locked in. Kyle is the speaker and he is qualified BUM speaker and has understanding of business. Future AR: Need to invite Site Committee and HR rep to the dinner

4) International: Caspar - Nothing new for an update. He is waiting for theSite Committee. Discussion about members on FB account. About 197 members and they look like genuine retirees. Current policy is to accept but FB is a closed group with IRO membership required. Must be on mailchimp list.

5) MA: Suzanne - the future is not clear for MA. Downsizing and a closure in the future. Waiting for more information.

6) NM: Abigail is not at this meeting so no update

7) OR: Judy - no speaker for dinner yet...she went to every other month lunch events.

Opens: No opens - meeting adjourned